Why Do We Get Jealous?

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At times, we all feel jealous, but why? Why did humans evolve to get jealous?

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Upset Over Sexual versus Emotional Infidelity Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Adults
“One hypothesis derived from evolutionary perspectives is that men are more upset than women by sexual infidelity and women are more upset than men by emotional infidelity.”


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I enjoy jealously, it's weird. If someone is jealous of me,
it means they want something i have, weird because i don't have much.
If i get jealous, i catch it and immediately smirk like "dude, just go get what you want."
If you cant have that one, move on, there's always more.


I am sick of hearing that jealousy is unhealthy and that it only occurs in the insecure.. It's clearly a natural emotion that has a strong foundation in our evolutionary past.


Trace is the best. He just has a great personality, and somehow makes news sound even greater and more interesting.


I'm a straight man and I'm more worried about emotional infidelity because that's just 100% worse in everyway than simple physical cheating. Don't really see why people usually puts physical cheating above it.


I haven't been jealous in year. If I'm with someone and the cheat it's over. There's no second chance or working it out. It's just over and I move on. Jealous is horrible emotion that makes people go and do crazy things.


beeing jealous always felt... unecessary to me. youre concerned about something that could happen, wich is out of your controll, that leads to people trying to cage their partner so that they dont have the chance in the first place, to do it, wich, in my eyes, is a very bad behavior. i look at it this way: if she cheats, well then i know where i stand and can make a decision. you cant keep someone away from cheating on you. if you want to, they will find a way. so, let things be, beeing jealous is a waste of time and energy.


It has been years since I liked someone enough to feel jealousy of any kind. People just aren't worth feeling that way... being alone is better. At least for me


While I was in a relationship I've never been jealous. But I'm jealous when I'm afraid that my best friend could find someone better than me...normal?


It's annoying when you like a girl and they're going with someone else and you see them doing stuff together i get really annoyed and depressed in a way. But seeing them in an actual relationship doesn't bother me at all, as long as i don't see any intimacy. This study was right for me at least. Single heterosexual male.


I thought that I was never really the jealous person at all, which I wan't at that time, but last year I liked this guy and we got really close and we had a thing for the longest time and had very strong feeling for eachother but were both too afraid to admit it or do anything about it but yeah enough about that. Anyways I would get jealous over the STUPID and SMALLEST things, and I got annoyed at myself for how easily jealous I would get. For example if we were in class and another girl was talking to him I would sit there and silently rage. That sounds so pathetic and oh god I still get annoyed at that even though it's all over now. 


Jealousy is the emotion I hate feeling the most. I'd rather feel any other emotion except that one. It makes me feel yucky. 


I used to get jealous but not really anymore. I think as you mature you realize that if someone wants something else, its not the end of the world. 


Jealousy is a horrible trait to possess in today's society. It results in constant worrying about events that may or may not materialize which in turn causes actual problems when none had previously existed. If someone lacks the integrity to stay faithful in a relationship or happens to fall in love with someone else, then move on. One should simply view these events as part of the filtering process. That's not to say these things aren't painful, but it's out of your control, and if you try to tie a person down to prevent such occurrences, that only causes them to feel more inclined to look elsewhere.


stop right there! burning? yes burning, that the correct word, burning BURNING, *BURNING!* .
i am insanely jealous person...


I'd be most upset learning my girlfriend loved someone else; physical intimacy doesn't mean much when there's no emotional intimacy.


I am honestly tired of the very subject of jealousy. Jealousy is an unsightly emotion and really brings the hideous side out of a person. I mean cmon how hard is it for everyone to get along with one another.


It's impossible not to feel anything. The problems come when people are bad at dealing with it. Jealousy is a natural, rational reaction in someone who is having their perceived certainty of their place in the tribe of life threatened. The best thing to do in that situation is not to tell yourself off, but to do your best in whatever you do, and to become more grounded in your values and what sits right with you. If the lady or guy still doesn't appreciate you at that point, then at least that's certain, and you have direction.


I have generalized anxiety, so pretty much the feeling of jealousy exists all the time.


when that person talks to someone in a better emotion type thing. This is what sets me off!😡


when a man cheats it's easy to detect, when a woman cheats you will almost never know it.
