7 Signs You’re Falling for the Wrong Person

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Are you currently dating someone or in a relationship? Has the honeymoon phase gone by and you're wondering if you're with the right person? Are you wondering if you're with the wrong guy? Wrong girl or wrong person? It takes time to truly get to know someone and only time will truly tell if this person is right for you. However, we made you this video to help you quickly make a judgment so you can save time if need be! One or two of these signs alone may not mean much, but if you notice many of these signs in your relationship, then that's a red flag.. Share this video with someone who might need it!

#wrong #dating

Domestic Abuse and Violence Resources:

Writer: Michael Richie
Script Editor: Morgan Franz
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Naphia
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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It is currently 2:12PM here in Vancouver, BC. What time is it right now? Comment below and try to guess the person above location. Use this format [your guess, your time]. Posted a video yesterday with a similar pin :)


1.You censor what you say around them
2. You feel like it’s a chore
3. You don’t feel secure with your partner
4. You can’t imagine a future together
5. Your close ones don’t know them
6. Only in it for the relationship
7. Thinking of other partners


"When you're wearing rose colored glasses, all the red flags just look like... normal flags"


We all know that feeling that they aren’t right but we hope it works out 😔


1 You censor yourself around them
2 Your relationship makes you emotionally exhausted
3 You don’t feel safe in your relationship
4 You don’t see a future together
5 Your family and friends haven’t met them
6 Having a relationship is their only interest
7 You’re thinking of someone else


Yes I’ve fallen for the wrong person and it doesn’t end nicely. Everyone make sure you set realistic boundaries and expectations for that person. Thanks for the vid 🙏🏾☺️❤️


Psych2go: signs youre falling to the wrong person
Me: stop, stop, dont cut my hopes


Here are some signs you might be with the wrong person.

Your self-esteem has taken a hit. ...

You're not yourself. ...

You don't feel safe. ...

You're pining for someone else. ...

You're emotionally drained. ...

There's unequal effort. ...

You're afraid the relationship could end at any moment. ...

You can't see a future together.


Just because your partner is censoring themselves around you/is emotionally exhausted being with you, doesn't automatically mean you're wrong for them - rather, they could just be suffering from anxiety/trauma that means they struggle opening up to anyone they love, and they're constantly worrying about you abandoning/hurting them.
It's important to establish which it is, cause if its the later, therapy/medication etc could seriously help those issues. If they refuse to even speak to their doctor... They probably weren't ready for any kind of intimate relationship.


I love how they always thank me for watching. It feels nice


We don’t choose healthy, safe relationships because our fear of being alone makes us desperate and needy


I’ve been with my girlfriend for exactly 13 months now and I couldn’t be happier. I’m sorry if this seems in bad taste with the video, I’m just rly happy about it.


literally 99% won’t see this but if you do, God bless you, stay safe and have a wonderful day


this video: shows all the signs
me: 👩🏻‍🦯👩🏻‍🦯👩🏻‍🦯


Me: hoping this will help me get over my crush

Also me: realising my crush is the complete opposite, and that this describes my ex instead 🌚


* is in a healthy relationship *
"7 Signs You're Falling for the Wrong Person"
* watches video to make sure *


Honestly, throughout my life, been through tough relationships and all, now hitting in my 20s....I know being single isn't bad or anything but I mean just wish I could always have someone at least close and happy


I feel pain and sadness everytime in before sleep, makes me stay up later than I should.


ok... but like, how do you guys know exactly what I need to hear at just the right moment? I love this channel 🥺


I was in a toxic relationship for 6.5 years but didn’t see it. I didn’t get to see my family, could only hang out with friends if she was there, and my dreams and achievements were put down. I never told her how I felt about anything as she put me down, and leaving was the best thing ever. I used to miss the good times, but after watching this I realise that it’s not that I used to miss them, it’s that I used to hope she would change.

I’m dating someone else now, in a better place, and honestly, being told that I’m beautiful and mean the world to them is so overwhelming as nobody ever said those words to me before
