Narcissistic peronality disorder - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

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What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health disorder where people have, in essence, an overinflated ego - they think they’re more important than they actually are. But when faced with criticism, they become self-conscious and lash out at others.

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I came here to see if I was a narcissist, but I am so glad that I’m perfect and everyone else around me is just jealous of my success and great looks.


The narrator's tone of voice... seems like she had someone special in mind while recording the audio for this video :)


look, im a medical student on final year before internship. with intrests towards neuropsychology. I do not remember if i was the same as a teen or a child since its pretty difficult to remember thoughts. however, i THINK i may have aquired this habit because of my experiences?. look if this comes of narcissitic then it shouldnt surprise you but i entered med school at 15 and i was always 2 or 3 years younger than my classmates and i was also a topper or top avg (credits to my strict parents), but back then i never found it off or that i was too smart because of my age since i never compared myself to others. BUT when i got into university i was popular for being the "smart" kid. then i started remembering how i would always understand a topic or a theory or a math equation just BEFORE it would get explained and id just feel like im the smartest person alive when i'd get it right, and i remember that i used go like "omg they're so dumb" whenever someone would ask the teacher to repeat a certain point. this behavior became WORSE in med school. to the point that i remember i would pre study my chapters before the lectures and i would skip the lectures instead JUST TO AVOID FACING MY COLLEGUES "DUMBNESS". this is just from an educational pov, what helped boost my condition was people's need to consult me before taking any decision in life to the point that i would have to constantly take breaks from socials. (i swear i can see how my words are super narcissitic and believe me i can see it too), anyway i would always go beyond my ways to help people out but only the close ones. i have EXTREME lack of empathy to the point that once i thought i may have a mental disorder like maybe i could be some cold blooded murderer or something (spoiler: i am no where close to this).
i have many things to say (obviously i would since im talking about myself) but i just want to say that i am VERY aware of the moments and the thoughts that happen that fall under the NPD category. i try so hard to not say or do anything that can harm others EVEN if i disagree with them. id basically just go like (its ok if u think they're wrong, just keep it to urself and be nice). its very hard to keep up with but i have definetly changed to the better. especially when i know NPD will definitly not fit with my dream of becoming a doctor (im starting to think i may be willing to change for my own benefit, oh well its a cycle).


I had a girlfriend like that once. Once! She also liked to buy people things and later on she liked to ask those people who happened to be wearing her gift, -out loud- “HEY!! Isn’t that the widget I bought you last year?! Embarrassing. And when I saw her do it for the fifteenth or twentieth time, I stopped her. “HEY!! Isn’t that….” Nope! Come with me, Right Now!! And I told her in another room, not embarrassing her that she can’t do that sort of thing anymore as it embarrasses the living hell out of people. That’s when she lashed out at Me as if “I” was the one in the wrong. I knew right then and there that she was a narcissist. From that moment forward I could do no right. I eventually moved out, gave her the house and just wanted to rid myself of her. She simply sucked the life out of me and the oxygen out of the room. I had to change my phone number, my address, delete my Fb page and my email address. She even told everyone that She kicked me out of my own house. Then I heard the story she was telling everyone and I set them straight and all of them said something to the equivalent of, “I knew she was lying! I could see you were unhappy. I’m glad you freed yourself of her. You look much happier now.” **And I am. And you can’t fix a narcissist. As soon as someone compliments them on a single thing, they have a relapse. Save yourself!


Dr. Sankaran, professor, centre for biotechnology, anna university chennai . He has very high level of NPD. almost spoiled 25 phd students life because of his NPD level.


Does the psychologist will treat the narcissistic personality disorder patients ?


I'm so confused about my self. I share traits from NPD, Psychopathic, sociopathic, and BPD. I feel as if I'm a very self aware person and I think about my interactions with people alot and I just can't come to a conclusion on what's wrong with me.


I think I finally get myself. I’m diagnosed with npd but I never was sure if it was grandiose or covert or malignant because I share tendencies of all three. But now that I think about, I think I understand how I developed npd. I’m an upper middle class college student going to a good school, I live in a good neighborhood, I have my dream job already and I’ll only move up from here, I’ve never had a situation that didn’t just work itself out, I haven’t suffered discrimination even as a minority, and the one instance in my life where I’ve genuinely suffered and been a victim has worked itself out recently too. I’ve basically had everything handed to me, and despite that, the one thing I didn’t get growing up was attention from my parents. Almost everything goes my way and the things that don’t are either small enough to brush off or come with a built in excuse for why it didn’t work out. I haven’t been given a single reason to not find myself above most people in life, and at this rate, I don’t think I ever will. The only place where I feel less than is my own family, where I just display covert narcissistic tendencies. Outside of the house, I display grandiose tendencies, tendencies that no one questions because I show the skill and talent to back it up, and because of my psychiatric damage from what trauma I do have, I display a lack of care and even distain for human life, giving off the impression of a malignant narcissist. With the hand I’ve been dealt, I don’t think it was ever possible for me not to end up a narcissist. And now that I understand why that is, I feel so…completely, like everything just makes sense. I don’t even care to change as a person, because how could I when evidence of my superiority is always at arms reach.


dated one
horrible experience
anyone watching 🏃💨RUN.


Questions, If a person is suffering or as in "they" think/perceive that they don't, how can you even treat someone with this personality disorder. I mean, I understand it's not impossible but how do you bring them to a conclusion that there is something wrong with them, it feels/ or sense like it is never treatable?


I'll bet you think this video is about you. Don't you?


Meet one who is father to my kids 😂😂😂 I really suffered after let it go run for my life take care


BTW, am engaged 💍💍💍💍 to the love of my life that I respect so much.


I disagree with the western culture promoting individuality promotes narcissism. We need freedom from controlling narcissists 😁😁😁


I don't believe these people exist but once I come across one, I delete 🤣🤣🤣.
This video should aim at explaining those people who work hard to earn VIP treatment like special dinners, the best life has to offer in accomodation, food and all.


Welp, I’m officially a narcissist Lol
