Noncommutativity is not byproduct of infinitesimal spacetime translation: QFT is a wrong foundation

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"David Chester May, 26, 2023 Dear Drew, Okay, now we are getting somewhere. You are claiming that "transition frequencies" that Heisenberg studied in the Ritz-Rydberg combination principle are better understood with nonlocality. ...Okay, I see your point now. Once again, I think the term "noncommutativity" within itself is too vague, but I understand better the way in which you are using it. ".....
"noncommutativity of infinitesimal spacetime translations" is not true noncommutativity. "Connes' noncommutative geometry is a little different,...Noncommutativity itself is math and is vague for physics" - Quotes from David Chester, Ph.D. email reply to me, Wed, May 24, 10:39 PM.
I disagree with David Chester and so does Professor Basil J. Hiley. "However non-commutativity is deeply ingrained in quantum phenomena and is not, in my opinion, “only mathematics”... It is a very different approach which is based on an exploration of non-commutative geometry, in the same spirit of Alain Connes but using more physical intuition." - quote from Professor Basil J. Hiley to me: Wed, Feb 23, 2022. "It is really deep stuff which moves us well away from the way physics is normally presented." Sun, Sep 25, 2022, email reply to me from Basil J. Hiley
Quantum Physics Professor Jean Bricmont Explains how de Broglie-Bohm nonlocality Debunks Quantum Field Theory: Choosing My Poison of Quantum Biology as noncommutative nonlocality
Jean Bricmont
(8 hours ago)
to me
I don’t know much about virtual photons, but it is true that books on QFT or relativistic QM never mention the collapse, which is presented as an axiom in ordinary QM books, because that collapse is nonlocal and thus not easy to treat relativistically. In fact QFT predicts accurately the results of scattering experiments but ignores what happens between t=-infinity and t=+infinity and never discusses AFAIK EPR type situations.
Best regards,
Professor Jean Bricmont on Richard Feynman and quantum field theory:
Professor Jean Bricmont: "Look, I'm sorry if I have to bring in this picture... but here is a simulation of trajectories in the de Broglie-Bohm theory...You can perfectly have a theory where each particle as a position at all times and there's only one trajectory. There's a set of trajectories, depending on initial conditions, you can have different trajectories for different realization of the same experiment. But you see, the Feynman Path Integral is extremely misleading. Because Number One, maybe not important, but Number One, it doesn't make any sense mathematically. It's not a well-defined object, it's not a measure, it's not a complex measure, it's just a formal, it's a mathematical trick, like the Feynman diagrams, by the way, allowing you to remember, to sort of write formally the solution of Schroedinger's equation. But this is equivalent to Schroedinger's equation - there is no path - because it takes all the paths - there's no reason to believe that - there's no evidence for that. You never find any tunneling in two places at the same time. It's only because you introduce the "collapse rule" - the problem of the "collapse rule" is the direct contradiction with Schroedinger's Equation, including Schroedinger's equation applied to the measuring device. So, why not admit that there's a problem rather than saying everything is OK? I think there's a problem and I think there's a solution. But if you don't agree with my solution you should admit that there's a problem, and a problem within physics, rather than drawing philosophical conclusion which I think are mistaken, from physics." "There is a real drawback in ordinary quantum mechanics. It works perfectly well and my view is that it works perfectly well because of the de Broglie-Bohm theory underlines it. But if you don't agree with that then one should admit that there is a serious defect with the contradiction with Schroedinger's Equation and the Collapse rule." 49:00 minutes in. thanks, drew hempel
"I think there is something sick in our profession which I have always fought against which is the refusal to accept that there are problems with quantum mechanics... and in general to accept 'shut up and calculate.'"
Jean Bricmont's emphasis on debunking idealism and that quantum physics and physics in general has turned away from the "real world" and it's "all about information" is particularly poignant considering our accelerating ecological crisis in the real world as a byproduct of the wrong classical physics (and wrong interpretation of quantum physics!). thanks
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"These simulations express an evolutionary process leading to humans and on up through higher levels of biological and technological evolution."
Hi David Chester: I actually was certified in conservation biology as a semester of study in Costa Rica in 1992, the same year E.O. Wilson published his biodiversity book on the "crisis of mass extinction of species." Conservation biologist Michael Soule pointed out that large mammals stopped evolving in the 1970s due to "lack of habitat." Conservation biologist professor emeritus Guy McPherson has pointed out the near-term human extinction due to this acceleration of "biological annihilation" (a googlescholar term in peer-reviewed journals by various biology professors).
"The emergence of biological life and its ability to preserve nonequilibrium states has puzzled many.
Schrodinger introduced a term called negative entropy [95], which was later shortened to negentropy."
Glad to see you engaging with this issue! Did you realize that Jordan Pascual in the 1930s already argued noncommtuativity self-amplifies into the macroscale from quantum nonlocality? haha. He was the first real quantum biologist in that sense. Pascual is mentioned in the Royal Society award-winning quantum biology book, "Life on the Edge." (2016).
"Furthermore, humanity’s recent hacking of evolutionary biology, via CRISPR gene editing, is likely to allow rapid evolution of consciousness
in the future—designer consciousness—that can make mind-simulations even more powerful."
This claim is devoid of the corporate-state science context of genetic engineering science. The human genome is not the deciding factor in terms of evolution when there is complex feedback and a supercomputer can not even model the ecology of an equatorial rainforest! haha.
Julian Huxley, whom you cite favorably, was one of the first promoters of eugenics as transhumanism along with Oliver L. Reiser - that I exposed in 2001 as part of the "Actual Matrix Plan" based on the "music logarithmic spiral."
This is why I have always focused on interdisciplinary research because when people become specialized with Ph.Ds then there's too little knowledge of the gaps between the disciplines. I discovered this from my undergraduate degree in International Relations that was supposed to combine or integrate economics with biology and political science as "sustainable development" back in 1994. hahaha.
thanks again,
drew hempel


