Are Catholics right about PRAYING to Mary? | Sam Shamoun

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Sam Shamoun Halal Hogan Shamounian explains the basis for praying to mary in the bible and the saints whether they are alive in heaven , if its necromancy , if its idolatry and even the rosary & the way to present your case for this case. Both Catholic and Orthodox have this universal view because it has hold in the bible but here is a video addressing all objections a protestant christians might as about this topic

Passages/Scripture Used in this video from the bible new and old testament : Ephesians 6:9-20 Revelation 5:13 James 5:17 Deuteronomy 18:9-14 1 Timonthy 2:5 Luke 1:28-30 Luke 1:42 Hebrews 12:22-24 Revelation 6:9-11 Luke 16:27-31 Luke 20:27-38 John 8:49-53 John 11:25-26

0:00 Fact about Catholic and Orthodox members
1:29 Praying to Mary biblical?
3:14 Praying for One another
6:21 How can prayers be heard by Mary/Saints?
7:40 How Righteous prayers from Mary/Saints are powerful
8:29 Is praying to Mary necromancy?
10:01 does Praying to Mary contradict 1 Timonthy 2:5?
15:40 Is Rosary Biblical?
19:50 Church in heaven
22:11 Prophets/Apostles/Mary/people being aware what’s happening on earth
27:07 Is Mary /Prophets/Apostles/Saints Dead?
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0:00 Fact about Catholic and Orthodox members
1:29 Praying to Mary biblical?
3:14 Praying for One another
6:21 How can prayers be heard by Mary/Saints?
7:40 How Righteous prayers from Mary/Saints are powerful
8:29 Is praying to Mary necromancy?
10:01 does Praying to Mary contradict 1 Timonthy 2:5?
15:40 Is Rosary Biblical?
19:50 Church in heaven
22:11 Prophets/Apostles/Mary/people being aware what’s happening on earth
27:07 Is Mary /Prophets/Apostles/Saints Dead?

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& Specials Thanks to those who donate through Super Thanks on Youtube❤️ Helps consistency of editing and uploading more frequently with longer videos


Please give all the glory back to Yeshua, The One who willingly suffer, bled, died, then resurrected in substitution for the Father's wrath, only Him I'll acknowledge as the Only Way. Amen. 🙏


Y'all can pray to Mary if you want... But I will continue to pray to the Father through Christ Jesus.


1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God, and ONE mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus"


There are no scriptures that support praying to anyone other than God.


***Im no longer taking the time to check/read the comments left under my comment as there’s too much constantly coming in and I’ve gotten my answer elsewhere :) if you leave a comment specifically for me, it will be unread by me but others will see it, thanks****

If I keep getting pinged I will just remove my comment.

… this is the first time Sam seems to be … not making a connection in my opinion. The bible is clear we pray through Christ. Christ is our only way to God The Father. He literally says he is the way and no one can get to the Father but through him. We can pray for each other yes I understand that, but none of the verses Sam is giving supports his claim of praying TO saints/Mary. Nor did Christ show that.

I understand they can pray FOR us. I just want to make it clear what I’m saying, how does what Sam is saying implies we pray TO the saints. If Sam is trying to imply we can pray and ask Christ for the saints to pray FOR us then ok I understand but that isn’t being made clear. What I’m getting clear is everyone is able to pray for one another. Yes.
I get the saints are in heaven etc. but that has nothing to do with praying to them.
We go through Christ as the Bible states. In the Bible I’ve read where everyone (in a general sense ) has been praying to God for everything. Where is anyone praying to saints after Christ was resurrected ? I’m not here to debate, I’m here to see anyone that is making sense of what Sam is saying.


What’s the difference of praying to Mary, and praying to Muhammad.. this is dumb sorry Sam . But I don’t believe you on this one


No one can get to the Father except through me - Jesus ( not saints and mary)


Deuteronomy 18:10-11

10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead…. The last line being the key one.


All praises to the most high.. the father, the son, and holy spirit


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, rely not on your own understanding, remember Him in everything you do and He will show you the right way.


Matthew 6:9
"This, then, is how you should pray: "'OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, hallowed be your name, ....


Pray to Our Father through Jesus Christ and ONLY Jesus Christ.


I agree with sam while debating Muslims but justifying idolatry and false teachings of Catholicism nope. 👎


Sam in no way showed praying to Mary was biblical. There is no other MEDIATOR that Christians can get thru to the Father. Only JESUS! Mary is not a MEDIATRIX to the Father. He's twisting this verse about Saints.


No . Its idol worship.
Only through Jesus can we get to the Father.
Praying to Mary is putting her above Jesus.
Mary did not die on the cross. Jesus did.
Do not pray to no one but the Lord and our Father in heaven..


But Christ says - I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.


"To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant." John Henry Cardinal Newman

What worries me is how, because of this lack of history and their own personal interpretations, the Protestant movement has grown to more than 30, 000 denominations - each professing to know better than the other.


Sam always brings the heat for Jesus ! I love your ministry . God bless, and peace be with you brother .


I never read Christ praying to Mary. Christ is our intercessor, no one else. Yes we pray for 1 another here in the living. To pray for & to is different
