How Waking Up at 5am for 30 Days Changed My Life

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@AtoZenLife challenged me to wake up at 5am for 30 days. I didn't think much would come out of it, but boy was I wrong....

Check out Marissa's video next:


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Hey Ariel, thanks again for doing this challenge with me -- your video is EPIC! 😍


‘All of humanity’s problems stem from our inability to sit quietly in a room alone’ - Blaise Pascal


That’s the one thing that has annoyed me about the people who claim to wake up really early - they always seem to fail to mention anything about what time they have to go to bed to make up for that 5am wake up time and it seems like such an important detail! Thank you for actually talking about that!! ❤


In the summer I wake at 5 so I can go out and garden before it gets hot. I will garden for a couple hours, then go in and get ready for work. It is a great way to start my day and there is no guilt about totally relaxing after work.


The best advice I have heard about mornings is wake up when you need to. There is no magic number, but don’t hit snooze ten times. I work very late and there is no possibility I can get up at 5am and face down an 18 hour day. That would change my life for the worse. And I can’t out-awake my extremely early rising husband and son, so that quiet morning time doesn’t exist in my home. But it does exist at night when I get home from work. I’m glad you carved out time for yourself to start your day right. I think that’s the goal, not the specific time. Take time for yourself, get up when you need to get up, and try to start your day as peacefully as you can.


It was the best decision I have ever made! I always get home super tired from work, so I decided to wake up at 5 to do the chores, have time to sit and have a nice breakfast and make dinner. I work 12 hours a day, so when I get home, I can relax eat dinner with my husband and my dogs and cats. I love it!


Rocking in fetal position! Wiping tears with the cat! 😂 Seriously, you are so relatable!


Aw the kitty air biscuits when cuddling you in bed was adorable 😻x


I love your humor. I like when I get up early but I also like staying up late. Late usually wins.


Your baby is ADORABLE! That hair-do! 😂


I found that I functioned so much better as a human being to get up at least an hour before my kids did when they were babies. I typically get up 4 or 5 in the morning and always have. I work out in the mornings, read my devotionals, etc. I get so much done in the morning.

I know so many people prefer to go to bed w a super clean home (dishes and all).
I go to bed early though. And I’m a morning person anyway so I’d rather get up and wash remaining dishes than stay up late washing them.
At night, my thoughts as I do dishes is “no one appreciates me or they wouldn’t leave this for me to do” but in the morning, these thoughts go thru my mind, “oh my sweet husband did this small thing last night to help me” “oh my youngest packed her lunch last night, I want to put a love note inside to surprise her!”

Having quiet time in the morning before the rush of the day is absolutely key to a joyful and productive day


I watch my grandchildren and I’m up everyday at 5 so that I can get what I need done before they get here. Makes for a great day with my babies..❤


Me too! A couple of years ago I was getting up at 6 AM. But one Autumn when we moved our clocks back one hour, I popped awake at 5 AM for several mornings since that was the old 6 AM, and I loved my extra hour of "me time, so I set my alarm for 5 AM from then on. Thanks for the cute video, Ariel. ❤


What's funny is I'm sitting on my couch with coffee groggy from just waking up watching this video like you watched Gilmore girls. 😅


I got up early for work for years. Now I’m retired I love waking up naturally. My sleep cycle changes with the seasons, waking naturally makes me feel so much better.


Yes! Yes! Yes! Same! Over a year ago I started getting up at 5:30. I work and have grown kids, so prior it was 6:30 on weekdays-just enough time to eat, get dressed and get out the door, and sleeping in on days off. That's how I treated myself, by sleeping in. But now it is 5:30 work or day off. I enjoy my coffee and spend at least an hour in Bible study. Life changing 100%


I’m so excited about this!! I’m retired, usually get up by 6am but don’t get the best sleep at night, so no useful routine. Dragging for the first couple hours, drinking coffee, watching TV, YouTube very little Bible reading. April 1st starting and will challenge by sister to the same! 😬😆


Great video. Since my dad passed away I haven't been motivated. I used to read the Bible and pray with him. He needed care daily so i made sure we did that. Now I get up just in time for work or whatever i have planned. I'm going to try this even though i too dread it. Lol


After watching your video, i went over to watch Marissa of A to Zen Life. Love both of your conclusions! This has challenged me to start getting up earlier with intention. Retired and widowed, so there hasn't been anyone here to keep me accountable for my day. You and Marissa have helped to change my outlook, thanks! As always, I love the humor you put into your videos!


I'm happy this worked for you. I honestly cannot handle waking up early it makes me physically ill, to the point of hospitalization. My body hates it, no matter how early I go to sleep. All of the benefits you listed are things that are also easily done late at night after everyone else goes to bed, so that's the magic hour for me.