“Andrija Puharich, who was in the Army at that time I think, would have been able to do it.”...“Which may explain why US Army studied me as a kid in the late 1940s....“I was reading a book on computer switching circuits at home when the phone rang. I answered it and
heard a strange sequence of clunking mechanical sounds. Then a metallic sounding voice comes on the line. A cold mechanical voice is the only way I can describe it. It gives a long series of numbers that I did not understand and then calls me ‘Jack’ and says it’s a
‘conscious computer on board a spacecraft.’”....“I did not meet Walter Breen until after that phone call by several months.”....“I now think that all the main pieces of the UFO-
gravity-consciousness puzzle that Walter Breen first suggested in the early 1950's, that came up again 20 years later from Brendan O Regan and George Koopman as well as Andrija Puharich, "....“Of course, but I did not yet know him. Andrija Puharich, in the Army at that time I think, would have been able to do it. He was at Columbia at the time
where Breen was and where Glogower was being studied. Remember I was known to the Army much earlier than that. People in Army Quarter Master Corps, where I hung out with my grandfather, would certainly be able to do it. Colonel Corso was active at
that time. This is all speculation of course. Suppose it was some kind of Army experiment connected with Roswell perhaps.... My grandfather did the driving. This, I speculate, may have a causal connection to my later contact with Breen and the phone calls....“It is possible I met Puharich and Corso as a kid through my grandfather who worked for the US Army
Quartermaster Corps, but this is only a conjecture. I met a lot of Army Officers over many months around 1950 or so but they are a faceless blur. I am sure they were studying me."
Jack Sarfatti quotes on his "retrocausality" experience - or was it just long-term planning on the part of military intelligence?
"MK Ultra was early 50’s same time as my recruitment into Breen’s Super Space Kids project that Andrija Puharich redid later. Yes, my playing in the Army Lab in Manhattan late 40’s may have been part of what later was MKUltra" Jack Sarfatti quotes from my book, "There Is No Spoon."


