N.T. Wright is N.T. Wrong

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N.T. Wright has been one of the most towering intellectual figures in Christian thought for the last 40 years. Dr. Wright is infamously known for promoting a theological position known as the New Perspective on Paul which has been heavily criticized by conservative Christians. In this video, I’ll be providing a very cursory glance at some of this theology.
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All I'm getting out of this comments section is that if someone's not a Calvinist and quoting JM constantly, they are a heretic 🤦‍♂️


You should do a video on the "Hebrew Roots" movement.


If you've really read NT wright... you would know that this is not the case. Read NT in its world.


I have listen to hours and hours of N.T. Wright, and this video is a terrible representation of what Wright says. Wright constantly says the Gospel and Paul are about us being saved. What he says it’s NOT about, is humans leaving earth to live in some distant (epicurean) heaven as disembodied souls. He says it’s not about us going to heaven, it’s about heaven and earth coming together.


It s misunderstanding of n.t wright..he believes that faith which Produced works is required for justication.
And we are not justified so we can escape this Earth.
Rather to live on this Earth to reconcile the brokenness..
Traditional Christian thinking has done lot of damage focussing on heaven..making us so insensitive to the problems and suffering of fellow ppl.
N.t wright teachings helped us to be more obedient to God.
By believing in faith which should produce works .


Why anyone would want to trade the good news of the gospel, where salvation is a free gift, attained through the blood of Christ in which we are justified and accredited with HIS righteousness and are firmly held in God’s hand out of which we cannot be snatched, For a works righteousness salvation which can be lost and is incumbent upon ourselves and our “good” works to maintain?


I remember reading this book my first semester at a seminary that is connected to the N.A.R. I was a new believer and didn't have the understanding that I do now, and didn't even know what I was reading was heresy. I can't help but wonder how many other students have read this over the years, taking away from it something that is utter heresy. Im grateful God opened my eyes and led me to sound teaching. Thank you for another great video, brother!


Being branded as with a prestige title such as a "Theologian" that's not mean someone have proper Theology.


Johnny Mac - I chuckled quietly to myself!!! 🤭


no doubt a brilliant mind, Mr Wright is. I am reading his book Paul A Biography, and he articulates so precisely the zeal Saul had and where it came from...but if you miss out the "Cross" which Paul himself yells out time and time again (i belive Paul is the author of the book of Hebrews) you miss out everything, all your work, wisdom and time is like water slipping through the hand–only the Gospel remains.


great video This is something I too have spent a lot of time researching. In my opinion Wright is one of the major players that is going to lead a large portion of evangelicals back to Rome.


I commend you on getting Tom Wright closer to the truth than John Macarthur. Unfortunately John Macarthur is theologically ignorant and is unable to understand Wright's position. On Tom Wright he has changed some of his positions from his earlier book "What Paul really said". But you summarize that book somewhat well. WELL DONE
There are other biblical scholars, Scot McKnight, Mathew Bates who have indeed developed the gospel themes in the same direction as Wright. More recently the Biblical scholar John Barclay has modified what Wright has said as to see Martin Luther as using Paul inventively to critique his medieval Catholicism, in that way we can welcome both Luther and Wright into different cultural settings. I'd recommend John Barclays talks and two books on Grace for an augmentated Reformed view on it all.
Most who have studied this see it's a lot more complex than seems. But one thing is certain John Macarthur is just ignorant, you are not.
I'd recommend you listen to Mathew Bates "Gospel Precisely" on YouTube.


If i hear the "N.T. Wright is wrong" joke one more time...


Another great video! Cant wait to see who's next on the "solid pastor" list/countdown!


Imagine, John MacArrhur saying someone else’s writings are a mass of confusing ambiguity, contradiction and obfuscation. Lol.


Imagine my shock. Another "preacher" messing up the scriptures and interpreting it the way he wants it to be. Sad times we are in


NT Wright is right. MacArthur blatantly lied on NT Wright.


I have to admit that Tom Wright does obscure certain truths. He even brings complication rather than elucidation.


Unsubscribed. I know you don’t care and people can pile on this comment. I’m not leaving this out of anger, malice, and saying you evil. MacArthur, and you by way of sharing this clip, is building a straw man against NT. Have you actually, read NT yourself?

Wright does not reject penal substitution. He claims it is part of the gospel… it is not however the gospel. Jesus was more than a scapegoat on the cross. NT has spend a great deal exploring what Jesus did for us on the cross. Saying he doesn’t “believe” in something because he’s says it isn’t the whole story doesn’t make him wrong. Christus Victor is so obvious throughout scripture. NT just happens to be pointing it out.

I wish you the best, brother. Calling out true heresy is absolutely needed, and you do well in so much of you work. I unfortunately will have to part ways on this one.


I've heard similar "not so good news" gospels proclaimed before, most prominent among those bring Jehovah Witnesses. Hebrew Israelism is also about obedience, but they essentially reject the entire New Testament, including the Messiah.
