25 EXTREME Frugal Living Tips That Actually Work

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In this video, we share 25 EXTREME Frugal Living Tips That Actually Work.

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Excellent tips! Being retired and on a fixed income with inflation running 1970s-style, I need to keep a MUCH closer eye on my expenditures. Thankfully, I'm debt-free at this point.


Careful with furniture, they may be throwing them out due to pests and infestations!


Glad I was brought up frugal by my parents ❤️🙏💪


My mom was frugal and I was taught how to be frugal as well. We went to thrift stores and found new clothes with the tags on them. We would go to garage sales and find all kinds of things.

My mom bought big items from the thrift stores in good condition.

She knew how to talk down the price as well.


Need more of these great ideas and tips to SAVE. Thank you.


Buy clothes at goodwill stores in wealthy neighborhoods. More often then not, they'll be in great condition


Great tips but why do people have to buy stuff all the time we should be paying bills and buying food essentials during these pandemic times


If everyone is selling things to get money, who remains to buy them? I keep seeing this tip, but can't see how it shall work if many people do it.


I like the one on cheaper use public transit tho some public transit does not get me close enough to where I am going driving straight directly to my destination saves time at times for half hour at dr visit I spent six hours on public transit yes to eat out especially breakfast deli sandwiches tea coffee mucho cheaper to do so where u live on dating simple ones are best eating out is fancier. Places really nicer better food or just mucho dinero spent senora and me senor go to nice ristorantes not as done on tv dating using alcohol drugs extra fancy yes dine but not wine why is it parties catered affairs dates always drugs legal but cause mucho troubles not all vloks could have one drink and as I am worst for me if it were couples like us two doing simple things the world society would be nicer some senoritas want fine dining costly like a day at a ball park costly we or mucho volks work hard for dinero that does not grow on trees if you are a business person as one does never mentioned cut expenses living where u work if possible cuts out travel time from home to business yes eating at home cheaper depends how done most things volks do are not always the best ways done not said is eating out watch your picks is it made with things bad for your health I can’t use msg in Chinese sugars are the worst or you could be spending mucho at doctor visits automobiles if not healthy when you drive if where u live an idea walk around to see what places stores ristorantes shoe repair or others are plan your days to get things done shorter trips less stop and go on dates see near by if parks shows concerts take a meal out as some do noontime concerts I do enjoy vw auto club events business with pleasure helping keep area clean if allowed it helps auto costs driving around the less we use our vehicles cuts polution wear on it saves dinero also by going slow easy does besides less time in auto shops where u should find one honest work together most are these days fraud quick to do the work not always properly some will show you the problem how often done at dry cleaners laundry clothes are left there for reasons died or whatever thrown away picked by anyone just pays the bill not said on store windows things on street corners in comunities notices are for events going on nice dating I do at times making your own sandwiches bread cold cuts if you drive to events go early if possible to find parking not driving around where to do so wear on cars shoes watch business for notices on things being done not everyone likes the same things at all places times or day varies costs we’ll is food liked the same costs every where served or different days cooks or specials two forks senora mine likes a real pleasure senora knows my handicapped what I can do or not looks out for us both one place never again vw club closed use to be our monthly meetings there the food servers knew what we liked at times I’d senora take home left over donot waste good food or do they give you big meals depends at some places or if less costumers they may ask you to leave if I said it right because of my honesty at one supermarket calling polize when ripping of deposit containers return machines the workers are nice to me we work together if a limit how many a day learn who is where costumer service cashiers who to deal with saves trips gets mucho done in less time as with dating first time you meet go easy it takes time to very well no each other as is my business how places want you to bring the stuff to them some videos on this I pad show very well things I do or what to do so it works nicer keep your vehicle clean organized less weight inside park it walk around mucho to do your pick ups unless otherwise going places not really for work then as some do slam on brakes seeing things drive around the block easy does watch out for vandalism I have had not always stealing but throwing things inside Al over in a mess plan your time depends not work at times dr vists auto work if cycling be careful scum in area wrecked mine at my younger days I had less problems doing business things volks were mucho nicer than presently are learn what is best for you donot listen to others always at times mucho big mouths but no actions that are nicer if done in my life actually doing things seeing using this I pad I have learned mucho about plenty of life’s volks things daily we do use own buy whatever have a nice day if possible