Hi Dr. David Chester: Thanks for your response. As you know, Noncommutativity is not limited to the quantum scale. As Pascual Jordan realized, noncommutativity self-amplifes to the macroscale. Professor Basil J. Hiley is focused on the Jordan Product (usually called the Baker Bracket) as being neglected in standard quantum physics. I have been corresponding with Professor Basil J. Hiley several times. He considers noncommutativity to be the truth of quantum gravity. Hiley is a very different approach than quantum field theory. Hiley is critical of both Dirac and Feynman. I just got a response from Professor Robert Flack, about a week ago, stating that he is going ahead with the weak measurement experiment using argon, testing Hiley's noncommutativity. Their lab was shutdown for the pandemic. The weak measurement research group of Yakir Aharonov explicitly notes these weak measurement experiments demonstrate "gravitational repulsion."
I'm glad to hear you've worked with Professor Lou Kauffman. I also corresponded with him several times. He worked on noncommutativity out of his discrete physics model with Pierre Noyes at SLAC. Kauffman also collaborated with Eddie Oshins at SLAC on noncommutativity with Oshins teaching Stanford Wing Chun as an example of noncommutativity. Kauffman admits that noncommutative "primordial time" is "almost mystical."
Alain Connes emphasizes that all of standard physics has been based on commutative geometry with the technology trying to reduce the entropy of matter. Hence our ecological crisis today - due to not understanding noncommutativity. Connes also emphasizes that Jungian synchronicities are due to noncommutativity as nonlocality. I have studied the ecological crisis in depth - I even got arrested eight times protesting against its causes. haha.
I discovered noncommutativity from my music research since as math professor Luigi Borzacchini points out, standard western science is based on a "deep pre-established disharmony" as the "guiding evoltive principle" of science from using the wrong music theory as the secret origin of Platonic commutative geometry mathematics. Alain Connes is the only scientist providing the truth of music theory as also the truth of noncommutativity frrom an infinity of infinite dimensions as a factorization process he calls, "two, three, infinity" - from which linear time orginates. See Alain Connes lecture on youtube, "Music of Shapes." (several versions).
Math Professor Michio Durdevich cites Connes to explain the truth of Pythagorean philosophy is actually noncommutativity (not the Platonic b.s. that people claim is Pythagorean but is actually from Archytas and Philolaus). So you can see we've been brainwashed eversince Platonic philosophy set up the "Beauty is Truth: A History of Symmetry" lie (book title by math professor Ian Stewart).
Penrose emphasizes that gravitational entropy is the opposite of the entropy of matter and that gravitational mass originates from noncommutative time-frequency out of the de Broglie-Einstein Relation in Penrose's "palatial twistor" model. Penrose explains, as per Schroedinger, that life is from the gravitational potential as quantum negentropy and that time is "fundamental time" (term from Lee Smolin who had the same quantum mechanics prof that I had) that is asymmetric time and nonlocal protoconsciousness. Keep in mind that Penrose's quantum biology research with Stuart Hameroff emphasizes that Einstein's weak equivalence principle is debunked by quantum noncommutative nonlocality. Jean Bricmont makes this same point and Bricmont emphasizes that even Stephen Hawking didn't understand the truth of the Bell Inequality experiments.
This vid is unlisted on youtube.
I would not consider noncommutativity to be simply an extension of the real number spacetime continuum as you claimed in your first sentence to me (I realize that is the typical biased definition of noncommutativity in terms of Riemannian geometry) - on the contrary, Alain Connes emphasizes that noncommutativity is discrete and more dense than the real number continuum and is therefore fundamentally different than the real number continuum.
That link gives some of the email replies I received from Kauffman and Hiley.
John G. Williamson attended the Kauffman talks and I have corresponded with Williamson also - with Williamson emphasizing that de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony is noncommutativity.
Have you studied Professor Jean Bricmont's emphasis that the de Broglie-Bohm model debunks quantum field theory via the Bell's Inequality experiments? I took quantum mechanics from Professor Herbert J. Bernstein (who was Lee Smolin's first quantum mechanics professor) who emphasizes that everyone should take quantum mechanics as their first physics course, otherwise people learn the wrong foundation of reality. Bernstein used the noncommutative torus for his superdense quantum teleportation satellite signal system being tested by NASA.
I have also corresponded with Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson on these issues (several times over the past five years or so) since Josephson now agrees that quantum biology is more primary to reality than classical physics - meaning there is a secret to the process of attention that Jack Sarfatti is overlooking. haha. Josephson explained to me that Jack doesn't understand this secret of attention - just as Jack pointed out he had been "debating" with Brian about these issues. Brian Josephson also now practices qigong at Cambridge.
Thanks for your feedback.
drew hempel


