What NT Wright Gets Wrong About Cognitive Dissonance

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Bad title: this states NT Wright's argument, but doesn't answer it.


Unfortunately there are many modern instances of the death of a leader not harming the growth of a sect. Joseph Smith, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Guru Banak (which also includes a vanishing body in some traditions), L Ron Hubbard to name only 4


The earliest Christians were Jews and pre-date Jesus. In Acts, the author of Luke appropriates the term for his Church - just as he had "Apostles" in the final chapters of his gospel.


I am aware that a simple issue made in to a complex and mysterious issue will last longer, however the truth of the matter is is that Rome made Christianity the state religion.


Mani was an Iranian, born in 216 in or near Seleucia-Ctesiphon (now al-Mada'in) in the Parthian Empire. According to the Cologne Mani-Codex, Mani's parents were members of the Jewish Christian Gnostic sect known as the Elcesaites.

The religion is still practiced in china.
-born out of Judaism
- 7 firmaments of Heaven
- Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster as proohets
- Mani was the final prophet
- Dualistic describes the struggle between dark and light.

"and they also believe that they are the direct descendants of John the Baptist's original Nasoraean Mandaean disciples in Jerusalem.: vi,  ix " Wasn't John the Baptist apocalyptic.

Sabbatai Zevi (Hebrew: שַׁבְּתַי צְבִי; Turkish: Sabetay Sevi; August 1, 1626 – c. September 17, 1676), also spelled Shabbetai Ẓevi, Shabbeṯāy Ṣeḇī, Shabsai Tzvi, Sabbatai Zvi, was a Jewish mystic and ordained rabbi from Smyrna (now İzmir, Turkey). A kabbalist of Romaniote or Sephardic origin, Zevi, who was active throughout the Ottoman Empire, claimed to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah.

"Although little is known about them, various groups called Dönme continue to follow Sabbatai Zevi today, mostly in Turkey. Estimates of the numbers vary. Many sources claim that there are fewer than 100, 000 although some claim there are several hundred thousand in Turkey.[citation needed] They have been described as presenting themselves as Muslim in public whilst practising their own forms of messianic/mystical Jewish beliefs in private."

How many faiths do i need that are born out of messianic prophets?


The Gospel was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the Apostles [John 21:24] and published soon after Jesus left them on their own. The religion was hijacked by Rome, the Gospel was broken up scrambled adulterated into a bunch of competing narratives. Later four of those adulterated gospels were canonized with falsely ascribed authorship and a Gnosticism cover-story. It was the finding of an original Gospel of Jesus scroll in Jerusalem that gained the Knights Templar power over the Church and their eventual undoing when the church finally retaliated against them Friday 13th.


And yet there's still no good reason for this belief.
All arguments for this position are logical fallacies people.
Learn to recognize them yourselves. 🤷🏼


What is Matthew's background? I really appreciate his well-informed and intelligent analysis. His knowledge of Christian origins is much broader than most academics and much deeper than most of the serious amateurs.


Read my refutations in the comment section of the full video. You made a remarkably poor case compare to what was pre-advertised before the video release


Great argument remains a great argument. 🙂


There were new leaders. James the brother of Jesus became the bishop of Jerusalem and the leader of the Jewish Christians. On the other hand we had the movement of Paul. They didn't get a long with each other and split (Galatians 2)


I stopped listening to Price a while ago but it's still pretty funny that he calls him NT Wrong. 😆


Derek IP (Mike Jones) just made a BS video explaining why Jesus wasn't really late because their "time" wasn't actually "time" in the normal sense. Please debunk this nonsense, preferably mentioning the Dead Sea Scrolls' authors' expectations about the actual imminence of their own predictions, etc... Dr Kipp destroying apologists again?


This argument sounds like pure survivorship bias.


Christianity is second only to Mormonism as the greatest con job ever, Our leader isn’t gone he’s become a god and he’s watching over everything and if you don’t believe in it you will be tortured in hell for all eternity…..😂😂😂😂🤦🏼‍♀️
