How to win friends and influence people (FULL SUMMARY ) - Dale Carnegie

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How to win friends and influence people (FULL SUMMARY)Dale Carnegie

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1. Never hound - always appreciate
2. Give honest and sincere appreciation
3. Appeal to another's interest
4. Smile
5. Remember the other's name
6. Be a good listener
7. Talk about other people's interests
8. Make other people genuinely feel important
9. Best way to win an argument is to avoid it
10. Begin in a friendly way
11. Admit your mistakes immediately
12. Let other people speak most
13. Honestly view others' angle
14. Have empathy for others' idea
15. Ask questions for other people to answer
16. let the people feel that the idea is theirs
17. Appeal the noble motive
18. Dramatize your idea
19. Throw down a challenge
20. Challenge people indirectly
21. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing others
22. Ask questions rather than ordering
23. Let the person save the face, praise every small moment, and give them a reputation to live up to
24. Make fault easy to correct
25. Make people happy about doing the things you suggest - tell them the benefits you both enjoy


What I really like about this video is that it has this underlying theme of accepting the reality that people are not perfect. Makes us feel more connected.


Great book. I read it a long time ago. I remember feeling like it was missing something. I think a friendship should be reciprocal. You cant only let the other person talk forever about their interests, praise them all the time, and be the only one making an effort. That's one sided. That is how you attract narcissists and toxic people. Some people will talk forever about themselves and you cant get a word in, or they change the subject back to them when you talk about yourself. Also, you shouldn't be afraid to disagree respectfully with people.


"Tell them they have the right talent and fundamentals, but just need to practice getting better." I that is a quote I always thought when drawing. This is something I need tell others get better at what they are passionate about.


Imagine two ppl like this talking to each other.
Both trying to get the other to talk about themselves and constant praise of one another haha


Thank you so much! I listened to the entire video in one sitting and I just kept thinking that I wish I could live my life over, having this new knowledge! This is definitely a book I will buy in the future, but this has given me so much value at a time when I do not have time to read entire books! Your value is priceless. I am going to be raving about your videos for a long time, to anyone who will listen!


Why hasn’t anyone commented how good the images / pictures are and how much time and effort it took .. It’s amazing !!!


I read the book before and this video helped me remember and realize again the importance of this book. Thank you very much.


This was very beautifully done. Please keep em coming. You are a good person for taking time out and helping others with these videos. God bless.


I have just moved from rural Ireland to east London, I have never been around any other culture or race growing up other than white Irish. I am really friendly as Irish people are, I go to the corner shop and ask them where are they from, what is their language, teach me to say hello in Hindi, I then taught them hello in Irish, they now remember me every time i go into the shop and they have nicknamed me the happy positive girl <3 . I am white so I stand out where i live here in east London, I have had multiple men ask me why I am here or what is my accent, even had one guy ask me if I am a police officer! I was in the lift with a lady who was wearing a hijab I smiled at her and said hello and she then felt comfortable to tell me it was Eid and she was fasting, and she was so hungry! I told her that's amazing I admire her determination and well done! She did not judge me for having my hair out and I saw her for being so disciplined. Its really weird to be the one that stands out because of my skin colour. But I noticed that every person I spoke to where a little wary of me at first but once I spoke to them they were so kind and welcoming to me. Everyone is the same we are all human you just have to have the confidence to open up and be real with one another!


This book is a timeless treasure. 15 years ago, it began changing my life from the very first page. I really recommend you read the full book.


This book is truly amazing. I didn’t give it enough attention it seems, forgot many important points. Thank you for the summary, will watch again🙌


Thank you for this excellent summary of Dale Carnegie’s outstanding book. A refresh in 30 minutes is very motivating to try to keep on improving my own behaviour 😊


Sometimes people are wrong and need to be told and/or shown. Allowing someone to continue going in the wrong direction will make it even harder when you or someone else brings it to their attention. The thing is, with good communication, you can address things in ways as not to be insulting, but constructive and encouraging.


This is the very first 30+ mins video that I've ever actually sat and watched through it in it's entirety on youtube. It was very interesting and I thank you for posting such video. Thank you! Keep it going!


Well done and thank you. This 32 minutes and 55 second video really inspired me. As a group facilitator, I can really use these techniques in my work. I think Dale Carnegie should be required reading in all schools. What a wonderful world this could be.


Your application of the principles stated through out the video and upbeat and positive delivery, delivered the goods. I have always hawked this book to any one in the srvice industry our attending did not make it feel as though you were hawking anything, but rather sharing something important to you and of benifit to the done...a testament to the book and am


Such a good book and an awesome presentation and synopsis. Thank you so much for putting the time into and shareing the project with the youtube world.


Thank you. I attended a Dale Carnegie course while between jobs. It was a valuable experience that helped me resume my career and grow. This is an excellent summary and instant refresher.