just googlescholar "biological annihilation" - our ecological crisis is much worse than people realize. The Aerosol Masking Effect is twice as bad as previously thought - so a 40% decrease of coal burning will heat up Earth another 1 degree celsius. There's a 1200 gigaton pressurized methane reserve in the Arctic - ESAS - that is accelerating out with an "abrupt eruption" very likely - and there's over 250 Zettajoules of extra heat in the oceans since 1995 - also to be released soon. We already fried the planet - life on Earth is doomed and yet we believe science will save us. Hilarious.


"What you're actually doing with the symplectic algebra is that you're conserving areas and that's the most important thing, you see, you are conserving area. And it's in the conservation of area that you get things like the Gromov no squeezing theorem for example - in classical physics as well as in quantum physics. But in quantum physics you can not squeeze the area BELOW H-bar squared." Basil J. Hiley


Professor Jean Bricmont: "Look, I'm sorry if I have to bring in this picture... but here is a simulation of trajectories in the de Broglie-Bohm theory...You can perfectly have a theory where each particle as a position at all times and there's only one trajectory. There's a set of trajectories, depending on initial conditions, you can have different trajectories for different realization of the same experiment. But you see, the Feynman Path Integral is extremely misleading.
Because Number One, maybe not important, but Number One, it doesn't make any sense mathematically. It's not a well-defined object, it's not a measure, it's not a complex measure, it's just a formal, it's a mathematical trick, like the Feynman diagrams, by the way, allowing you to remember, to sort of write formally the solution of Schroedinger's equation. But this is equivalent to Schroedinger's equation - there is no path - because it takes all the paths - there's no reason to believe that - there's no evidence for that. You never find any tunneling in two places at the same time. It's only because you introduce the "collapse rule" - the problem of the "collapse rule" is the direct contradiction with Schroedinger's Equation, including Schroedinger's equation applied to the measuring device. So, why not admit that there's a problem rather than saying everything is OK? I think there's a problem and I think there's a solution. But if you don't agree with my solution you should admit that there's a problem, and a problem within physics, rather than drawing philosophical conclusion which I think are mistaken, from physics."
"There is a real drawback in ordinary quantum mechanics. It works perfectly well and my view is that it works perfectly well because of the de Broglie-Bohm theory underlines it. But if you don't agree with that then one should admit that there is a serious defect with the contradiction with Schroedinger's Equation and the Collapse rule."
49 minutes in.
drew hempel


Gaia is the biosphere that is currently experiencing "biological annihilation" due to classical physics - including relativity - just googlescholar "biological annhilation" and study abrupt global warming physics, including the aerosol masking effect, the 500 plus Zettajoules of heat accumulating since 1995 in the oceans, the 1200 gigatons of pressurized methane facing a likely "abrupt eruption" out of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, etc.


"One merit of our analysis of Cenozoic (past 66 million years) climate is that it reveals that the present human-made GHG (greenhouse gas) forcing is already greater than the GHG forcing at the transition from a nearly unglaciated Antarctica to a glaciated continent. Yes, if we leave atmospheric composition as it is today, sea level will eventually rise about 60 m (200 feet) ....
The “miracle” in RCP2.6 is largely an assumption of negative emissions via power plants that burn biofuels, capturing and sequestering the CO2. Also beware of nations promising “net zero” emissions without defining what they mean. As discussed in our paper, the present policy approach is not working and it is not likely to work. For example, the cost to close the gap in Fig. 28 via carbon capture and storage is estimated as $3.4-7.0 trillion per year – that’s the annual, growing cost. That miracle is not likely to happen."
Then throw in the Aerosol Masking Effect and the ESAS methane "abrupt eruption" and things get real wild, real fast!


