HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE by Dale Carnegie | Animated Core Message

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Animated core message from Dale Carnegie's book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People.'

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This book changed my life. The greatest lesson I got from the book was not to talk behind someone's back or negatively (ever). This single greatest tip I've received


I admire Dale's work and the chase he had for continued progress.
Some of my favourite quotes by Dale are:
• It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.
• Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get
• Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.

Lastly, my favourite & one i personally stand by -

• Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.


my favorite point from the book is : it doesn't make much sense to argue with someone, because either you win the argument and hurt the person's pride, making him/her stick to their original point of view or maybe you lose the argument and the same thing happens on your side


*For those looking for notes* :

1. _Be Genuinely interested in people._
2. _Ask for advice._
3. _Offer praise._


Just don't go praising people all the time ( unnecessary praise ), it could lead distrust in you, also people may not give much value to your opinions . The key is to praise them where they have inserted some effort, or in instances where they didn't consider receiving praise, etc .. by praising those moments people will see you as a warm hearted person.


This book 30 years ago was instrumental in my success. Not only in my career but my personal life also. It is. It manipulation as some say, it is understanding human nature and bringing out the best in others as well as yourself. Can’t imagine where I would be today without using that book as a guide to being the best I could be. I read it from time to time as a refresher.


Hey Nathan, I love your work! Im 26 and have been able to climb the work ladder pretty fast. I think I've watched all your videos. The books you cover like Grit, Personal MBA and even this one has made an amazing difference the way I approach life and work. Can't thank you enough! Keep being amazing!


Read this book in 1985. Been using what I learned for 35 years. Highly recommend it to anyone.


Be genuinely interested in them. Give them the satisfaction of talking about their interests.

Be eager to praise and appreciate. Honest appreciation


This book is a timeless treasure. 15 years ago, it began changing my life from the very first page. I really recommend you read the full book.


What core message I got from this book is that feed the ego and pride of other people and make them feel higher authority or important regularly and you will win their support for life .


Its the best book about dealing with people, and he keeps stressing about how important it is to be genuine, which a lot of other books don't . Its about saving yourself and others from misunderstandings qnd the best part is about how to criticize people. We often do it very bluntly or too roundabout and it either worsens the situation or just does nothing at all .


This is exactly what I've been doing since in my elem days. It really worked. We all crave for appreciation and people love to hear them so let's give it freely. Sometimes it helps people boost their energy and their confidence to go on with their lives. Just saying.


1. Be genuinely interested in others 2:37
2. Give frequent praises 6:46


I have heard this 4 times straight! I am going to create a playlist of your videos, so I can listen to these amazing books, over and over again.
Like all of your videos, I love your videos. Thank you so much for all your efforts!!


This is a hidden gem of a channel. Hands down best channel on youtube


It's interesting how the main two tips discussed in this video are things I already knew but never truly applied. That's quite interesting. Thanks for this summary!


One of my favorite books too. Inspiring. A person to be always interested in others is not always an easy task these days. But the people who can show this deeply from their heart think will be high influencers.


Knowledge is power. Education allows ones choices to be decided when one is aware of this knowledge.


Thank you. My mom took this course Recomended by her brother. She was a self conscious extreme introvert. It changed her life. I’m passing this on. I read it in high school but didn’t finish the book. Now much older I’m expecting a rewarding life because I forgot the key element, others. Thank you for reminding me and I hope to fine other videos from you.
