You CAN lose belly fat after #menopause!! #healthover50 #losebellyfat #healthyaging

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Trust me when I say: your metabolism isn't to blame, moderation won't get you anywhere, treating the "symptoms" is a distraction, and it's not your fault.

You are not a lost cause!

☀️ Even if you've tried every diet under the sun
👟 Even if you've tried endless cardio
😩 Even if you suffer from aches, pains, and inflammation
🕰️ And even if nothing has worked in the past.

If you're ready to naturally lose menopause weight and belly fat, age-proof your body, and regain your youthful energy, comment REGISTER on this post and I'll DM you information to register for my FREE upcoming Nourish & Flourish Boot Camp.

This free workshop is for women who are over the age of 45 and struggling with menopausal symptoms such as belly fat, brain fog, aches and pains, digestive issues, and a lack of self-confidence.

It's for women who want to eat better, move more, restore thoroughly, and glow from the inside out, even when life is busy (and even when it's hard).

No more deprivation, restriction, or boring plans that don’t stick. In just nine days, you’ll have everything you need to Nourish & Flourish every single day.

#AchesAndPains #AgeProofYourBody #ageproof #BellyFatBeGone #BrainFogNoMore #DigestiveHealth #HealthyAging #HealthyLifestyleJourney #MenopauseFitness #MenopauseJourney #MenopauseWeightLoss #NaturalWeightLoss #NourishAndFlourish #SelfConfidenceBoost #WomenEmpoweringWomen #WomenOver45 #YouthfulEnergy #health #wellness #healthandwellness
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Yes please. I am overweight. I do have some chocolate daily, but aside from that my eating habits aren’t bad. I’m vegan, only drink spring water and my portions aren’t big. I’m 41, 5’9” and 215. My healthy weight is 140 . I have tried for 10 years… gyms, diets, smaller portions, nothing works. I may lose 10 or 15 pounds here or there but it comes back. I definitely do not eat enough to be the weight I am. My thyroid is checked and fine. I even had a lot one week because I was told I wasn’t eating enough, and I didn’t really gain weight but I certainly didn’t lose it.


Hello dear friend good morning 🌞🌞 very good 💯 God bless you with great success ahead 💓💓💓💓


Do you have collagen? Coffe? Have you saplements? Calcium magnesium?
