9 Signs You Are More Awake Than You Think

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9 Signs You Are More Awake Than You Think.

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"Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength" by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :


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#SlightlyBetter #Personality #Spirituality #Empaths




10 Behaviors People Don't Realize They Display Because They're Spiritually Awake:

11 Signs Your Personality Is So Strong That It's Intimidating To Others:


Humans grow as they evolve. We're always changing and growing throughout our life. Some people can grow and transform, and surely, it's to be the better version of ourselves. We can reach a new level of consciousness and spiritual awakening. Some people, sadly, won’t. They would be stuck because they refuse any changes.

When people grow and change, they have their own stage. Some people may experience spiritual awakening early in their lives, while some experience it later. We have our own path and time so it won’t be uniform from one person to another.

But what if you are actually more awake than you realize? What if you are doubtful about your own progress, but you are actually ready for the transformation? There are some signs that you can spot if you pay attention to it. If you're willing to open your eyes and your mind, these signs are pretty obvious. Don’t ignore them as they can help you get prepared for the next changes.

Please watch the rest of the video to see all lists ...
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I’m really glad I clicked on this video, I was such a different person 6 weeks ago. Had a mental breakdown and it saved my life, I’m a different person with a whole lot more work to do


We are all growing and evolving in this beautiful journey when we are more conscious, more aware than we've ever being, feeling sensitive and being so much more empathetic towards others, feeling compassion and having the need to help and spread love and kindness.... we are on the path of awakening or just awake ♡


I'm awake. The things that I used to believe to be true, no longer are. I am alone, but I am alone by choice, and I'm not lonely. I actively look to help people who look like they need help, and I can see deception a mile away. Even though I am 41 years old, I believe that I am just beginning my journey. I was asleep most of my life. I feel like a child with a new understanding.


1. You Have Wider Horizons.
2. Regular Routine Is Boring.
3. A Sense of Freedom.
4. You Separate Yourself.
5. Social Projects Excite You More.
6. Heightened Senses.
7. You Are (More) Confident.
8. ’I’ Isn’t Your Focus.
9. No One Can Stop You.


I made myself a promise .When God bought me back this time iam not going down that road again


Oh this is me. I am a self-partrner... I love my alone time and also love to know many things... Multipotentilite...oh thank you


I dislike showing me off people, I hate lies, I love nature.Also I like learning from art to science, never been tired


Funny and TRUE . This entire universe is undergoing a CHANGE. From what we see in the sky to what we see in our Soul. The storms on Saturn to the the crust of our 🌎. So many people are coming Awake. Knowing this physical place is only a very small part of it all.


Good video. I've always been an old soul. I think it's always important to continually grow and learn. Only a wise person knows that they do not know everything. Love and light to everyone-especially those that need it xxx


My mom taught me a lot of this when I was a little girl. She was years ahead of her time and wise and extremely smart. She was born in 1918 and wore slacks and a silk shirt while all the other women were still wearing dresses


Thank You for taking the time to list these 9 signs of being more awake than you thought. It definitely resonates, with me.
I know that I have been shedding my old me, and realizing my perspectives of things is so different . I know the Awakening process, is not an easy thing to go through, but it changes you in so many ways. I no longer care what others think about me, and haven’t for quite sometime. I am more interested in learning more about things of my core interests. From the time I was really little( 5 years old), I had a way of focusing on Healing . I believe that to be my Purpose. When Drs give up on people, I Help them by making proper changes and have watched them change with their attitude as they see how they heal, from many different types of health issues.
Blessings upon you, for giving me further insight of Truth for myself. 🙏🏼😘💖


This is me!
I look like a"loner". . But I always think about other & what I can do to help others. I am not rich .. in fact I live on only child support and a part time job, but I have signed up to host a exchange student !
I spend time Praying & thinking of how I can help others ! I have a good heart... I don't follow the crowd, I never have !


Omg the universe has sent me this .
I'm undergoing each and every thing said in the video, past 3 months.
Thank you for wonderful video.


I have having experienced all of them 😊
Thank you for this kind information god bless you ❤❤❤


I know I'm going through my awakening, I have been for awhile, but these videos are great as another reassurance - I've experienced all 9!


Thanks for this video.I really needed this now..


I’m awake and aware. I’m tired and sleepy though. Yesterday I spent the whole day giving out food to the needy. It was very rewarding. After the first wave of people I took a walk and found more hungry children. One thing happened quite a few years ago that made me realize I was being more of an adult. I found myself literally chasing a Senator down the sidewalk just to meet him. I have met celebrities and they are just people. I can’t imagine asking for someone’s autograph or anything. The senator gave me his card, no huge deal.


Thank u so much ...become enlightened without being superpower🙏


Thank you I know myself better through you.


What an uplifting "wonderful" loving video series ! This particular video Rang True. Made me remember and know to realization fast. Love the greatness, Thank You. . ...👍
