Why do Catholics have images/statues?

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Why do Catholics have images and statues? Does this not go against God's commandments? Are we disobeying God by having these statues? Watch this for a brief explanation.
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For the same reason that someone in love has a photograph of his or her sweetheart, looks at it, kisses it, etc. But the person knows perfectly well that the picture is not the sweetheart, while deeming it precious because the image awakens the love of the beloved.


Jesus said I AM the Way the truth and the Life.


Iam a catholic but i never worshipped saints


why do i need a picture of my wife to kiss and hug, if my wife is there by my side? why do you need an image of God, if God is there? something to think. hehehe


This video fails to mention the 7th Ecumenical council, the 2nd Council of Nicaea of the yr 787 A.D. which is a council both recognized by the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches. This council has recognize that holy icons and statues are not heretical. Worship alone is reseved to the Most Holy Trinity, it is not wrong to pay honour and respect to the saints through their images, and to deny the depiction of Christ as a human being through iconography is the denial of the incarnation of the Word into flesh


"Protestants vs. Catholics" does not produce the righteousness of God. Love your neighbor as yourself.


How shame! You misinterpreted everything! God never allowed us to make any graven images nor idolize!


But why did we bow down to those images and statues the ten commanements also saids: "thou shalt not bow thyself to them nor serve them"


There is a difference between images, and images for idolatry.... the angels of the ark for example are not for idolatry...


I would like to share with you part of my testimony...(as it's too long to post here) the time when God delivered me out of roman catholicism, God showed me, thru dreams, the reasons why God forbade us from having graven images /statues! Here's part of my testimony....

" I was especially fond of this one big special picture of Jesus which was so amazing...most beautiful and loving face of our Lord Jesus. I bought the picture from Medjugorje (Yugoslavia)! The face of Jesus in that picture, was incredible...as His eyes looked so alive and most loving! I pasted it on the glass window (altar) above the ledge in one of my room which I used as my altar room! However one day, about 8 years ago, (counting from the time I wrote this testimony)...I had an extremely strange dream about that picture!

In my dream, I was kneeling in front of the picture, praying to God while looking at the beautiful face of Jesus; when suddenly the picture, became like smoky; then...when the smoke dissipated, I got a shock of my life because instead of seeing the face of Jesus, it was the face of satan I was looking at and he was looking at me with such fierce countenance...with total hatred and anger...almost like he wanted to rip me apart...then frantically, I just kept Then once again the picture became smoky...and it was back to the face of Jesus; after which I immediately woke up from that horrifying dream and wondered what on earth all that meant! I decided to shrug it off, thinking that it meant nothing...just a silly old dream and thought nothing of it! (I'll continue more later about the meaning of that dream which Jesus revealed to me, eight years later...counting from the time I wrote

back to the dream I had before, Jesus put it back into my memory, (which at that time did not make any sense to me...but it sure did now! The Lord spoke in my spirit and explained to me: "This is why I gave the Command, not to have any kind of graven image, statue, idol or picture of anything or anyone...nor bow to them... because satan and his demons are the ones that occupy and hide themselves inside and behind all these idols...from the start satan longed for worship and he will do anything to deceive mankind by masquerading into someone heavenly or sent by Me!"


It really was a big and major work for me...clearing all the catholic stuffs in my home...! It literally took all my energy and a period of time for me to accomplish them! I managed to destroy all the idols, pictures, etc except for two statues of angels, about 1 and ½ feet tall each! They were truly so beautiful...white with silver glitters all around their wings and body!" Since they looked so beautiful (and harmless), I decided to keep them above my living room cabinet just as decoration...one on each side! They looked really stunning up there and I justified my actions by convincing myself, that they mean nothing more than just as decoration!" Shortly after that, I went on a trip (as I travel much in my job) and while away from my home, I had this dream...!" In my dream I was looking and admiring those 2 beautiful angel statues above my cabinet; however all of a sudden, they became alive and no longer looked like the two beautiful statue angels but they were 2 disgusting looking demons! They looked at me and with authoritative voices said "We have legal rights to live in here!" I immediately woke up after hearing those words and was shocked at what I saw and heard in my dream!

I just couldn’t wait to get back home and so the moment I got home, before anything else, I grabbed my hammer and a garbage bag, took down those 2 angel statues (which now I looked at them with pure loathsome) and while praying the prayer of authority, I smashed the 2 idols really hard and quickly disposed them out of my home; only after which could I truly feel relaxed and experienced God's true PEACE in my home!

See...the many demons we allow to live in our homes...just by being ignorant of God's Word and Commands, we just don't realize how many blessings the enemy is snatching and stealing from us by living in disobedience to God’s Commands!
John 10:10, "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life!”

This is what God's Word says... God commanded us not to have any idols of any kind as it's written in…

Deuteronomy 4:15-(A Warning against Idolatry)"But be very careful! You did not see the LORD's form on the day he spoke to you from the heart of the fire at Mount Sinai. 16 So do not corrupt yourselves by making an idol in any form—whether of a man or a woman...!"

Also in Deut 4:23-24" Do not make idols of any shape or form, for the LORD your God has forbidden this. 24 The LORD your God is a devouring fire; he is a jealous God!”

Isaiah 42:8 –“ I am the LORD: that is My Name: and My Glory will I not give to another, neither My Praise to GRAVEN IMAGES!"



Deuteronomy 27:15

““Cursed is anyone who makes an idol—a thing detestable to the Lord, the work of skilled hands—and sets it up in secret.” Then all the people shall say, “Amen!””


Even though i knew these things before...it is very nice to see true catholic teachings being made available to everyone through easy and attractive bless you allison


1 John 2:1-29

My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: ...


Catholic church has been and still is under attack for any reason haters find fit to serve their agenda. The Lord Jesus don't want us to worship idols. Do you understand which idols are targeted: The pagan idols that don't represent or hint to God. Even Moses when returned back with ten commandments and found out that people had made a statue and turned again to worshiping idols. An image of Jesus, Mary, Angels or Saints is not what meant in the commandment. So get over it attackers and love each others as Jesus asked you to. No one is more Christian than another except by his love to Jesus and following his teachings.


but ark of covenant only moses is the 1 comanded not us ppl


God commanded Moses to make the statue for healing those bitten. Where did God command you to create mother Mary image. The thing is those people were commanded by God himself and Catholics commanded themselves.


Christ is the only image of the invisible God made known to us! He is the exact representation of God! We need no other images #SolusChristos


the Catholic God and or god's are idol's, statue's, and graven image's, man made trash, junk, and garbage tear it down said God the Jehovah .


If the God tell you to do it means u can do it..but if God dint tell u to do it, don't try to do it..that simple.


God commanded it. Not Moses or Solomon. He has ecclesiastical authority over any and all things.

His creations don't. But graven images are just the tip of the false doctrinal iceberg. The word of God patently rejects the Roman Catholic Cult.
