Should you change your job? Jordan Peterson explains risks of (not) quitting your job

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Should you change your job? Jordan Peterson explains risks of (not) quitting your job. You should be afraid of taking risks and pursuing something meaningful, but you should be more afraid of staying where you are if it's making you miserable. Always take into account the cost of what you're doing now. There is no permanent security outside of your ability to contend and adapt. The clock is ticking and if you're miserable in your job now and you change nothing, in five years you'll be much more miserable and you'll be a lot older. It's a luxury to pursue what makes you happy, but it's a moral obligation to pursue what you find meaningful. It's not easy. It might require sacrifice. You have responsibilities. So if you're going to switch careers you have to think about these things strategically and you have to do it like an intelligent responsible person. And don't forget that it's easier to find a job when you already have a job. Another thing to keep in mind is that you should always have an escape route planned and it should be active, because if you don't have an escape route and you can't get away, you can't say no and if you can't say no, you can't bargain and if you can't bargain, you're a slave. So, if your being is objecting to someone to something that someone is forcing you to do maybe you're right maybe you shouldn't be doing it. Jordan Peterson's wisdom could help you, if you are thinking about changing your job.

This audio clip was taken and edited from the following videos:

©The Wisdom Wire
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I don't mind work, I do mind working with bullies and narcissists. Dont know if I'll ever find a place without them.


"The greatest risk is never taking any risks; then dying with regret." -brian padrick drake


Ive been stuck in a job that feels like its sucking the life outta me for the past 4 years.

I just applied for a new job a couple days ago and if i get through, im scared of the interviews. Wish me luck guys.


Just quit my miserable job of 7 years for more pay and way less stress. I have been genuinely smiling ever since.


90% of people quit there boss; not the job.


I’m 44 and been on my job for almost 7 years. I used to love my job but now I’m so miserable every day. I don’t know what to do. Y’all pray for me😢


I'm in this exact situation now. 5 years in, pay is really good but it's an unfulfilling and a waste of my skills. Just started a small business and am hoping it takes off enough so that I may quit my current job.


Small tip that’s peripheral to the theme of this excellent clip of Peterson’s advice. When you have children, before they enter their teens don’t forget to invite them in to your adult world to prepare them in advance for the realities of adulthood. What I mean is, start teaching them the things that you know they’ll need to know to help them plan and set goals early when they’re old enough to enter the workforce. This might sound so obvious that it’s like I’m telling you how to suck eggs, but you’d be amazed at how many parents just let their kids lock themselves in their room for ten years and immerse themselves in computer games and perpetual escapism. It’s the worst thing for their development. They need exposure to hands on skills through their pre-teen years in things that will push them and give them satisfaction from tangible creativity.

For boys, they don’t have to become tradesmen, but giving them experience with powertools, socket sets, a soldering iron, and letting them pull things apart, put them together and build things will set them up with practical problem solving skills early. Enrolling them in a team sport, or a combat sport like Boxing, Muay Thai, Wrestling or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu will teach them fitness and give them the ability and confidence to handle themselves among their peers, and help with growing their social skills.

Exposure to quality literature that will cultivate their minds and teach them how to think beyond the padded cell of pop culture is another critical thing that will pay dividends for the rest of their lives. And exposure to the world, to travel, to foreign languages. This all begins in the home. I’ve believed for a few years now that a child’s world is only as big as their parents world. Parents want to give their children every head start they can get without pushing them too hard, and when parents live in a broad world they expand their children’s horizons. I know there are some of us here that have wished that their parents taught them more than they did. It’s our responsibility to prepare our children for life to the utmost, and one of the greatest gifts a parent can give their child.


I worked in a place for more than 10 years, I didn't realise how much I was putting up with and all the adaptions I had made to all the toxins. 10 years after I took voluntary redundancy I have gone from strength to strength and changing jobs every 2 years or so so I don't stuck in a rut again.


Jordan's spot-on have to believe in yourself...and you must improve can do anything you want once you set your mind to it. I crossed the galaxy went from one menial job to another... graduated from medical school ony 40th birthday...thats a true story. Finished Anesthesiology residency at have to have to take chances...the biggest risk is doing nothing....remember what the monks told Steve Jobs...."you re not really risking that much"...not as much as you may think....


Straight up common sense approach. Its why its so good and practical. Never sell your soul just for a job, people that do that are a dime a dozen. You can spot them everywhere, miserable, lacking in substance and ambition. Your dignity, honor and meaningfulness are far more important and worth the short term sacrifices and risks.


When you switch job...
There are 3 levels you have to pass through.

1) Prepare & Crack Interview
2) Have to get comfortable with new work, project and environment. And have to be Patient and with well graspingness.
3) Build the trust again. (Important one)


Im on the other side of the equation and am confiriming that the risks are worth it. Even if you fail.


Oh my God, I can vouch for everything that is said in that video. I had to make a radical career change despite being told by so many people that I never could achieve such a thing, and I did. The new workplace now while not perfect is still a heck of a lot more manageable and easier for me to deal with compared to the previous job I had. :)


My soul is no longer with me at my job. miserable 24/7. i have no backup plan. i already lost one friend to suicide due to a similar issue. At this rate, i dont think it matters. failure will always be there, but my happiness may come back


I think that sometimes situations ar work are so hard, that you have to quit even if you havent found another job.


I wasted 8 years of my life at a job that made me miserable. Missed alot of important family events. I quit that job a couple years ago and it still impacts my life


Wow... well done YouTube algorithm... this was exactly what I needed. Upvoted.


True power resides in being in a position to be able to say no at any given moment.


I've got a wonderful job, I worked my way up from the bottom in my company making $10 hr to being a switcher truck driver today. We just recently got a substantial payraise to $24 hr and today I worked 10 hours of overtime at $36 hr.
