Jealous Of Someone? Watch This | Mel Robbins

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Jealousy is an incredibly powerful emotion-- if you tune into it, you can use it as a tool to figure out what you want. But the flip side of jealousy is envy, and that is one of the most toxic emotions you can feel.

Envy lies to you by making you feel like if someone else has what you want, that they’ve somehow taken it away from you. It’s not true.

If you’re consumed by jealousy and envy like I used to be, this video is a must watch.

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I wish I wasn’t jealous of anyone, but I just can’t help it, I really want fix this. Whenever I get jealous I get so heated for some reason and it ruins my whole day and mood


People do not like to admit they are envious because it means that you are admitting that you think you are not good enough. Envy is just an angrier way to show one is insecurity.


It's even worse when you're jealous of your best friend. I love them and I do not think that they don't deserve what they have BUT deep down I wish I had what they had. I am in conflict with my own self and I hate myself just for even being envious of other people let alone my best friend.


I’m proud of everyone that actually searched this up to confront their negative traits and work on themselves. This was such a refreshing perspective. Thank you Mel 💜


It’s hard to not be envious when you’re watching someone else live your dream life.


Most people who envy came from a toxic place. Parents whom compare their children to others, bringing them down. The feel like they're not enough all the time.


In tears right now...wasted so much time. No more


That’s key: “you feel like they don’t deserve it”. I never heard it put like this.


How does my YouTube recommendation know what I'm going tbrough


Envy has two parts. One part is that you want what the other person has. The second part is that if YOU can't have what the other does, it should be taken away from that other person. This is a very toxic belief that people should work to rid themselves of. Do the best you can and don't worry about


I think realizing how toxic and pathetic envy and jealousy is, is a sign you are a kind person that deeply doesn’t want to feel this way❤ it’s a good thing. Turn that envy/jealousy into fuel to make urself grow and heal. I saw this saying which was “ if you are always happy at the success of others, you will be happy often.” That’s so sweet.


I never knew what caused my depression until just about an hour ago. My friends went to get their nails done. They sent me a picture and I immediately burst into tears. That’s when I knew that I wasn’t ok


Focus on yourself and on your own path, look outside for inspiration because you want to improve yourself and become a greater version of yourself. If they can have it, you can have it too, and there's absolutely nothing that you can not achieve!!


Jealousy and envy will wear you down. Thanks for all the tips in this video Mel.


I have never gotten jealous for materialistic things, but I have gotten jealous of someones happines when I feel down or when I fail at something. I try to catch it while it's happening but it's sometimes hard. It doesn't last long and I get over it pretty quick but it's a sucky feeling.


Not to bore anyone with my rambling just wanted to say a few words.I'm also a very jealous and insecure person. I hate that about myself but it's really hard to change my toxic ways cause my parents have always compared me to others and belittled me..for days I've hated myself and felt like a horrible piece of shit. I never really hurt anyone in jealousy but I think I hurt myself a lot. Because I wanted to be a good person who just doesn't feel these horrible emotions.I say this not to justify my thoughts and feelings but to state that this can happen to anyone. But at last I accepted that it's in human nature to be jealous and insecure...just don't be too harsh on yourself or you will suffer. Remember to never hurt the other person in your jealousy . Bringing other people down will never help you and you'd probably hurt an innocent person who's just trying to live their life. Try to find a productive way to feel better. Do things that make you apriciate yourself. Earn your confidence by doing substancefull things. You don'thave to do great things even the littlest things like helping your mom or writing a poem can change your mindset.Or even better try to find the source of your insecurity and try to understand how to deal with it. Remember the solution of pain is in the pain in itself. I hope I made sense and wasnt too preachy. I just wanted to help anybody who's feeling jealous and insecure and hating themselves or can't escape their toxic patterns. It is a toxic trait but it is also natural and can be solved by talking sound measures.It's important to talk bout complex emotions and not just demonize yourself or people when they feel them. We're not born as good people, we fuck up a lot and learn to be somewhat good as we mature...I think.thas all. Good luck to everybody out there♡


Look at us all trying to get better by recognising this emotion and propelling us forward, at the very least, we can be thankful for that❤


I've never developed so much jealousy until recently. I don't understand this emotion. However I'm dealing with it. I needed to see this.


I feel happy that I get to recognize this feeling of jealousy. I am constantly jealous whenever someone gets higher recognition than I have. I always want to be on top of everything, and it's sickening. Now, I realize that it is up to me to use this feeling to be better or worse.


I love this woman. She is so wise and down to earth
