Why You Keep Quitting | ADHD Job Switching & Boredom Burnout

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ADHD job switching is a BIG deal in our community. Not because we switch jobs so much, but because there's a lot of shame around it. I think it's time to ditch the guilt about switching jobs when you have ADHD.

In this video I talk about WHY we switch jobs so much and what we can do to not only embrace this part of ourselves, but also find ways to choose our next jobs more strategically.

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Wow, thanks for this video 🙏🏼 My family thinks I am absolutely crazy that I switch jobs so much- I have a passion for learning and I feel stuck and depressed once a job becomes too repetitive. I created a video marketing business which I took full-time but realised how boring it was sitting there editing the same type of marketing video day after day..I also got bored of marketing and video all together.

I am now switching to Virtual Reality development which I think will be an exciting field for me because there’s so many ways to be creative and build things that aren’t reliant on normal limitations of the physical world.

Thanks for giving this perspective, I’ve felt shame about this my whole life and everyone around me thinks I am dumb or immature but this explains it!


Getting bored of a job after 2 years is very generous. I have got bored of every job I've had in 3 months or less. The novelty of learning something new wears off and then it just feels like a grind.


After attempting to switch careers multiple times and not graduating from like 6 different programs, I now do feel embarrassed because nothing ever works out.
I used to openly tell friends and family about a new job or a new program I was starting. But after so many failures it’s hard to open up without feeling judged and embarrassed.


I was a nurse for just over 10 years. Everyone close to me acts as if I've committed a sin because I'm not working in my field. They are only looking at money. I am looking at happiness. I was burned out. I feel as if I should be happy while making money, not be miserable making money. I'm currently looking into other fields.


I experience burnout within less than a month at jobs. I struggle to understand how other people with ADHD can hold jobs for years, and I feel like a failure in comparison. I think my bipolar depression also plays a role in burnout.

“The world was not built for ADHDers, it was built for neurotypicals, where people expect you to be interested in things for long periods of time”

Never thought about it that way, but that really puts everything in perspective.

Thank you.



For me I think the quitting has hurt me so much. It takes time to get ahead. I struggle badly to make a living as a single mom. Totally frustrated and depressing really


I'm 40 and it just dawned on me a couple days ago that I might have ADHD. I'm a chronic job-hopper and have spent over $20k on degrees/certifications that I never finished. Nothing seems to hold my interest for more than a few weeks or months (or even days!) before I get bored and want to move on. All of the information I've been taking in about ADHD has been so illuminating and validating. Thanks for your work!


I’m 25 years old and have already had about 10 different jobs in my life, and have thought of about 20 different business ideas that I’ve struggled to build.
I’ve felt great shame about this in the past but this is a lovely way of looking at it that I am going to try and adopt. Thank you for your perspective.


I never thought to accept that I’ll just get bored after 2 years. Holy crap. For the last 10 years I thought something was wrong with me because I couldn’t last more than 2 years at a job. This is life changing perspective. Thank u


This has been my life for 30 years and I’ve been miserable. Felt a lot of shame behind the constant job switching.


I’m 26 and Im on my 11th job! I excel quickly so when I do quit, my managers are blind sided and I’m left feeling so bad! But I literally feel so unfulfilled and bored after a short amount of time. This explains so much and confirms my suspicions of having ADHD. Ofc I will still take the necessary steps to get diagnosed properly but it feels so relieving to know what is causing these work burn outs and now I can formulate a plan moving forward. I appreciate the tips and I will be binging your videos for sure!


it sucks to be viewed as a job hopper from neurotypical employers but my cycle of staying interested only lasts about 6 months before i want change again, it sucks because i do genuinely enjoy my jobs but i just cant sick with them.
its been really getting to me lately that i cant figure out what my "thing" is like what i want to do for the rest of my life because of my constatly changing intersts


This is 1000% me. I had no idea i was ADHD until this year. I always thought there’s no way I am because Im not hyper. That was always my thought. Then I listened to a Mel Robbins podcast on the subject and everything she said described me. Everyyyything. Then a creative friend of mine told me he was diagnosed and he and I are like twins so…I started looking into it more. Your videos describe me to a TEEE! I feel SO seen. I currently sing, bartend, part time at a credit union (and struggling with the idea of full time because I DON’T know how they do it every day, day in and out the same things over and over), I clean a couple large homes once a month, I type notes for hard of hearing college students, and I bartend for a football league. Every time I think of doing one thing full time the stability aspect makes me feel good but the rest of it makes me feel absolute dread. And I always always feel guilty and ashamed about my eclectic life, and some of the people in my life shame me for it like I’m a loser or something for not having one full time job. Thank you for seeing me!!! I feel better already honestly.


I struggle with this on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, though. I already want to quit a job I've had for 3 weeks and change direction. In one day I can cycle through 5 job ideas and genuinely feel each one. I'd be happy if I could commit for even 6 months. I feel a lot more dysfunctional than videos like this :(


It’s hard because not having a college degree really limits me and I feel like the jobs I’m finding seem to come with burnout a lot faster than other careers & not the best wages or management. Depression and anxiety don’t help as well…


So helpful! Thank you. I have found that being a content creator allows me to switch things up and keep things interesting. And I chose this career 12 years ago when I had no idea about ADHD. I’ve been able to change the entire content of what I share a few times as well! And because I work for myself, I can decide my hours better and keep a flexible schedule.


This is why I became a contractor. I try not to stay on the same project for more than a year. Been at my current job 1.5 years and while I enjoy it have found it boring since the end of year 1.


It's such a delicate balance - Boring enough to not stress me out. Not crazy fast paced where it stresses me out a lot. Pivoting has been vital.


Yes, yes, yes!!! My husband is always asking why my son and I keep bouncing from one thing to the next (hobbies)…. And here is the explanation. This makes total sense. Thank you. I know I feel a lot of guilt and shame for not sticking with things long term. It is so frustrating because I lose interest so quickly and then quit. I do wish I can pursue hobbies, workout plans etc for longer. I think constantly jumping from one thing to the next affects my ability to make progress.


This will continue to happen when you aren’t doing what you love. When I was doing what I loved, I never got bored.
