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What do frugal people NEVER do, and what kinds of frugal living tips can actually help you save money? Today we're talking about frugal habits to spend less, stop wasting money, and live a life of frugality - without feeling like you're depriving yourself! IMHO, frugality and minimalism go hand-in-hand and here are a few ways I adopt the "less is more" mindset for personal finance to save money on groceries, reduce energy costs, and more.






***Marissa's sizing:
- Height = 5'6"
- Weight = 135 lbs




👟 Shoeboxes - free :)
🥛 Empty glass jars - free :)



Along my journey to let go of 30 years of clutter, I accidentally became a minimalist, and it was life-changing.

Before, I was an emotional hoarder with nothing but the clutter from lost loved ones — and $25,000 of debt — to my name. Now I have a beautiful home in Europe, a happy family, live debt-free, and — best of all — wake up to a life that I’m EXCITED to live every day.


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What are your tips for using the "double-up" rule? Please like 👍 video + comment below with your ideas! 😊


Big😊 ups to everyone working effortlessly trying to earn a living while building wealth. I’m 62 and my husband 65 we are both retired with over $3 million in net worth and no debts. Currently living smart and frugal with our money. Saving and investing lifestyle made it possible for us this early even till now we earn monthly through passive income


I can't wrap my head around the average piece of clothing only being worn seven times. I've made some purchasing mistakes in my life that were either shrunk in the wash or tore after one use, but even those get given away or fixed as much as possible. Most things live in my closet for 10+ years and get reworn and repaired until they can't anymore, and then I try to rehome them after, undergarments aside. Things last way longer if you just dry them on delicate. Grew up poor, and grateful for it. Love these tips!


I cut open squeezeable tubes of hand cream toothpaste etc when can't squeeze out any more. Once open there is still lots left!


I do or have done pretty much what you suggest. I am old now and live alone but I used to plan our meals for the week too. Be careful where you shop, unless you are well organized and disciplined, stay away from places like Costco. Their “ treasure hunt “ merchandising gets a lot of people. If you do shop there Make sure you don’t waste or overeat from the large amounts. It’s not cheap if you have to throw it away. Learn how to mend. Change out of your good work clothes when yo get home. If you live in a hot climate as I do, you rarely need ac if you close the curtains and the blinds and awnings in the morning before going to work. Open everything up in the evening. Lots of simple things add up. I have an inexpensive smart phone ( from China !!!) I’ve had it for a number of years, I pay about $25 a month for my phone plan which includes the phone. It does everything my kids’ iPhones do. 😂 And definitely get a clothesline, when my son was a baby we all had clothesline’s in our carports - that’s where we hung out the diapers to dry !!! A heck of a lot cheaper that what most people do today! ❤️😊 Don’t dismiss what old people have to tell, I’m glad I listened to my mother when I was first married and especially when my son came along. Bless you all for trying to do the right thing for yourselves and our planet 🥰


We don’t use paper towels anymore ( since last summer) and we never missed it. We do meal preparation and we order our groceries and just pick them up ( so I don t get the chance to buy other things). That safes us a lot of money every month


You could also cut your worn out clothes or old towels into into reusable little towels and cloths for the kitchen or cleaning in general. Additionally We still use my grandmas good quality linen kitchen towels were she has stitched her initials in as a young woman ❤


I cut all facial eye scrub pads at least in 1/2. I am a professional organizer and I just want to tell you what a value provide to thousands, be proud of yourself!!!! you give folks a platform to learn and share.


I love these. I wear the daylights out of my clothes- I wash them in delicate cycle & hang to dry only when they’re actually needing a wash.

I do a weekly menu based on the 5 protein categories in my fridge freezer. Sunday dinner, pork, beef, chicken and fish. I have a legume allergy so I buy meats on special.

I keep a cheat sheet of 4 tried and true recipes for each meat and stock my small apartment pantry with the other ingredients.

I don’t stray from that very often. I know each recipe well and I always have what I need on hand.

I plan 5 meals per 7 days allowing 2 nights for leftovers or a meal out.

I shop for 5 main veggies per week plus potatoes, garlic and onions to go with the main dish. Double servings of each veggie.

Rice, pasta, kasha or potatoes on the side.

I repack the meats from the sales in ziplock freezer bags and freeze flat so I can maximize the room in my fridge freezer.