Jeremy aka Alienscientist had a guest on his show who did a "spoofing" expose on the supposed Tic tacs. It's just a "theory" that they are time-traveling ufos. But it's NOT a "theory" that the military has a history of promoting disinformation based around "ufos" - see Mark Pilkington's Mirage Men doc for good details or read Greg Bishop's book, Project Beta, or read Nick Redfern's books on Roswell, etc. Of course Jeremy Rys has a lot of research exposing this military disinfo around UFOs also. So yes it is "possible" that Jack is correct but what is more likely? The question of "where" do the UFOs go is an excellent one - if they are "time traveling" then in terms of relativity this would indicate a "preferred reference frame" that is logically inherently "unobservable"! So that is ok if we rely on logical inference with pure "fundamental time" as the foundation of reality - this is the view of Roger Penrose on "protoconsciousness" as nonlocality. Physics doesn't really have a definition of time. So also all these "external measurements" and "observer-relative" effects rely on visual perception or some sort of external devices. Logical inference via quantum biology relies on listening that is faster than Fourier Uncertainty and so can bypass the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This enables a macroquantum noncommutative resonance as the key to time travel. It all goes back to Heisenberg's discovery that the "transition frequencies" in the Ritz-Rydberg combination principle of spectroscopy are noncommutative and nonlocal.


"The modified discrete derivatives are represented by commutators, and satisfy the Leibniz rule. Discrete calculus can be embedded into a noncommutative calculus based on commutators. With this understanding of the
relationship of discrete calculus and commutator calculus it is possible to
consider discrete models for the structures described in this paper, and it is
possible to compare the commutators that arise from discrete observations
with the commutators in quantum mechanics."
"Constraints between the form of the calculus in standard worlds and the form of the
calculus in noncommutative worlds seem to be at the heart of physical laws.
This needs better understanding....Our aims in this paper are different from the aims
of the full noncommutative geometry. We examine the relationship between
the standard worlds of smooth calculus and the algebraic worlds with (using
the terminology above) inner derivations."


Jean Bricmont
(2 hours ago)
to me

I don’t know much about virtual photons, but it is true that books on QFT or relativistic QM never mention the collapse, which is presented as an axiom in ordinary QM books, because that collapse is nonlocal and thus not easy to treat relativistically. In fact QFT predicts accurately the results of scattering experiments but ignores what happens between t=-infinity and t=+infinity and never discusses AFAIK EPR type situations.

Best regards,



Hi David: As you know I'm not a physicist but Basil Hiley has emphasized that most physicists are not truly dealing with nonlocality.
Hiley is explaining that there is no escape from the environmental context being part of the "experiment" and the claim of an objective measurement otherwise has been the cause of our current ecological crisis. So I dare say it is easy for physicists to underestimate the implications of Hiley's physics worldview. Hiley is keen to emphasize that Bohmian "mechanics" is not correct - that David Bohm did not like the word "mechanics" and also that Hamiltonian Mechanics is incomplete at best.
What both Hiley and Connes rely on and emphasize is the original noncommutativity of the "transition frequencies" that Heisenberg studied in the Ritz-Rydberg combination principle. So I think to try to just claim one can just study Heisenberg's algebra and uncertainty principle is not true or accurate to the emphasis on spectral frequency that Alain Connes explains in his talk (on youtube), "Music of Shapes."
So Hiley told me he has not focused on gravitational entropy. You are discussing "entanglement entropy" in your research but Hiley is emphasizing that nonlocality is not a byproduct of creating entanglement. Nonlocality exists inherently via the noncommutativity process that as I said Penrose calls "fundamental time" but Connes calls it "primitive time" and Lou Kauffman calls it "primordial time."
The emphasis by Hiley on Planck's Constant squared and the quantum potential via noncommutativity as a process means there is no point particle and also no zero symmetric rest frame at measurement. Instead the noncommutative algebra deals with the "subobservables" in the weak measurements. Hiley told me that at zero spacetime there already is the future and past overlapping.
The frequencies are inherently discrete and as Hiley emphasizes there is no need for the collapse of the wavefunction. With proper practice the "negative frequencies" from a time-reversed signal can be stored in the body internally as increased photon energy. This is because listening to music is proven to be up to ten times faster than Fourier Uncertainty. The highest sound we listen to externally resonates the brain internally as ultrasound. You are probably already aware of Anirban Bandyopadhyay documenting ultrasound resonating the microtubules and tubulin as a quantum coherence superradiance - with 3000 times greater conductance than any other frequency.
This negative frequency nonlocal secret has already been demonstrated with the "dynamical Casimir Effect" and more recently with Sir John Pendry's research group doing the Archimedes Screw circulation of light experiment. I discussed with a quantum field theorist who insisted that it was impossible for a virtual photon to exist for real - that they are only a "mathematical entity" - (this is the view of PBS Spacetime for example) - well as you admit Dirac has problems and Basil J. Hiley details how Feynman messed up also. Did you see Hiley's informal talk that goes into Feynman error more?

