Do Catholics worship statues? Are they committing idolatry?

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Catholics love having beautiful catholic art in their homes such as statues, pictures, and paintings. It's a part of their identity. Unfortunately, they get accused of worshipping those statues, pictures, and paintings. In this video, I discuss this topic and answer whether or not Catholics are committing idolatry by possessing them. Hope you learn something! #catholic #idolatry #statues #catholicism

My name is Joshua AKA The Catholic Marine.
I served 9 years in The U.S. Marine Corps during which I was deployed to Afghanistan.
God blessed me with a beautiful wife and 5 wonderful children.
I attend the Traditional Latin Mass.
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Even Jesus himself expreses himself in an image for example the bread to mean his body, proving that he was the vine, light, and way to the father


It’s really interesting how protestants do not believe in the real presence and they think it’s symbolic even though John 6 is very clear. And when something is truly symbolic, they equate it with idol worship. Truly interesting how the demonic puts scales on people’s eyes.


Anyone who says that Catholics "worship" statues are seriously uninformed. They most likely never met, let alone talked to a Catholic. Sounds like blind followers from some sort of false pastor teacher.


this channel gives more real answers than "Catholic Answers". OUTSTANDING.


Statues serve as a symbols. It help other religion to recognize Catholic. It represent Faith of one person.

It was written in the Bible that God asked someone to make statues of 2small angel to be place in the "ALTAR" SO IS IT WRONG REGARDING STATUE BEING PLACE INSIDE THE CHURCH AND ACCUSING CATHOLIC for disobeying God ?? Where are their brain..they are only good in accusing Catholic for it is the "TRUE RELIGION " MY RELIGION 💜💜💜


i understand where you are coming from as I am quite conflicted on this topic. The problem I have with the images is how do we know that is what Jesus looked liked. Historically after the death of the original apostles of Jesus, there were no drawings or descriptions of his appearance. We know that after the acceptance of christianity by Constantine, Christianity became heavily influenced by a lot of pagan traditions. There are lots of theories that alot of this drawings and paintings were inspired by deities already being worshipped at that time. so if they were inspired by them doesn't that leave a blemish on those images. I'm just looking for answers, I don't want any arguments or fights.


➨ BOWING as a sign of honour / respect:
● JOSHUA 7:6: 6 Joshua & the elders of Israel tore their clothing and lay prostrate (face down on the ground) before the Ark of the Lord. (an OBJECT)
●1 KINGS 2:19 Solomon bows to his Mother. (a human being)


When Catholic keep statues of saints, it is idolatry. When protestants keep photos of their loved ones, it is not idolatry.

When Catholics pray to saints, it is sin. But when protestants talk to their loved ones in the cemetery, it is fine.


having been Roman Catholic I can tell you they do A stations of the cross and kissing the feet of the Jesus statue. that is all. Why don't we ask this person why the Secnd Commandment is removed from the Roman Catholic Bible and the 10th one is split in 2?


I am a Protestant, you answered the question with good biblical references. Loved it!

Very good articulation


Joshua: you are much more than a great Marine, you have a gift from God to explain the Faith! Thank you!


Not just have them my whole family kneels, kisses and prays to them also seen them get on their faces!!!

This sounds like worship to me brother.


Many Protestants particularly the evangelical fundamentalist kind lack the common sense to understand scripture in the right perspective. Use of idols for legitimate religious uses except for 'worship' is simply a matter of common sense. In fact, we cannot worship God without creating images of him in our minds and thoughts. When we think of God, the latter appears in our thoughts in various images. Since we know God is a loving Father, the image of a father is quite natural and human. God cannot be worshipped in an empty head. To be a Catholic is to follow reason and common sense apart from faith.


Why do all the Catholic websites listing the Ten Commandments never list the second commandment in Exodus 20:3?
They skip over Exodus 20:3 regarding graven images and then split the last commandment in two to make up for skipping verse 3, so there can be Ten Commandments.
Exodus 20:3 forbids graven images (statues)
Skipping over Exodus 20:3 provides the green light for statues.
Not trying to argue, just pointing out what the Roman Catholic Church did, friend. It’s in there.

Have you ever wondered *why* you feel compelled to have to explain and defend the things the Catholic Church does? Such as the rosary, graven images, etc. Friend, there’s a reason you’re having to Convince your viewers why Catholicism isn’t so bad…
Have you ever read the 95-theses that Martin Luther nailed to the Catholic Church door? You can Google them. I’m Southern Baptist and I’ve never had to explain why as you do being Catholic. Just asking these questions of you in love.


The Shroud was left to us by Jesus Himself.
All thanks and praise be to God.