I use the same cleaning supplies- microfibre cloths, spray bottles that I dilute commercial concentrated all purpose cleaner or vinegar with. Vim in the kitchen and Lysol toilet disinfectant cleaner in the bathrooms.

Paper towels for raw meat juices or cleaning the toilet outsides where I don’t want to contaminate my microfibre cloths.

Buying new cleaners to try stuff chews up the money. Once I find what works I stay with it and buy on specials.

Same thing with the food - find what works and stick to it. Variety can be expensive. That’s what meals out at the restaurant are for.

Dh & I are retired, on a pension and living in an apartment condo. Space is limited and we stick to our budget. We can travel and enjoy everything we want because we save on the daily expenses.


Dang. I buy my clothes used to begin with, and wear them to shreds. Yesss on the ten year old dress! And yeah, we don't eat out, and we track all expenses - ALL of them.


I had a dress for over 20 years (it was already vintage when I got it). I stitched it up so often. It finally wore down where there was no helping it any longer and I had to say goodbye, but I am totally one of those people who wear things for a decade like you.

Left over stir fry and burritos are great!
My husband and I budget. We have been tracking our food shopping more than ever since inflation. It is crazy how much more things are.

I also use a lot of left over jars for storage items.

I don't have washing machine/dryer at all and haven't for 15 years. I am the washing machine.

There are so many ways to be frugal or save money and I think everyone has to find out what works best for them.
Great video. Congrats on your husband learning how to put a hot water heater in for you to have access to hot water, by the way! Awesome job.


Double-up tip: When the groceries I usually buy, are at half price, I buy several jars/packs to last until the next time they are half price. This way I often get my groceries at 2 for the price of 1.


Thankfully my husband, dad and brother know how to build, fix and repair anything. Saves much money ❤


I still wear a sweater i bought secondhand when i was in middle school. Which was over 20 yrs ago...Still get compliments on it...😁


Nothing, or at least almost nothing, feels as good as using things up and not wasting them. 😊 I used to be really wasteful but now I’m conscious about using food before it expires, using products before buying new ones, etc.


My dad always did every house repair by himself, and my mom made lots of DIY and clothes mending. So now, even though I’m a doctor and I could pay someone to do my house repairs, I do them myself. I specially love doing electrical and building furniture.


Double up: I thought I was the only one who tore the paper towels in half! I buy the ones that are half sheets to start. Mostly I use wash cloths and towels to clean and dry, the paper towels are just for real messes. I use the same tea bag for multiple cups of tea and I keep my clothes much longer than most, in spite of my minimal wardrobe. I am also a fixer and DIY er. YouTube can teach just about anything! I am also not a shopper, I never go to a store without a list and only buy what is on the list. I am also very conscious of the cost of gas and batch any errands so only to make one trip, or to do them when I have a Dr appointment, etc. I’ve been frugal out of necessity forever, very conservative in everything I do. Things I don’t buy anymore: fabric for making clothes, decor items, costume jewelry, etc. When I do need to shop, I go to the thrift stores on their sale days. I’ve given up doing crafts just for fun, supplies are expensive and then you have to store the left overs. Those days are gone. I paint in watercolor and draw using ink. Hobbies that take up very little space and supplies last forever… besides, they make great gifts when it’s time and satisfies my need for creativity. Sometimes I even sell them. The last thing I do to be frugal is eat at home. I sold my house when the last of my kids left the nest and moved into a senior apartment. Life is so much simpler and satisfying. I enjoy your videos, keep them coming. ❤


Invest in a sewing machine and learn to sew. I got a Singer Basic for a bit over 100 euros and I watched YouTube videos to learn. Now I can mend my clothes and repurpose old fabrics. One example: I made make-up bags using old bed sheets and gave them to friends/family for Xmas :)


OMG! Who is only wearing their clothes 7 times and only keeping them 2 years?! I still have clothes from high school and college and am now in my 50's. If something gets too raggedy for wearing in public it gets demoted to pj's or working around the house (changing into "work" clothes means my nicer clothes stay nice longer) and if they are absolute rags, I cut them up into literal rags for gross jobs instead of paper towels. Fashion trends are basically designed for consumers to waste money and resources and I would rather be kind to the environment and keep my money in my unfashionable pockets. ;)


Growing up I never worried about money and my parents were in a good place financially. However, unlike my parents I'm a broken human living in a broken world, so I have to learn new ways of being. Currently I'm a student again, and I think I'm going to still be deliberate in my spending even if I don't have to sometime in the future.