In particular, this implies the possibility of gravitational repulsion rather than attraction within the weak reality.

That study is cited with more discussion elsewhere. So I really see no need to rely on any switch to classical physics that inherently goes against the negentropy of quantum biology.
We have already over 250 Zettajoules of extra heat accumulated into the oceans since 1995 and the Aerosol Masking Effect, as per Daniel Rosenfeld's research group, shows a 40% decrease of burning coal also heats up Earth another 1 degree Celsius global average. The current CO2 emissions are 100 times faster than any previous time in the past 500 million years.

methane is released from a large pool of preformed methane, as opposed to methane from slow decomposition of thawing subsea permafrost organic matter, suggests that these releases may be more eruptive in nature, which provides a larger potential for abrupt future releases.

Keep in mind this is not even discussed in the IPCC ar6 recent report of some 6000 plus pages!
I don't think just trying to expanding upon some classical field theory is going to fix the ecological crisis problem, and I think the wrong "commutative geometry" mathematics created a structural "deep pre-established disharmony" as the "guiding evoltive principle" of science to quote math Professor Luigi Borzacchini again. Too bad his book, "Plato's Computer" was not translated out of Italian. haha.
If you listen to that 2015 talk that Connes gave to physicists (on the origin of quantum randomness) he relies on the same "Music of shapes" analysis from Milnor (Can you hear the shape of a drum? No..) - that there are "three kinds" of notes in music - and the two note chords are noncommutative. This is what Connes calls, "Two, Three and Infinity" as the simplest example and explanation of the infinity of infinite degrees of freedom as noncommutative factorization. Connes emphasizes in that 2015 talk - the link I already gave you - that this is a simple intuitive notion - yet it is very radical. It's a simple music notion that I realized from my training in music as a teenager.
There is an "overall motion" that we can't escape as Connes explains! The original time is not the linear time of primitive causality in relativity. This is Jean Bricmont's key emphasis also - that even Stephen Hawking did not understand Bell's Inequality since Bell's Inequality disproves primitive causality of linear time! Bricmont challenges physicists to find a quantum field theory textbook that discusses Bell' Inequality in this context. I have corresponded with Jean Bricmont about this also, of course he dismisses the paranormal and spirituality implications but he also does not discuss noncommutativity.
This is the secret of nonwestern meditation as quantum biology as well - from nonwestern music tuning practiced as a mind-body transformation of noncommutativity as Eddie Oshins, working at SLAC with Lou Kauffman, realized. So for example with the "Dirac Dance" that I was taught in my first year quantum physics course - the outside of the hand is yang that goes against the yin lower body while the inside of the hand is yin that goes against the upper yang body - as this "Dirac Dance" is practiced (called the Silk Reeling motion in Tai Chi). That is just one example of that concept as the secret of the training - it goes into all the energy channels of the body for a full body-mind-spirit transformation via the nonlocal, noncommutative protoconsciousness.
So we already have an explanation for antigravity levitation as realized and documented in the case of Saint Joseph de Copertino - see also the most famous Buddhist meditation master of Thailand, the free biography of Phra Acharn Mun discusses levitation as well. As I said, my own teacher achieved levitation - all that is needed is this simple intuitive yet radical understanding of philosophy that is practiced as meditation!
thanks for your conversation,
drew hempel


