Results! 1000 calories for 30 days. Obesity Doctor reviews the fat loss body composition data

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Dr. Scott Bland is a board certified obesity and family physician striving to increase access to accurate health information.

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Dr. Scott Bland is breaking down the results of his 1000 calories for 30 days diet.

Dr. Scott Bland is going to document 30 days of a 1000 calories diet (actually closer to 800) so we can all see what it feels like and what the potential results are for this level of calorie deficit. Dr. Scott Bland is board certified in both Obesity and Family Medicine which gives them the context for monitoring this will monitor their response and mood/results with transparency. Does calorie restriction work? Leave your thoughts below

Taking an Army ACFT test on 1000 calories per day:

#obesitytreatment #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstips #1000caloriedietplanforweightloss
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I did an 1000 kcal diet a few years ago until I got to a healthy BMI (by losing 10lbs). It only took me 3 weeks after losing and gaining the same 2-3lbs for over a year! I lost a little muscle but my muscle percentage actually increased due to my fat loss- being female would probably mean not much of an impact on my muscle though as it’s not as huge a deficit. I was also lifting heavy weights 3 times a week during it. I exited it by going up to 1250kcal for 2 weeks, then 1400 for 2 weeks and then I did 1500kcal 3 days a week and didn’t track the rest of the time. I lost a further 4lbs over the exit period. I maintained it well for 18 months until things happened and I went back to emotional eating. Life is a lot more manageable now and I’ve decided to go back on the 1000kcal diet tomorrow and then reassess after 10 days. After that I’m considering doing 1000kcal 5 days a week and then maintenance calories at the weekend to make it more manageable- and an easier exit once I hit my goal weight. I have 20lbs to hit that so it will be a longer journey this time.

I used to believe slow and steady was the best way but I found hunger more manageable on 1000kcal a day and it really made me think about the nutritional content of food. I knew 1tsp of olive oil was relatively high calories but would make my salad more satiating. I also worked out which carbs worked best for my body and how much protein helps to curb hunger. I also found making very low calorie soups to have during weak moments helped.

I’m looking forward to seeing how you get on and how you decide to proceed.


Thank you for this information. I was 220 when I went to the Dr. last. I am on a strict 1000 calorie a day diet. I eat 1 cup of plain oatmeal with berries for breakfast. I usually eat plain fish or tuna on a plain piece of wheat toast for lunch. For dinner I will eat a salad that I prepare with lettuce, tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, blueberries, and one measured teaspoon of Italian dressing. I will report back in a month.


Rucking is awesome!😊 I lost 50 pounds last summer at age 63!


I been on this diet for three months. Have lost 54lbs so far. I started at 380lbs now im 326lbs. The trick to this diet is, You have to eat 3 meals a day or its hard to stay on. Im use to it now and going to stay on it for 3 more months. My energy has went throught the roof!! Im no longer taking diabetic meds or colesteral meds. Had talk with my doctor about this before i started. He said if I had the bypass surgery it be pretty hard to have a 1000 calories a day, and they do that surgery everyday. He said focus on protien and fiber and you will loose alot of weight. Yes!! your going to loose muscle weight also, But that can be repaired after the weight comes off my doctors words. Folks for those of you that was really over weight like i was, DO THIS before you try the bypass surgery its not as hard as you think!!!!


Flip I enjoyed every minute of this. I'm actually doing this right now, doing a 40 day on a 1000 calories with extreme focus on nutrition and protein. I use AI to navigate through this, to assess my meals, give me a health rating daily, and make recommendations nutrition wise. After week 1, I lost my appetite. This is a weird anomaly for me. Cravings gone, brain fog lifted. I can manage pilates, stretching and walking right now. I'm pre-diabetic, and nothing the doc recommended worked, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Wish I could consult this doctor to compare notes. I am well aware of reverse dieting and will transition back very slowly. The main goal for me was to get out of the danger zone.


in 30 days of 800 - 1000 calories per day. 5 hour eating window, low carb diet. Either walking 2 miles a day to buy food etc or going to the gym every second day to do light weights and mild HIIT on the orbital trainer. Aged 65. I have lost exactly 5lbs down from 200 (height 5' 10') Waist started at 40'' now 39.5%


I’m doing one meal a day 800-1000 calories. If I want an extra snack I allow it. But I went from weight lifting eating for muscle gain to getting a hip injury and laying in bed for 2 months.
I’m still overweight by about 10 lbs so I’m on week 2 now of 800-1000 calories. Goal is to lose 20 lbs total before I’m able to head back to weight lifting.


Excellent results, I think losing that muscle percentage vs the fat lost it was worth it, those BMI and BPF are great numbers, I think this diet can be improved a bit more adding more clean protein foods, the performance was pretty good, that exercise was demanding and you accomplished with this diet


Interesting experiment; bad diet is forced down our throat. Thank you.


