Review: Zero Time Space Quantum Tunneling Superluminal Signals Günter Nimtz Astrid Haibel frequency

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KEY CONCEPT of this book:
"The so-called group velocity describes, on the other hand, the speed of the spreading of the envelope of the pulse, for instance of the maximum. Group speed is thereby normally identical to signal speed. While in Figure 3.2 the phase has moved from P1 to P2, the group has moved "only " from G1 to G2. the group has moved slightly more slowly than the phase.
Signal speed is generally defined as the speed of the envelope of any wave packet. E1 and E2 are certain points of the signal which, for instance, convey the change in the key of a melody or its volume. In this way information is conveyed.
Not only are group and signal speeds generally identical, but signal speed is also the same as energy speed because all detectors, like eyes and ears, react to the energy of a signal.
Often front speed is mentioned as the fictitious beginning of a wave packet. However, this quantity has no physical meaning because a front does not convey information nor energy. In a vacuum (and approximately in air) phase, group, signal and energy velocities are equal and correspond to the velocity of light....
The ultimate extreme may be a tunnel barrier where phase speed can be zero in the tunnel, whereas the other three velocities may become infinite." p. 37-8.
Interview with Günter Nimtz:
This is an awesome book!! Very clear language that anyone can understand, given some time to study the numerous images and diagrams. The concept is the SAME concept I realized when I was in high school: Inverse time-frequency enables a zero/infinity quantum nonlocal signal harmonization energy. This is also the secret of noncommutativity as nonlocal nondualism.
Why can't people understand this? Because standard science always assumes a materialistic source of energy as matter that has to be measured as a geometric unit (a physical medium). Louis de Broglie realized that all matter is also made of waves and so due to the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony there logically HAS to be a negative frequency and reverse time signal from the future!!
It's kind of surprising that this book never uses the phase "Law of Phase Harmony" even though that was what de Broglie considered his greatest discovery but the book does focus on Louis de Broglie in the end. The book starts in the beginning focused on relativity. So in the end it is focused on the quantum tunneling via de Broglie's matter waves as the de Broglie frequency. De Broglie was critiquing relativity with this "Law of Phase Harmony" concept though - and so it connects the beginning and end of this book.
Nevertheless despite not mentioning the Law of Phase Harmony this is precisely the same concept that this research of Nimtz (and similar experiments) has corroborated.
The negative frequency, reverse time signal can literally NOT be observed since it exists as a virtual signal that is a mathematically imaginary signal yet since the frequency as a signal is part of a group wave with a limited wavelength, therefore this zero/infinite quantum tunneling due to the negative frequency, reverse time, overall produces a superluminal signal speed.
So Nimtz has stated elsewhere that these superluminal acoustic signals are happening around us all the time. If you think about it - as Hameroff and Penrose emphasize, along with other quantum biologists like Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, our bodies are essentially a "liquid crystal." So this change in the density of the medium acts as the "double prism" effect creating this nonlocal zero/infinite signal storage system through our microtubule-tubulin neurons.
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My latest with Alison:
On Sun, May 1, 2022 at 10:57 PM

"Thank for sending this along Drew. I feel like I am learning a new language.

I was wondering do you have any thoughts on spintronics and electrical engineering and how that relates (or not) to your ideas about things being disharmonized."

Recently Penrose and 't Hooft got in a tiff on a livestream - two Nobel Physicists having a heated debate and the "moderator" shut them down!! It could have been historic. haha.
Anyway Martin van der Mark - the coauthor of that article has given recent talks on Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. Essentially, as van der Mark points out, de Broglie had proven that there is no "rest frame" for relativity (and even all of science). Professor Basil J. Hiley also told me this same view in an email response - that there is no "rest frame" for a measurement.
So Penrose also points out that quantum mechanics suffering from the "measurement problem" is actually due to gravity causing the "collapse" of the nonlocal protoconsciousness of the Universe. So there are experiments working now to prove him correct.
But Newton originally devised gravity directly from music theory - this was proven in the 1960s upon newly discovered writings. So Newton essentially argued since a string needs to be stretched in tension as the square to get an octave increase in frequency, using a squaring of weight for the tension - then this is also the same law for gravity. This inverse square law originated from Archytas who was said to have relied on a Babylonian equation.
Anyway so something like "spintronics" - there is a research group in Arizona that is using this same concept of noncommutative time-frequency to create a type of quantum entanglement that therefore doesn't require the "collapse" of the wavefunction and so can be used for quantum computing (to resonate the spin energy).
Yes - I should follow up on his latest research.
I need to meditate more since meditation is actually the highest technology possible. haha.

One of the limiting factors in spintronics is the decoherence time in the materials used.


"The so-called group velocity describes, on the other hand, the speed of the spreading of the envelope of the pulse, for instance of the maximum. Group speed is thereby normally identical to signal speed. While in Figure 3.2 the phase has moved from P1 to P2, the group has moved "only " from G1 to G2. the group has moved slightly more slowly than the phase.
Signal speed is generally defined as the speed of the envelope of any wave packet. E1 and E2 are certain points of the signal which, for instance, convey the change in the key of a melody or its volume. In this way information is conveyed.
Not only are group and signal speeds generally identical, but signal speed is also the same as energy speed because all detectors, like eyes and ears, react to the energy of a signal.
Often front speed is mentioned as the fictitious beginning of a wave packet. However, this quantity has no physical meaning because a front does not convey information nor energy. In a vacuum (and approximately in air) phase, group, signal and energy velocities are equal and correspond to the velocity of light....
The ultimate extreme may be a tunnel barrier where phase speed can be zero in the tunnel, whereas the other three velocities may become infinite." p. 37-8.