Yes - thank you for pointing that out. Our "nose-blind" activation is quite fascinating - how we can't smell ourselves for example. It's a proven fact that a new smell activates the limbic brain in the Theta (REM dream) brainwaves but soon after our prefrontal cortex inhibits that new smell - adjusts it out of our left-brain dominant conscious perceptions in the GAMMA brain waves. Quite fascinating also that on deep meditation we can achieve quantum nonlocal smell perception - once I smelled cancer in someone else - it smells like rotting flesh. (I had admittedly fasted for eight days meditating the whole time to achieve this ability). This is, of course, how dogs are trained also. It's truly stunning how other animals rely on the same quantum nonlocal origin of perceptions through formless awareness or what Roger Penrose calls "protoconsciousness." thanks


Is Gerard 't Hooft even interested in "warp drive"? haha. I think Jack created a strawman's argument there. I don't think Yakir Aharonov has any collaboration with Sutherland - despite Jack trying to combine their research? Actually Yakir Aharonov's' research group HAS been collaborating with Basil J. Hiley's research on weak measurements, as shown in the Fetzer Institute videos on youtube. Here's a couple quotes from the Aharonov research group papers: "In particular, this implies the possibility of gravitational repulsion rather than attraction within the weak reality. Moreover, not only the gravitational mass, but also the inertial mass will be shown to admit a negative sign." (That's Aharonov, 2022). "This is made possible by exploiting sequential weak measurements, allowing to measure non-commuting observables in sequence on the same state, on each entangled particle....dynamical nonlocality seems to manifest the system’s dependence on future configurations in a two-time picture."
March 2023 paper, Single-pair measurement of the Bell parameter, again stating: "Although, of course, some decoherence is induced on the measured entangled state, in the weak measurement framework the wavefunction does not (fully) collapse, allowing to measure non-commuting observables in sequence on the same quantum state [18] and, as a consequence, making it possible to extract information on the whole Bell parameter |S| from each entangled pair measured."
So clearly the gravitational repulsion is due to noncommutative nonlocality!! This is not the same as Jack's relativistic non-unitary model. David Chester's torsion with a "noncommutative infinitesimal" is closer but still not quite there. haha. I just corresponded with David Chester over several emails in the past couple days. I'm not a physicist but I did take quantum physics as my first course - as my teacher Professor Herbert J. Bernstein emphasized - otherwise people are brainwashed with the wrong foundation of reality by learning classical physics with the real number symmetric commutative geometry spacetime continuum. Professor Jean Bricmont does a brilliant job exposing how relativistic quantum physics or Quantum Field theory ignores the nonlocality that violates primitive causality of linear time. So Jack is emphasizing how the speed of light doesn't change in the vacuum despite the frequency changing due to spacetime shifting in relativity - but the noncommutative nonlocality is showing that the origin of the linear sense of time in spacetime speed originates first out of the time-frequency being noncommutative. This is what Alain Connes calls, "two, three and infinity" as the discrete infinity of infinite degrees of freedom as a simple intuitive factorization process, an eternal "rolling motion" - best explained by the truth of music theory! I had this same realization about music theory from my music training as a teenager! So only Alain Connes has figured out this truth and Basil J. Hiley has been relying on Alain Connes for Hiley's noncommutative physics. Hiley, of course, collaborated with David Bohm. I think it's easy to try to incorrectly "assimilate" the noncommutative nonlocality into relativistic physics but this gets things backwards and hence antigravity is not understood properly. This is why meditation has enabled antigravity as levitation since it arises due to the same quantum biology explanation based on the "negative resonance" from Roger Penrose - noticed I didn't say "back reaction" like Jack. hahah.


Hi David: Thanks for your replies. What do you think of Jean Bricmont's critique of quantum field theory as per Bell's Inequality and the collapse rule? Also Penrose's critique of the weak equivalence principle in terms of quantum measurement problem? Personally I think unless physics takes into account the "fine tuning" of our near-term human extinction from biological annihilation then it's not a very accurate model. haha. Penrose does this, in my view, when he points out how gravitational entropy is the opposite of the entropy of matter. Hence all our technological "progress" to reduce the entropy of matter has increased the gravitational entropy against the quantum negentropy of life. Seems pretty obvious to me.
I think the problem is people get brainwashed by the real number continuum and classical physics while in high school. Obviously science is our religion and we are dependent on it - how many people really "life off the land" like we used to do in a self-reliance way for thousands - hundreds of thousands of years! hahaha. We've had farming for the past 10, 000 years and so we have hoarded wealth and created warfare and technological progress!
Kind of hilarious really.
drew hempel