It is wrong and it is idolatry to have statues and images.

Having statues and images is lack of awareness of God's omnipresence.
(Exodus 20:4-6 is also God's word)

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and PRAY TO YOUR FATHER, WHO IS UNSEEN. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


Religious art brings people into the church to learn more what they represent for sure


Great explanation about Statues that we as Catholics do not worship.


LORD GOD the FATHER commanded ["COMMANDED"] to make an ALTAR of STONES molded with plaster without using a chisel or sharp tool. EXODUS 20;25, DEUTERONOMY 27;4-5. The Eternal Heavenly FATHER said that HE will only descend down to earth between Stone-STATUES of holy things in order to talk to man [in general]. EXODUS 25;8, 22. NUMBERS 7;89. DEU 5;24. Statues of holy ones are LIVING STONES, WITNESSES of the words of God, and WITNESSES of the words and deeds of man. JOSHUA 24;27. / However, Israelites misunderstood what are holy statues, instead, they made the statue of BAAL golden cow, a sex idol, EXODUS 32;1-6 NUMBERS 25;1-3. [They thought holy for them means what is important for them?] Plus, they also made the statue of MOLECH half goat, an idol of child abuse/curse, JEREMIAH 16;22, 32;25, DEU 29;16. inflicted on their children and their children's children to the point that they cannot anymore reverse the curse of Molech! / Then, women Israelites found the Saint specifically: the QUEEN of Heaven [Most probably because only She can tell them Her Name]. JEREMIAH 44;17-18. But, however, they adored Her with [the idols/statues of] their ancestors [Baal and Molech], JEREMIAH 19;5, 32;35, and with their Princes, Princesses, and Kings, and then, they were arrogant to insist on what they liked in the Face of GOD, LEVITICUS 24;15-16, which angered LORD GOD and took away, CUT OFF, the HERITAGE of the House [of Sanhedrin group of 70 Elders/ Rabbis, NUMBERS 24;11, ISAIAH 9;13-15] of Israel including taking away of their TEMPLE, EZEKIEL 24;16, 21, 25, and they cannot anymore consult nor represent Lord GOD forever. JEREMIAH 12;6-7, 11;14, 14;11-12. EZEKIEL 20;3. 20;3 ["EZEKIEL 20;3"]. But, then, even if the Sanhedrin was dissolved, still they kept emerging on every Burnt Offerings x centuries, REVELATION 13;3, and the Speaker of Sanhedrin arrogantly stated that they will have their own messiah as long as it is beside or except JESUS CHRIST, and NO to the TRINITY! "Third Temple" by RISE or R$E, 2018-2019. Epistle 1-JOHN 2;22 =/aka Little HORN, DANIEL 7;8, = "Lawless one" be revelaed. 2-THESSALONIANS 3-4. DANIEL 9;26-27. See also, "ISRAEL [officially] SETS ONE WORLD GOVT" [1WG]. ISRAELI NEWS LIVE 02-25-2023. In another video, the Rabbis were urging Pres NETANYAHU, 1WG, to proclaim their new messiah, however, the Rabbis were still fighting against each other on who will be the messiah among them;. Israeli News Live. DANIEL 9;26-27. / Because of all those unfortunate things especially that Israel cannot anymore reverse the curse of Molech, then, the only way ISRAEL can restore their Heritage is to FOLLOW the LAST INSTRUCTIONS of LORD GOD the FATHER; that is, for them to LOOK/FIND HIM no less than a "GOD" in the PERSON of Lord JESUS CHRIST GOD MESSIAH, ISAIAH 54;5, in the place/Nation/Church with royal/holy virgin/unblemished PRIESTS, the Holy ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH [RC], 1-PETER 2;9, REVELATION 14;3-4. ISRAEL has to SUMMON the RC, ISAIAH 55;5, in order to be BLESSED out of the curse of Molech [by Exorcism to take OFF all the curses of their idols, ZECHARIAH 13;1-6.] Only then, they will be able to take their Heritage back. JEREMIAH 12;15. ZEPHANIA 3;11, 15. They have to be careful NOT to offend LORD GOD the FATHER anymore even with arrogant words. DANIEL 7;9-11. [Ancient One is GOD the FATHER, will come at 3DD. Three Days of Darkness. REVELATION 8;12]. / Very Impt: To ALL: Pls read your BIBLE. HOSEA 6;6. It is the Seal on the foreheads of the people of God. REV 9;4. JOHN 6;27. There is a Plenary Indulgence in reading the Bible. Fr Chris Alar.


I love the Christmas season. It’s the one time of year Protestants have no problem with statues of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
