How narcissist get REVENGE on others

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Narcissists want vengeance on people that hurt them or do them wrong. Narcissistic people deal with shame very poorly and they seek revenge on perceived slights. Narcissists want to get back at you and others that do they wrong or people that think that have done them wrong. There is no time limit on this revenge and some will lose their minds.

On episode 990 of the Narcissists Code, I go into great detail about the revenge that narcissists seek on others. Make sure to subscribe for more videos.

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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The hole they dig for you will be the one they fall into 🕳️


A narcissist may start the battle but they will ALWAYS lose the WAR 💥


We can't stop an unselfaware narcissist hurting us, but we can definitely walk away


So the narc is jealous of their associates due to having shame.In their heads they say, " I'm a piece of trash and you are so lucky you are not so I'm going to spoil your happiness and make you understand what it is to be me.A miserable, lonely, unloved, cold creature."


Stay positive and pour into you spiritually, mentally, physically no matter how someone feels about you or talk about you


My dad's ex literally filed 26 police reports against him when he went no contact. He had a protective order against her because she had tried to unaIive him so the cops wrote them all off as unsubstantiated but CPS still had to investigate because some of her claims involved my little siblings. It was wild. Idk how she didn't get arrested for wasting police resources.


It's so funny (not funny) that they wanna hold u accountable like they some sort of authoritative figure, yet they NEVER wanna be had ACCOUNTABLE for their own actions !!!! 🤔🤔🤔🤔🙄🙄🙄


My ex covert narcissist is upset that I won’t chase him! That’s insane he ran from me because I discovered his nasty, undercover secrets. In his mind I should adore him no matter what he does. He’s totally insane.


I dealt with a narcissistic female, and she blew up at me and cut me off abruptly. I was relieved. Actually, for about a year, I wanted out, but having had a taste of her character, I did not want to say to her that we need to part ways. I waited for her to do it, and I still think I did it right considering her personality. I never felt like a failure. I felt like thanking God! I mean it.


How dare you tell them out loud the stuff you both know they did to you? How dare you leave them after years of abuse with no change? Five years later. No contact. The efforts continue.


Revenge is a waste of time, but sometimes you have to treat people the way they treat you, since most of humanity nowadays walking a sleep


Yes, during the entirety of my childhood my father was pretty set on destroying me. He did not like me saying anything different than what he thought. Unpleasant to say the least. Why would anyone want to do that to a child, or a child that grows into an adult?!!


My ex narc waited 15 years after I broke up with him, to seek revenge on me. He seriously held a deep need to punish me for that long.


Leaving them so they take accountability ... THIS‼️🎯


💯💯💣 my narc older brother still talk about revenge on people 30yrs ago!😂


It is okay now - I can deal with it. But I never imagined that a person can be so cruel - now I know. And it clearly showed that there was no love in any way. Because nobody stabs their love-on in the back and shows such a disgusting behaviour. Abusing, controling, betraying - all that things are not love - NEVER.


You know Lee 16 months NC divorcing him he wants everything and alimony turned kids against me! But everyday I’m getting stronger being out of the toxicity healing enjoying me, can’t thank you enough for your education and strength I receive from you! It has changed my life!💪💪💪😘😘 your my favorite Narc!


Preaching is the repetition of the word 🙌🏽✨. We need reminders & updates ❤️


Omg! I so wish he felt like I wasn’t worth anything to him. I can’t get him to leave me alone. He cheated on me, lied, stoke, abused me emotionally so bad and financially. He MARRIED another narcissist just like him, yet he STILL won’t leave me alone! Smears me, threatens me in every way, and is begging to see me all the time. When I say hell no, he goes crazy. Oh and the wife (the ex he cheated on me with) has him on drugs and drinking so bad now… so he’s even crazier! They BOTH stalk me, obsess over me, harass me. I want nothing to do with them. I’m just working my butt off trying to get enough money to move far away and hide.
Why all of this? Because I “hurt him” by dumping him. I’m just so tired of all if it. Truthfully, they both probably just need a good old fashioned butt whooping.


That sounds what I did to the ex. Ooh well, they freaking hurt me and lied. Now they hate me. They want me to suffer.
