Be Frugal, Instead Of A Slave To Mindless Consumerism

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Stop wasting your opportunities and live your life to its fullest potential.

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We live in a bubble where we are unable to see all of the opportunities that we have in life. And we are often unable to recognize these opportunities due to mindless consumerism. If we understood all of the economic opportunities that we have in life, we would probably live our lives differently. In this video, I want to make you aware of all of the economic opportunities that many of us have in our lives that we take for granted.

1. The Privilege of Being Frugal

Being frugal and choosing to make conscious financial decisions to take control over your financial well being is a privilege that not everyone possesses. Many people in this world have so little access to money that the second they make money, they are forced to spend it on things for basic survival. If you have the ability to make small decisions in your life to cut your spending and save money, it means that you have enough money to potentially live a life beyond basic survival.

2. 1,000,001 Ways To Make Money

Although money doesn't always come easy and plentiful, we still have many options to make money in our lives whether that's through various jobs, starting your own business, or getting money from the gig economy. It is important to recognize that there are many ways to make money because for many people in this world, the only way to make money is by hustling and making small amounts of money at a time. Even getting a job at McDonald's flipping burgers can be unattainable to many people in this world. If you live in a developed economy that has many jobs available, it is important to recognize that privilege.

3. The Ability To Think More Than 5 Years In The Future

There is often a lot of talk about inflation and the dollar losing a lot of its value and although we have experienced high inflation over the past year, compared to many places around the world it is not that much. Countries like Venezuela and Argentina experience hyperinflation that makes it very hard to save and plan for the future. When you have a stable currency, it allows you to do things like plan for retirement, save for a house, or even invest to beat out inflation. It is important to recognize that privilege of having a currency that is stable and take advantage by planning for the future.

4. A Comfortable Standard

In the United States, we live in a bubble where we're unable to see how luxurious our lives are. We view luxury as having a bunch of nice material possessions and go in a bunch of debt to be able to afford what we perceive as luxury. However, compared to many people around the world, even if you have a basic standard of living in the United States, you are living a very comfortable, luxurious life. It is important to not take all of the normal comforts we have for granted and when you don't take them for granted, you don't desire to seek the very superficial definition of comfort.

5. Limitless Possibilities

We have so much potential in life to seek a life beyond just basic survival; however, we throw it all away to mindless consumerism. We throw away our opportunities by living above our means and getting in a bunch of debt. If you are able to recognize the economic opportunities that we have in life, it inspires you to take more risks and seek the life you want because not everyone has what you have.

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What is one comfort you often take advantage of?


🤣🤣 Loved the quote "there is more to life than losing weight, paying off debt, and sitting in traffic..." TRUE!


I am on a ‘ strict’ diet to lose 20 or 30 lbs, it occurred to me today, how blessed I am to have this problem to solve !


Here in Sweden, most people are so used to having EVERYTHING you could ask for in life. (Of course, some ARE poor here too). We just don't realize how lucky we are: Jobs, education, healthcare, food, clean water, good housing, public transportation, freedom of speech, freedom of religion...abundance and economic opportunity. But are we aware? Only sometimes.


"Don't be a slave to mindless consumerism.". Unfortunately, I learned this a little too late. I'm an old lady now, but I have adopted frugal living, both by necessity and conscious decision. I love your channel. Que Dios te bendiga, Austin!


Well he touched on a point that I use. I practice gratitude. I live in an old apartment. And on one hand it feels archaic and really old, not modern or efficient. However, on the other hand I had lived in a foreign country and visited natives who live in homes far more archaic and ancient. Like a nipa hut, the stove is used with kindle and wood for cooking. So in the middle, I can look at with fresh eyes that which makes what I have feel modern and new. With a touch of a button, I have fire to cook with and bake. I have indoor plumbing for showers and toilet, with a flick of my wrist I have water out of my faucet. I have an old fridge, but still works and able to make food last. I have toilet paper instead of leaves. Then I realize, what am I complaining about. Its really about perception. There is so much to be grateful for. I cant imaging foraging for sticks just to start a fire to make coffee. Or grinding beans by hand on a pestle. I would have to go back to bed just after breakfast from all that work. I am so glad I went to experiance another way of life so that I have something to compare to and appreciate what I have. It really is just all about comfort. So, I don't take anything for granted.


People call me cheap because I'm a minimalist, but I feel stress-free and relaxed nowdays.


Wow! There are a lot of You tubers giving advice on minimalism, frugality and living your best life. But this is the first time that someone actually spelled out what we have and what the rest of the world doesn't have. Bravo, Austin!


This is the best minimalism channel on YouTube that I have come across by a country mile


You are amazing. I’m from Latin America and living in USA. You put the right words to us appreciate what we have. 👏👏👏


This is a great video! My parents came to this country when I was 4. They were always amazed at how much abundance there was in this country - and how much people who lived here took it for granted. They instilled the value of frugality in me because that is how they grew up and how they lived. To this day, I am grateful at how many opportunities we have here. The choice to live frugally is a gift for sure!


"We waste so much of our resources". So true!


When you showed us the stats about Venezuela's inflation I started to cry. I knew that South America is poor, but seeing it on paper just broke my heart. I am polish living in UK and I always been telling my British in law's that there is nothing to complain about here. They sometimes moan about butter prices or gas and it's nothing compared to eastern Europe. I always tell them that we are really privileged. They are humble people, but yet they just don't know the reality. Just like I didn't know how hard it is in Venezuela. I now refuse to spend money on goods and I don't want to be a slave!


That's why I dnt understand how people in Europe or ppl from America can complain about not having hot water when it's hot outside or so many little complaints when they come to have to be grateful of all the things around you❤ guys


What I find most sinister is when somebody wants you to have a credit card when you have actual money. Particularly when I was in the United States. People wanted me to use a credit card, even when I had actual savings to give them there and then, it’s a great way to make people feel like they have more money than they have, means you don’t need to increase their wages, and it also means that you can entice them into being reckless and blame it on them if they ever Get into financial trouble.


I've learned a lot from you.. there are heaps of financial teachers out there but your teachings are the most realistic to me.


You are so on point! I’m from a 3rd world country who migrated to the United States and every now and then I have to be thankful for all the comfort we enjoy and many of us just don’t appreciate because it is expected. Like hot and cold water, taking warm showers, flushing toilet paper in the toilet! Oh my goodness! I know what you were describing and it’s the reality in many other countries. When I was living in my country, we didn’t have shower, we put maybe 5 gallons of water in a bucket, while we shower we step in a basin, we collect the water so we will use it to flush the toilet. (That was real, no joke. That was how it was and I believe it still is in other parts of the world.


I heard of a course leader speaking to a group of long term unemployed here in Australia, who began his presentation with the question "Who would like to be in the top 10% of income in the world?" Most put up their hands and he sprang on them the fact that with the unemployment benefit in Aus, they were already in the top 10%. It helps to look at your situation from a different perspective. Not to demean them, but to help them rise above the culture of always needing more. Thanks for the video 👍🇦🇺


Listening to you is a lesson in gratefulness.


Just came back to the US after living in the UK for the last five years. The thing that jumped out to me was that everyone had a new car. The avarage US car payment is $750. People have no food and no future but those leather seats are nice....