Your body will crave food until you get enough protein in, so get that in, then the rest of the calories get from fat, carbs last


Agribusiness lies about how many calories you need. They invented the term "starvation mode."


For the last 30 days I've been doing about 100-1200 calories and working out lightly most days with a 12:12 window but only lost 10 pounds. I'm so disappointed in that loss, and more upset that I seem to be stuck at the ten pound mark. Not even a whole stone :( It's rubbish. So 800-1000 calories with increased workouts and a 16:8 window for as long as it takes. Hell, if my PC told me to do a month of water fasting with vitamins, I would at this point. I'm trying so hard to lower my BMI and reverse prediabetes and HTN, and I know it can be done if I work hard enough. I'm only 4'11, so I unfortunately have a very long way to go to get to the desired 100 pounds I should be for my height.


Interesting experiment. It would be better to have dexa scan. We will be able to see more regional composition change details and it would be more accurate.


I’m currently doing this. A few days in. I’m not counting to a thousand. The past few days I’ve only had 300-500 calories a day. Today I had 1000. My plan is to only eat one meal per day which is dinner. My job is kind of perfect for it. I wake up in the morning get ready, skip breakfast, travel to work on the train which takes an hour. My job is part time so 2-6. It involves a lot of walking, so I’m not very sedentary at work. I don’t have a lunch break at work which is great for this. If I’m not doing extra hours, which I often do, I get home at around 7-7:30. So when I finally do have dinner it’s not too long before I go to bed. So there’s not a lot of time to be indulge in extra calories, which I’ve avoided doing. I know that only 300-500 calories a day is not healthy but I kind of want to see what will happen


Been on 1000cal a day for 14 months.
600grams of lean chicken filet or lean fish and 500grams of coleslaw with 0% yogurt instead of mayo / 400cal of broccoli and salad.


Enjoyed you video! How was the second month?


I’m experimenting with 1000 calories a day right now. I’m eating 8 ounces of meat a day plus 3 scoops of unflavored whey protein which is 25 grams of protein each, one egg, plus a tsp of grass fed butter and three shrimp for added flavor. I eat this as one meal a day in the morning first thing. Then I go to the gym and do a 2 hour full body workout.

My job is a second shift job so this works perfectly. Since I eat all the food for the day pre workout I feel totally fine in the gym. The food is calorically dense so I’m not stuffed or anything. Been doing this for weeks now.

Oh and I take 5 grams of creatine a day and a scoop of unflavored magnesium powder but these don’t add any calories. The whey protein comes right after the solid food. If I drink the whey while eating the solid food or before it makes it harder to eat for some reason.

I’m at 191lbs now and started at about 203lbs. By the time I’m in bed I have mild food cravings, very mild. When I wake up I don’t even feel hungry for some reason. My sleep is good. My goal is 170lbs or so. If it starts to feel unsustainable I’ll add beef liver which should help with missing micro nutrients.

I’ve tried one meal a day and not counting calories or tracking protein in the past and it was totally unsustainable. The higher protein makes a huge difference. Also in the past I had too many carbs with my meals and the blood sugar spikes and dumps made me super hungry. When I lay in bed at night now I can feel my stomach and love handles caving in, active fat loss I assume. My protein is .8 grams per pound of weight and the science says anything above this is a waste for building muscle so I’m hoping muscle loss is practically zero with all the body building style of weight lifting. Yep this is working out very well so far ❤

oh also I’ve totally quit caffeine recently. This messes with hunger too. I don’t think there is anyway I could do this while drinking coffee, no way.


The human caloric need is grossly overestimated. Humans don't know what rrue hunger is. I eat 900 cal per day and only eat meat (good quality beef) and fat once a day at a 2 to 1 ratio. I never feel hungry, my blood work is perfect, my blood sugars are very stable, and feel awesome while still being able to build muscle now that i am fat adapted meaning my body uses fat for fuel. There is no such thing as essential sugars. As such, I don't listen to doctors.


I love this! thanks Doc! can't wait to see the updates. Curious how you will work to transaction back into maintenance and what that process looks like. Do you go straight into maintenance calories for the weight you would like to keep or do you do a gradual increase in calories to reach into maintenance.


It can be quite normal/ enjoyable if you switch all your high calorie favorites w/ tasty healthy replacements. Konjac noodles for rice, peanut butter for icecream, apple cider vinegar for apple cider, cashew milk for soy milk etc. Most of them are so low calorie yet filling that you unintentionally stay below the 1000 mark. It would be quite intolerable if you're still trying to fit your old lifestyle into your new caloric parameters.
