Have Spiritual Gifts Ceased?

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It's weird to me that cessationists seem surprised that there are false teachers and abusers of gifts, as if it's proof the gifts have ceased...Jesus and the Apostles told us they would be here!! So instead of taking bad experiences to try to prove cessation, use the experience to find the truth of the gifts.


This quite a good perspective. Thank you for your insight


Very reasonable argument. I agree with him


The only gift I seek is eternal life with Christ.
Keep teaching sounds bibical hermeneutics and apologetics from the text Brother Cory.


My problem with most cessationists is that they claim that the apostles had the ability to head and perform miracles on demand, which is why they often say "why don't you go clear out a hospital" --- well the problem with that view is the gifts operate as the Spirit wills.

Just like the Apostles couldn't prophecy on demand, they also could not heal on demand. All of it is in line with God's will. So THAT is the reason why we don't see hospitals cleared out by continuationists, is because we don't believe we can use the gifts whenever we want.... though some beleive this to be true about tongues which is odd...


Me too because it's something between is True !


Be logical: "Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away." when that which is perfect shall come, tongues knowledge and prophesy will stop. To me and many believers, it has stopped, and God can restart it anytime he pleases. It does not say it will never restart again. Has it stopped, ceased, been done away with? Yes. As far as I and many other Christians can tell. Does that verse say prophecy, tongues, and knowledge can never restart? No. Therefore, those 2 prophets do not negate that the above "ceased." Logically, i have never seen these 3 gifts, nor have i experienced them that i am aware of. I think the "knowledge" that was spoken of was having knowledge put into your brain about God and his will without employing logic or having learned it through study or having heard it. Rather, God put knowledge into the person and he or she then hopefully revealwd the knowledge to the church where the elders, if they found the person reliable, would accept or reject or be uncertain about that knowledge. 🤔 Ive never knowingly seen that happen in the church or personally.


I am a cessationist and I agree with you. But as they were intended to bring forth the word of God as prophetically told to the nations. In the supernatural family of God. They are a sign. And the church is his established prophetic voice, calling all to repententance. And in the spirit’s power to faith in Christ in his work done gfor them


I always point to this at the beginning of 1 Corinthians. You have to take what Paul writes in chapter 13 with what it says here also,

1 Cor 1:4-8
4 I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus,
5 that in everything you were enriched in Him, in all speech and all knowledge,
6 just as the testimony concerning Christ was confirmed in you,
7 *so that you are not lacking in any gift, as you eagerly await the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ*,
8 who will also confirm you to the end, blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This implies that the gifts will continue until the return of Christ.

Also Paul himself, inspired by the Holy Spirit tells us we should earnestly desire that gifts, but only for the edification of the Body of Christ.
1 Cor 12:31
1 Cor 14:1-12


If an english speaking Christian was ever stranded on a desert island with a bunch of natives.. you bet God could give that person the gift of tongues so that they hear the word of God. Apparently some missionaries can testify to that in our life time.. so for anyone to say the gifts have ceased is a very bold statement.


Depends who is honest & if the person has gift of Holy Spirit or gift of a demon.


Brother Corey, I suppose that I understand why you don't claim to be a cessationist. however, although I do believe in the LORD still moving miraculously, in HIS sovereignty, at times in our lives, I am a cessationist for these reasons:
In over 50 years of Knowing the LORD,
1. I have never seen a 100% prophet
2. I have never seen a touch, (laying on of hands gift) that healed
3. I have never heard a command in CHRIST's name that raised the dead
4. I have never heard a verified word of knowledge, proclaimed
5. I have never heard tongues of an unlearned language, (according to what is spoken of in Acts 2), exercised other than the same gibberish that many charismatics always try to pass off as a "heavenly language", ("SHABBA DABBA DOO GOTTA A HONDA")!
So my question for you brother Corey, is this - Are you saying that you HAVE witnessed any of these things verifiably, or are you saying that although you have NOT witnessed any of these miracles performed, in the way of the Apostles, that you are NOT WILLING to say that they have ceased? For myself, I am very comfortable with my position that they have in fact, ceased!


Gifts are in operation today. I just think that fasle prophets have us denying the true spirit of God. I can testify to things that I have experienced personally that throught power of the holy spirit I was able to overcome.


I am glad to hear someone use the Revelation Prophets passage to argue against the point of prophecy ceasing because of the canon of scripture. I think in attempt to police the abuse of gifts and protect the right place of scripture and put in high regards most cessationist do throw out the baby with the bath water and also leave out some scripture thereby not violating what they are protecting. I like Corey I call myself a biblical continuationist all things have to be tested.


Man, you destroy the scripture. Your misinterpretation is very dangerous. Stop adding to scripture, and saying what the verse does not


There are over 7, 000 languages today; who knows them all?


Gods spirit can not be abused! You can not have Gods spirit indwelling in you and still sin! That is blasphemy against the spirit of God! And it won't be forgiven. Awake to righteousness and sin not!


Call me what you will.but I believe certain sign gift have cease...that's why they are call temporary sign gifts..


Why don't you teach on What christ says sometimes because Paul is seeming to be edified more than christ. I promise you this, if you look at what Jesus says vs. Paul, Jesus is more compassionate. Paul is no greater than what he was called to do and yet you seem to use him as the WORD. He was given permission to speak but he was never the Authority so what's up with your misplaced adoration of Paul?
