The Dark Side of Calvinism! Darth Vader vs John Calvin

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Explaining the hidden message behind a recent Darth Vader preaches the Bible that I made, I explain the secret message in this video. I present a chart that answers some real life questions we should consider regarding the validity of Calvinism and its namesake John Calvin. My chart helps us to determine who is the real villain, Darth Vader or John Calvin. The video explains why I would compare a make-believe Hollywood villain with a real life person like John Calvin.

#JesusIsLord #Christianity #Calvinism #FaithonFire
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Calvinism almost destroyed my faith and my life. It drove me deep into despair and anxiety. It took me a year and a half to study my way out of it after being exposed to it in Bible College. Those were some of the hardest and darkest years of my life. There is no doubt in my mind that it is indeed a doctrine of demons and very destructive.


I go to a non-denominational church where the associate pastor was reformed in his theology. I only recently dove into the weeds of Calvinism, discovering the finer points, or should I say the 5 points and what that truly means. Needless to say, as a born-again Christian for 30+ years, i immediately saw it for the heresy that it is. It is as shocking to me that so many Christians are deceived by Calvinism as it is that so many are deceived by the word faith and nar movements! Both are outright false doctrines! Anyway, I discovered that our associate pastor was a covert calvinist. Meaning, he was planted by a reformed group in the city to slowly and methodically teach the false doctrines of Calvinism to our church so they could eventually absorb another congregation into the fold of reformed calvinists. When I realized what was happening, i began to pray him out. 3 weeks later, and he has unexpectedly and without explanation resigned his position and left the church and gone his way! Even the head pastor doesn't know why or where he has gone? I never communicated any of my findings or concerns to anyone except my wife and the Lord, as i did not want to interject myself and my personal convictions upon others without an open invitation to do so. It would seem however, that my prayers were not in vain and my concerns not without merit.


John Calvin "Some are doomed from the womb"... Jesus "For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them" (Luke 9:56 KJV)


I was presented before the foundation of the world not to be a Calvinist 😮


Surely, following a doctrine named after a murderer is a red flag


Went to a stealth Calvinist Church for 3 years without a clue what TULIP meant. Once I learned I QUICKLY escaped. Here's 5 things I learned looking back at this experience:

1. There was not a whole lot of joy among the people.

2. No communion for you unless you signed their man-made "covenant" membership dotted line.

3. Never once explained their most revered flower TULIP. Very stealth in this regard.

4. Lots of 50¢ words that still don't make sense.

5. Not a whole lotta emphasis on love.

A perfect bible verse that sums up Calvinists would be 2 Timothy 3:7 which states "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." I put John Calvin up there with Joseph Smith.


"The fact that charismatics have to work so hard to defend their doctrine of the spiritual gifts, is proof that they aren't in operation today." Justin Peters. " The fact that calvinists have to work so hard to convince other Christians that Calvinism is biblical, is proof that it's not. " Brian and myself, and the vast majority of Bible believing Christians.


This is the most best YouTube channel ever!🎉


That killed me man! That was so funny! Thanks for that, i really needed it. I enjoy your channel & yes i know calvinists & they would condemn the Vader skit. God Bless you


What a funny way to present a serious message. Thank you! Your insights on this topic are refreshing and filled with common sense. Thank you!!


Calvinists seem to be unconcerned about a dying world and more concerned about converting Christians. Now who would be behind that? Thank you for shining the light on this basic truth.


I left a Calvinistic church just recently.


People need to understand the full story of Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader. It is a beautiful story.


Calvinisim is a lie from the pits of hell. With that said, we can not take predestination out of God's word. It must be taught correctly, and Calvinisim is a dangerous lie.


I am glad you made a clear distinction between Christianity and Calvinism !


I like what I’m hearing. I’ve committed so many sins I’ve been living in terror since reading my Bible. I believe totally in Jesus as my Lord and Saviour . God bless you ❤❤❤


A lot of Calvinist trolls are commenting on this channel, saying they too preach the good news. But the UNIQUE CLAIMS of Calvinism are terrible and are NOT good news!


In Calvinism, salvation is exclusive, and the number fixed.

Death & sin were destroyed ONLY for their pre-chosen elect.

Not 1 person may be added to it.
For all things are fixed & predetermined by God.

Although they do celebrate his birthday every year, I'm shocked Calvinists don't label John Calvin a modern-day prophet!

John Calvin: “No one can disprove the doctrine I have expounded except he who pretends to be wiser than the Spirit of God.” (Concerning the Eternal Predestination of God, p.161)


Calvanism is an anxiety filled life, and runs contrary to the gospel of grace to save sinners ❤It is indeed a doctrine of demons!


Im a Born-again Reformed Baptist church and believe in the doctrine of Calvinism hard 5 points. I don't force or try to convince anyone of this. I do believe you must be Born-again and confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in this name. Please 🙏 educate yourself.
