6 Daily Habits That Will Keep You Strong Inside & Out

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Рекомендации по теме

00:22 #1 Cold Stress
02:45 #2 Heat Stress
03:59 #3 Intermittent Fasting
07:09 #4 Daily Exercise / Mobility & Stretching Routines
08:45 #5 Mind & Body Activity
12:21 #6 Meditation


In the late '70s I lived with my grandmother while I was in high school. She would fast a few times a month and she would end each shower with 1-2 minutes of nothing but cold water. Truly ahead of her time!


1 - cold stress ( cold showers )
2 - heat stress ( sauna )
3 - intermittent fast
4 - exercise / mobility
5 - mind / body activity ( 8:50 )
6 - meditations


"This is not genetics. This is consistency. AND impeccable diet!" I just loved that part! In my opinion, you are one of the few people that can be rightfully called an influencer. I really admire you for your consistency, both in your lifelong fitness journey and your online presence. I have been following you for over 10 years, and here you are, still giving advice, still working out, still looking amazing. We all thank you, Zuzka :)


My husband built me a sauna in our house after it saved my life after I had a sciatica nerve injury! It has been my daily life partner for 6 years now and no injuries!!!


Yes! Please do a “what I eat in a day” blog. I would love to hear more on the kinds of food you eat! ❤️


The choices we make on a daily basis overall determine the quality of life we will have. In the last year and a half I’ve incorporated almost all of your tips. Two more things to pass on is plenty of sleep and water, along with loving the ones your with. When your at peace it’s protected out to all that you come in contact with.


I've been intermittent fasting and eliminating refined carbs and sugars for the last 3 years. I went from 240 to 184. Consistency is key.


I love you Zuzka! Even after all these years you're still putting on out great advice and giving inspiration. 🥰 Been with you since the Bodyrock days.


You are a very impressive woman! You are strikingly beautiful, highly motivated, very knowledgeable and very kind to share your information. Also, I have been trying 16 hour fasting (other than drinking coffee in the morning) and I have had great results. I was 189 pounds at Christmas and I am at my goal weight of 172 and holding for the past 3 weeks. This also included cutting out all soft drinks, chips, candy and alcohol. Keep up the videos and good information! I appreciate what you are doing!


I really appreciate how genuine and honest you are about how your tips personally affect you. You are awesome. :)


Zuzka's channel name is so perfect ... she just radiates positive energy


You just cover in this video More than a mindset a way of leaving. I'm so happy there is people like you in the world which actually make a difference for the world. I start fallowing u since you made the videos in the roof of a building. You are the perfect example of development. Thx u so much for this and all your videos. God bless you today and always.


It was lovely to hear you talking about Wim Hof, than man is a really hero and wise human.... Good to know you like it :D


Thank you for your insight lovely lady, I have done a lot of research over the last five years on the 6 topics you talk about, I practice most of them and I find everything you say to be 100% true. you have given people all the tools needed to improve our lives in every way. much love.


Your content is always spot on. Thank you for trialing these methods as well as passing on what you've learned! I would love a video on IF and your eating and when/timing of exercise while IF. Thank you so much!


Love this thank you. You’ve been around for SOO long, glad things went well for you, lovely! ✨


Zuzka you are a wonderful teacher and great inspiration. I have been doing the Wim Hof and cold showers for two months and loving it. Working on building hips, lower back and buttocks. I had a right hip injury years ago. You have helped bring fun into my workouts.


Whatever you are doing, keep doing it. You are amazing in every way. Thanks for sharing your successes.


Yes please do a video diving deeper into IF and how you do it.
