N.T. Wright: The book of Revelation & what we get wrong

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In this clip, Kurt Willems asks N.T. Wright for a brief sketch of Revelation and some insight on how many Christians misread it.
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Jewish convert to Christ here. Once I was a believer I became involved with churches, I was shocked at how the images of Revelation — which are the same images, and prophecies, as found in the Tanakh — were made so monstrous and incomprehensible. Yet the veracity of Christ’s claims all depend on these prophecies being true and proven so in His time, as the prophets foretold.


If Satan is bound now I hate to see the world when he was loosed.


NT Wrong on so many levels. Genesis/the doctrine of imputation/rapture/revelation and probably more, when you stumble on the foundations of our faith Gen 1-11 you get pretty much everything wrong.


The first four verses of Revelation ch. 1 explains what the book is about. It is a revealing of truth, written in signs/symbols (made more plain in the original Greek), of things that will immediately start to happen. Its messenger is clearly John, and he is instructed by Jesus to deliver this message to seven churches in Asia, who is the intended audience. Whatever this book means, its interpretation must be relevant to those specific individuals who, in the first century, were members of one of those seven churches in Asia. To make the meaning of this book about things several thousand years later in defiance of what the text actually says is to not pay attention at all to the text. Words really do mean things.


I had not heard of NT Wright until recently. I am still reading up so I can fully understand his views. On first blush though I always get worried when someone thinks they are the only one that gets things right. And as far as Revelation covering only through 70AD, it seems really limiting that God reveals something this huge to John, and it was over before the first century was concluded. When Daniel had his vision it covered several hundred years just to get through the Roman Empire. Again it seems such a waste to have John see this vision that was basically over before he even died. Lots of questions myself about Revelation, but I am not sure Mr. Wright is RIGHT!! 🙂


Revelation is a Book that unveils itself more and more as time goes on. This is why it is the only book written that comes with
a special blessing for the readers. Every day that passes makes this time we live in more exciting as we see all things converge
and line up just like the Bible said it would. You must watch Israel because God is not a liar, He will not abandon them and they
will be restored back to the head of the Nations. I would say work while time is still left and keep looking up, Christ is coming.


The teaching of Thomas Wright are like a wonderful breath of fresh air. ✔️


How are the symbols in the book of Revelation so mysterious when half are explained in the book itself and the rest can mainly be found in Daniel 7 and elsewhere ! 🤦‍♂️


The resurrection of a great multitude of Overcomers out of the great tribulation before the throne of God takes place between the 6th and 7th seals, in Rev. 7:9-17


If you are satisfied with a box of puzzle in a state of disarray, that's where you will rest. But if you look at it as something that needs to be fitted together to make it a beautiful picture the creator intends you to see, then you need to change your view from mere symbolism, idealism to the prophetic interpretation to get a beautiful picture. Or be satisfied with the puzzle in confusion.


The boo of Revelation is not a "political cartoon" .. it is a revealed Word of God what is going to happen in the future..


This “now and not yet” reference to the Kingdom was posited by me in a Wright seminar in the late 1990s in Louisville, KY as a parallel in the church to his assertion of late Second Temple Jewish understanding of the end of the Babylonian exile in terms of “now and not yet”. Nice to see that he embraced it.


I've read NT since the early '90's. He has changed. Not going to debate his presentation. I would just suggest if someone is interested in a real exegetical study of the book, take a gander at Robert Thomas' 2 vol (1600 pages) exegetical commentary on Rev. Therein is commentary for both the lay person and at the end of each section, a Greek exegetical analysis. Highly readable. He explains it chronologically plus explains how it was understood by the early churches. Daniel's rev was said to be sealed until the later days but Rev was to be open and comprehended from the moment it was read to the 7 churches.  

There is a comment here by a Jewish believer who rightly objects the plain OT references in Rev being abducted by all too many who do not allow scripture to interpret scripture. How can you understand Rev 12 without referring back to the OT? It all comes down to hermeneutics. There is no justification for using any methodology other than what Jesus and the writers of the scriptures used, that being the normative, the literal, the historic/grammatical hermeneutic whatever label you want to assign to it.


He is the master of his own view into the text and ignoring obvious readings, 'we will be caught up in the air..'


Great video. Looking forward to hearing more. Thanks.


You don't know what you're saying.

If there is still sin and temptations in the world then satan is not yet bound in chains of circumstance.


What do you do with John 14:1-3. We will be where Jesus is and prepared a place for us.


Well, you have to look at the book of Revelation in conjunction with the book of Daniel. I do not agree with his view, but I guess we are all seeking the Lord and hopefully we will know the truth some day. That day may also be sooner than many would think. There are too many prophecies that are pointing to this time in which the world will experience things never before seen. At lease these guys are talking about things such as the Rapture of the Church, so in a way they are teaching people about it, so when it happens, many would know and would not fall for the lies of Satan and his followers.


Another Anglican spiritualising the Jewish Bible. Revelation is the gospel of Jesus as dictated to John. Your kingdom come (full stop) Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. The new Jerusalem comes down out of Heaven, does not mean the ALL of Heaven comes down to Earth. The Capital of Heaven descends onto a completely recreated location. Once you allegorise most of the Bible as Anglicans do, you can read anything you like into the text to suit your purposes. If the Lamb is now ruling the Earth, why are we fighting Principalities and powers, why is Lucifer described as the lord of the air and the earth at this time? Why is a tribulation imminent or even necessary? And why is it that NT is totally ignorant of the symbolism of the Galilean wedding with the Church as the bride of Jesus and the full meaning of Jesus words at the last supper? As the bridegroom coming for his bride?


I think the images are transported out of the old testament. For example, sun, moon and stars. Josephs dream he told his brothers, father and mother. They understood exactly what Joseph was saying. The sun, moon and stars would bow down to him. Tells us right there in the text. Sun, moon and stars in Revelation is the (Joseph's Dad, Mum, and brothers) - the Jews/Israel.
