30 Minute Guided Meditation for Mindfulness

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In this 30 min guided meditation for mindfulness, you'll receive prompts for your attention on your breath as well as regular reminders to get out of overthinking, distractions, and get back to focusing and being mindful. This 30 minutes practice is voice only and without music.

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Hope you enjoyed this longer practice. How did you feel at the end of the practice? Better? Worse? The same? Let us know :)


For the last minute he said to let the mind do what it wants. So I waited for the mind to go off on a tangent but it never did. Once I told my mind it is okay to wander, it didn't. Unlike the rest of the practice where I had monkey mind. I just had to allow my mind some freedom instead of trying to control it. Anyone else have this? Very interesting.


Been doing this daily for 5 weeks straight. Never missed a day. My chronic anxiety is better, thoughts don’t race as much, sleep is better and I am more calm.

I’ve always wanted to develop a meditation practice but just couldn’t commit longer than 2-3 days.

This format is perfect for me. Thank you.


I love this meditation, not too much talking, the exact amount and it gives you time to focus on yourself. Love it. Thank you so much to the creator/s of this meditation


really appreciate the long pauses. just enough to give you a little scare jump back into focus when you realize you forgot you were meditating. It allowed me to not fall asleep in my chair. Lots of other things with music just make me fall asleep. great work.


I came from the 10-minutes mindfulness / focus meditation guide you made and have been using that for the past 3 weeks. I decided to do 30-minute meditation now everyday and this is my first time doing it and will be using this guide everyday. There was many times that my mind wandered but I was able to finish the meditation and I felt great I didn't even feel 30 minutes pass by. My willpower is still weak and I am on the path of strengthening my willpower so I can control my thoughts and remove negativity. I am also doing meditation to stop fapping and it is really hard to stop but I want to become a better person and a successful person in life, in order to do that I have to remove these negative thoughts, bad habits such as fap, wasting time when I wake up 3:30AM in the morning and dont do much daily. I will leave another comment next month and I will make sure that I have stronger willpower by that time.


Wow this meditation actually made me do it longer without the distractions of any background musics. Thanks


It went faster than I expected for my first time doing 30 min.


Thank you. I appreciated the amount of silence between prompts.


This was my first session ever, I knew about the positive effects of meditation, but after this I'm just seeing the world differently. It's just calmer, and cleaner. I'm going to start doing it everyday and replying below to log my progress every day. Respect from 🇦🇱.


Best meditation for anxiety 👌👏
The best way is to just observe the thoughts and feelings and appreciate them rather than trying to control or pushing it away
Ours is a monkey mind
What we try to push will bounce back
So just be it
The best part is no distraction of music


I have been meditating regularly for about six months. I have better results with guided exercises than with unguided. However, over time I have found that the amount of guidance that works for me has lessened. This meditation has the perfect amount of guidance for me at this point in my meditation journey, as do the other Declutter The Mind exercises I have tried. I also think the lack of music or other sounds also helps my meditation. Even though meditations with music or sounds seem to be very soothing I think they keep me from becoming as relaxed or aware as these. So far Declutter The Mind meditations produce the best results (for me) of any that I have tried. I look forward to trying more Declutter The Mind exercises. Thank you so much for producing these!


I've been doing meditations for quite a while now.
There are many days i don't do them, but now i was so anxious, i just wanted to go somewhere else in my mind...

I've commited to 30 minute meditation and it helped, i've lost the feeling of time and now when i think about it,
It passed really fast, thank you.

I feel much better now, you're doing amazing stuff!


Very nice/relaxing and not clutered with extra unnecessary instructions, music, or noises. This is one of the better guided MM that is 30m long.


Did this meditation first thing on a beautiful sunny morning sat in my garden with nature waking up all around me.I couldn't ask for a better start to the day.Thank you so much!❤


Thank you, I’ve never really got this before due to my wondering mind but you knew just when to remind me of bringing my focus back to my breathing. I also love how you broke down the thinking/thoughts of the breath with the rise and fall and pausing of the breath, really helped keep my focus along with the counting of the breath. I also liked the quiet time where you allowed us to be quiet within ourselves for a while and again, you somehow knew just how long to leave us for. Thank you for not selling out and not interrupting this lovely session with adverts, really appreciated. I feel like my body feels weightless and every cell in my body feels relaxed and I feel totally chilled and ready to face the day.


I really enjoy that it didn’t have any music or anything. The little bit of touching base/talking he did was a great way to stay grounded while allowing focus on the breath. This is the longest guided meditation video I’ve ever used and it feels like it was five minutes. Definitely will use again


2020 wasn't an easy year. It was necessary to learn to deal with something new and challenging, which questioned our life and the relationships we have with people. For 2021, I ask for more peace, hope and health. Let a year come of light.


This is the best guided meditation on Youtube. Enough gaps between the prompts to let the mind wander, acknowledge and bring it back to the breath. Thanks! Keep creating more


This was awesome! Lovely voice and I especially enjoyed the extended periods of silence. Had to keep myself from falling asleep a few times, but this was just what I needed right now. Thank you!