Hi David: Thanks for the response. You wrote:

"The commutator [A, B] = AB - BA, which is zero when A and B commute. Commutative structures have vanishing commutators. This is just a mathematical statement. "
OK but this is what I want you to consider. Email to me from Basil J. Hiley:
“The Jordan product is the most neglected product in
the whole discussion of the foundations of quantum
"But what if Newton’s first law is not valid at the quantum level?
Assume at this level these two expressions are not in fact equal, then
non-commutativity will be the consequence.... Since the [star]-
product can also be written as the exponentiation of the Poisson
bracket then classical mechanics must contain some trace of this
non-locality, suggesting that classical mechanics itself has some
features that we have missed simply by using Newton’s or even
Hamilton’s differential equations of motion."
Hiley, B. & Pylkkanen, Paavo. (2022). Can Quantum Mechanics Solve
the Hard Problem of Consciousness
"Bohm (and also de Broglie (1960)) called this term the “quantum
potential energy.” This new quality of energy enters as the
coefficient of h[squared] [relativistic from de Broglie] and this is why Dirac
missed the QHJ equation. Its appearance is intimately connected
with the Baker bracket (Jordan product) and therefore the non-
commutativity of (x✭ p)."
The Moyal-Dirac controversy revisited
B. J. Hiley
"This in turn implies that a non-commutative phase space can be
regarded as lying at the heart of quantum theory."...
"Thus the ✭-product is non-local in that it involves integrating over a non-local
region in the non-commutative phase space. It is this product that is used in M-
I"n an analysis that focusses on the non-local nature of the ✭-product, Hiley (2015)
shows that the ( p, x) should be identified with the mean position of a “blob” in phase
space (de Gosson 2013)."
"On the other hand if the expansion of the Baker
bracket is limited to O(h) then it reduces to the usual commutative product. It was for
this reason that Dirac (1947) missed the appearance of the quantum potential energy.
Whereas it appears in the appendix of Moyal’s classic (1949) paper, as we will show in
section 5.1."
"To repeat, it is only when we go to order O(h2) and above that the Baker bracket
does not reduce to the usual commutative product. Generally terms of O(h2) are
assumed to be negligible and therefore are not discussed, but the bracket plays an
important role when energy (Hiley 2015) is involved."


Submitted on 27 Jan 2022
Pierre Renaud
Hi David: Hiley says you should read this book - in his comments after your question. At 1 hour 24 minutes - "Read that book, If you read that book...."


Many Worlds is a joke - Roger Penrose laughs as Many Worlds as does Basil J. Hiley, Jean Bricmont, etc. Why anyone would take Many Worlds seriously is beyond me - and that is Bricmont's point - this whole "idealistic information" emphasis is literally "sick." thanks
or Basil J. Hiley's research - he explicitly demonstrates that Bohmian physics is NOT a hidden variable - you simple put the Schroedinger equation into polar form and separate out the imaginary from the real. The imaginary component in it has the nonlocal quantum potential. It's directly in the Schroedinger mathematics - and it wasn't just demonstrated by Bohm but others also - it's just that Bohm explained what it means (as did de Broglie originally).
Jean Bricmont's emphasis on debunking idealism and that quantum physics and physics in general has turned away from the "real world" and it's "all about information" is particularly poignant considering our accelerating ecological crisis in the real world as a byproduct of the wrong classical physics (and wrong interpretation of quantum physics!). thanks


Roger Penrose emphasizes that the gravitational potential of the sun is the TRUE power of the sun - not the fusion energy. The source of the gravitational potential is the negative frequency of quantum negentropy as protoconsciousness from asymmetric time. Just study Nobel Physicist Roger Penrose for details. thanks
Actually just googlescholar "biological annihilation" - the entropy from Planck is what defines abrupt global warming currently kicking out 100 times faster rate of CO2 than in the past 500 million years! We are facing imminent extinction of all life on Earth. But go ahead and fantasize about AI as "evolution" haha.
