7 Signs You're Dating a Narcissist

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Complex Borderline Personality Disorder: How Coexisting Conditions Affect Your BPD and How You Can Gain Emotional Balance. Available at:

Order The Borderline Personality Disorder Workbook by Dr. Fox:

Let’s take a look at the 7 signs a of a narcissistic partner.
1. Conversation dominance
2. Careless demands
3. Like looking in a mirror
4. Verbal cutoffs
5. Excessive braggadocio and self-praise
6. Unsolicited advice
7. Passive-aggressive tactics

The best identifier is listening to
Your good guts – Your gut likely tells you when you meet someone that fits your narcissistic partner past. Learn to trust your intuition and resist the urge to rationalize it away. Avoid self-statements like, “oh, I’m just being nervous thinking he’s like Bill [narcissistic partner].” Engage in a rational fact finding exploration to support or discount your guts.

Going over these seven insight and commitment strategies does not mean that you cannot get into any relationship you want to, but it provides a foundation of empowerment with choice to enter a relationship armed with the knowledge and insight you need to choose for yourself.

Daniel J. Fox, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in Texas, international speaker, and a multi-award-winning author. He has been specializing in the treatment and assessment of individuals with personality disorders for over 20 years in the state and federal prison system, universities, and in private practice. His specialty areas include personality disorders, ethics, burnout prevention, and emotional intelligence.

He has published several articles in these areas and is the author of:

Complex Borderline Personality Disorder: How Coexisting Conditions Affect Your BPD and How You Can Gain Emotional Balance. Available at:

Animation by sirak @sirakoart (IG)
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Рекомендации по теме

1. Conversation dominance
2. Careless demands
3. Like looking in a mirror
4. Verbal cutoffs
5. Excessive braggadocio and self-praise
6. Unsolicited advice
7. Passive-aggressive tactics


Yes! Trust your gut. I can't think of a bad relationship I've had that I didn't know way in the beginning wasn't right but of course didn't trust myself. So much wasted time. Also, if youre like me, don't fall into needing to prove the other person is narcissistic or anything else in order to justify leaving. Does the relationship feel good most of the time or bad most of the time? That's all you need to ask yourself. You don't owe anyone a relationship, you can choose them based on how they make you feel.


Best way to deal with those kinda people is to leave them alone.


I shudder and feel disgust when I sense a narcissistic person. It's dissociating!


Great advise Dr Fox! I think there is a tendency to doubt yourself if you have been raised by narcissists and gaslit (gaslighted?) throughout childhood. But those experiences that cause you to doubt yourself are the very experiences that give you a good sense for
narcissistic traits in others. After all, you’ve seen it all before.


Best video I’ve seen on this subject and I’ve watched many of them. It’s just so spot on.


EXCELLENT EXAMPLE! ONE of your most helpful videos for me


This really resonated with me. Thank you so much. This opened my eyes


I appreciate your videos always Dr. Fox!

I didn't know the term "narcissist" until I got with my ex and was even more surprised after I realized he is exactly like my abusive father.


Wow this is very nuanced and very informative. Thank you doctor ❤️


Thank you for the video! Your biceps were looking pumped 💪


WOW - I've seen a TON of these types of videos from other YouTubers but this is a whole new level, especially conversational dominance and them reminding you of someone (i.e., ex).


Thank you Dr. Fox, I appreciate the way you describe individuals with personality disorders or traits without demonizing them. For those who have accepted responsibility and work hard to overcome these maladaptive behaviors, videos that demonize folks with these disorders (especially BPD) teach partners that their borderline significant other is a no good, evil doer. I appreciate the way you educate both sides of the issue thru your approach to mental health. Both my partner and I can watch your videos without either of us feeling like we’re better, or that the other person is just rotten to the core. Thank you.


Isn't the biggest red flag 'the person refers to themselves as an influencer'?


I appreciate you and your videos so very much. You have helped me sort some things thru since discovering your channel. Thank you, for all that you do!


I think I may have some of these traits unfortunately. My ex recently broke up with me because of it, he said I broke him and made him feel so bad he wanted to self harm. I feel real remorse for this and shame. I really hope narcissism can be cured as Its not a really nice way to be at all and ultimately leaves you alone.


I live with a narcissist who constantly criticizes myself but if I say something that does that bothers me and he cuts me off and tells me I'm always crying about stuff. WTH? I'm a peaceful person and I hate drama or conflict, he is always complaining or criticizing me about something. I'm trying to find my own place but rent has gone up ridiculously high.


I've had a breakthrough. Currently in a violent, toxic environment. Forget romance, that's done for. Some days. Some arguments, some words and actions are so traumatizing, that if your mind can revert to a forgetful state about what just happened to you, or what you just did, its the mind protecting itself. Despair, self hate and suicide are unnatural for a living being, so just like our physical wounds heal without our effort, perhaps the dysfunctional, traumatizing, crazy, hurtful things a human can experience, even....especially from caregivers, lived ones, even dear old mom, results in a "healed" mind. Not a healthy one, but at least functional. I don't consider myself am NPD, I am not calm or manipulative. I go from catatonic to violent. So, likely BPD. Any selfishness I display is because no needs are met or are constantly threatened. NPDs needs are met, but threatened, like a person with a car and a house, but dares never take a day off work, because even one less payday will make them miss a car payment when they are trying to restore their credit. I walk.


Braggadocio - ty for the info that gave clarity to a weird interaction I had with someone I considered a good friend for almost ten years. He had stopped making payments on a vehicle of mine for a year so I asked him to return it. He got blustery and weird, spouting off the precise number of seats in the auditorium he was rehearsing to play in. It would take effort on my part to care less than I already do about that sort of thing. It's these weird little signature moves that tip the hand of another person with a PD.

I've been reflecting on my 'newer' friendships (ten years or less) and was lowkey amazed to realise another dear friend from the entertainment industry also has N traits, just not targeting me for once. I was part of her group of younger, attractive women she collected around her. I guess the way I can detect, sometimes, their PD tells, they are able to detect my terrible boundaries. Being in recovery from BPD is hard, but it's the best way to keep from regressing back to this kind of low awareness in thirty years' time like my folks have.


Let's go man! I'm exicted for this video boss
