Dr. R.C. Sproul on 1Cor 13:9-10 and 'Cessationism?'

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Dr. R.C. Sproul's stance on Cessation (Cessationism) expounding how he defines "Miracle" and clarification on verse 1 Corinthians 13:9-10.

This QA was is from the "R.C. Sproul: Questions & Answers" from the Ligonier Ministries channel.

Take note that the answer is in a short time constraint and may have explained it further for better understanding. Go to the "Ligonier Ministries" youtube channel and check out more from Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries; Subscribe to their channel!

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I love you, brother Sproul. The gifts weren't given to only authenticate authorship though.

1 Corinthians 12:7
To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.


The Apostle does tell us what the “perfect” is in 1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.
It is not the completion of the canon in view in verses 9&10, because Paul was still adding to canon in this letter to the Corinthians.
I respected R C Sproul but he was a cessationist and his plain reading of scripture was clouded by his theology on the gifts of the spirit.


Amen and amen. I was reasoning the similar way for a long time and never heard anybody else doing that before. Now i know that i am not alone.


I really like this man but his view on calvinist and cessation i really disagreed....in my life alone so many healing n prediction came to passed


There were prophets from Jerusalem whose prophecies are not recorded in Scripture, except by Agabus, concerning a famine, a warning that was acted upon:
Ac 11^27-30 ; (Ac 13^1)
Also, the prophecies by the 4 daughters of an evangelist at Ceasarea are not recorded in Scripture; the prophet Agabus also gave a prophetic warning to Paul:
Ac 21^8-11
Timothy received personal prophecies concerning his ministry and Gift:
1-Tim 1^18 ; 1-Tim 4^14
It seems that the Gifts will only cease at "the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ", when we see Him face to face:
1-Cor 1^7 ; 1-Cor 13^9-12
Some disciples at Ephesus spoke in Tongues and prophesied after receiving the Holy Spirit:
Ac 19^6
Also, why would God inspire Scripture for us concerning the Gifts in the church if already expired? These Gifts, including prophecy, are given, not to add to Scripture, but to edify and equip the church:
1-Cor 12 & 14 ; Eph 4^8-12
Jesus and John warned us against "false" prophets, not against all prophecy; test the spirits:
Mat 24^24 ; 1-Jn 4^1-3
We should not despise prophesy:
1-Thess 5^19-21
We are encouraged to desire the Gifts, especially prophesy, but are given by the Holy Spirit as He wills:
1-Cor 14^1 ; 12^11


Great job, Mr. Sproul. " I cant give you any scripture to back it up, but Im RC Sproul and I think this....".


Absolute proof that gifts of signs have not ceased; the future coming of the Two Witnesses of Revelation.


And now, here I am, who had been supernaturally healed by Jesus from last stage liver chyrosis to complete health. What occured to me? A sign, wonder, miracle, supernatural act? Obviously not a part of biblical revelation, but it happened, although it didn't give God more scriptural glory. Do I correctly understand Sproul, that it's not strictly a biblical sign from the bible, but it is a supernatural act, fit for NT believers?


It should be easy to solve this question. Have a televised meeting of the top "healers" from the world. Have just one of them cure a man blind from birth, or crippled since birth that gets up and walks away after the healing. This hasn't happened once since the Apostles went home. Where are the proven (i.e. medical records, pictures of the healed person pre and post miracle) cases of this happening, once, in present day with everyone having a cell phone.


Jesus " If you don't believe what I say, believe because of the Miracles ".


So his logic says - the sign gifts are to confirm apostles so they can bring forth canonical doctrine. Then why don't we have doctrine from each of the 12 apostles? Why do we also have examples of others, apart from the 12 who operated in signs and miracles, even women who prophecied? Where is their scripture?


On point, the works of Christ & His holy Apostles showed that Christ Jesus was exactly who He & they said He was, it reveals the power of God & that Jesus is the way the truth & the life, His gospel of grace has come. Hebrews 2 puts it to bed


What about the two witnesses in Revelation? Have they ceased? Don't think so!


To RC’s point that the signs authenticated NT Apostles & OT Prophets: “How can it be proven (not merely assumed) that they do not authenticate teachers in the post-Apostolic Church age?”


Best explanation regarding this subject.


1 Thessalonians 19-20 “Quench not the spirit, despise not prophesyings”


Spot on Mr. Sproud! I would suggest when Paul states, "when that which is perfect is come", is a direct reference to what pleases God, perfect to God is faith by hearing and believing in the scriptures, either read or heard by a pastor. Jesus chided the unbelieving Jews wanting signs on demand from him, because that was a requirement to prove a prophet was from God (Det 13). Jesus said, an evil and adulterous generation seeks signs. What pleases God is faith, without signs and wonders, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them (Rom 1:18-32), that which is perfect is faith in believing in Jesus because we're to search the scriptures as he said, for they testify of him. The gifts ceased, no more signs and wonders, no more prophecy or supernatural Holy Spirit given knowledge is needed, because we have God's full Revelation right now, called, the BIBLE! Faith by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. That which is perfect, has come!


Where does the Bible say only apostles would have signs? Did Jesus say these things will follow those who believe in Mark?


Where did the demons go? They ceased too?


Acts 2:39
1 Corinthians 14:39
1 Corinthians 13:8-12 (don't stop at vs 11. Vs. 12 does desribe what Paul meant the perfect to be).
2 Timothy 3:16

Matthew 12:22-32. Don't be on the wrong side of that.

Context. Context. Context.

What do each of those passages that go with those references teach? Don't fall back on the teachings of men, but what does scripture actually say?

I would love to get into a conversation about this. I have posted a similar challenge on more than ten similar YouTube videos over the past few days and the only response was a single vehemant attack on me for taking those verses out of context.

Look closely. I do not even say what i think the context is. I only ask that you consider the context based on what the bible actually says and not some opinion of man that you have been taught.

I am looking forward to further discussion. Please respond. WITH SCRIPTURE, not opinion.
