Why great people quit good jobs | Christie Lindor | TEDxZaragoza

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Christie Lindor es una consultora experimentada y galardonada en administración de empresas con experiencia en cambio organizacional y transformación digital. Con más de 15 años de experiencia trabajando en las principales firmas de consultoría, se especializa en ayudar a los clientes a resolver temas críticos relacionados con los recursos humanos y de cara a los desafíos del futuro. Es oradora, bloguera, presentadora del podcast MECE Muse Unplugged, autora de “The MECE Muse: más de 100 prácticas seleccionadas, reglas no escritas y hábitos de grandes consultores.”y ha sido colaboradora de la revista Forbes y mencionada en publicaciones como la revista TIME y Boston Herald.

Christie Lindor is a seasoned, award-winning management consultant with expertise in organizational change and digital transformation. With 15+ years’ experience working at the top consulting firms, she specializes in helping clients solve critical workforce of the future challenges. Christie is also a speaker, blogger, and host of the MECE Muse Unplugged podcast, a show focused on helping consultants along their journey to greatness. A Forbes Contributor, Christie has been mentioned in publications such as TIME magazine, Boston Herald, Yahoo! Finance, Chief Learning Officer magazine, and many more on a wide variety of human capital topics.

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unfortunately most companies dont understand that in order to have customer satisfaction you need to have employee satisfaction


I want to personally thank the younger generations for influencing me on keeping my sanity instead of holding onto toxic work culture.


I quit my job in the middle of the corona crisis and TWO MONTHS later I make a living of my own business! 😃
It is crazy how we stay in situations out of fear when something so much better is waiting for us on the other side!


I have no life apart from my job.. I feel like I am my job, me=job. I go to job i come back and eat and sleep And go back again. Yesterday was my last day.. And I am going back to my home city tommorow😊


Yes. I am about to leave a job simply due to being micromanaged and having the processes change week to week. I have stopped sleeping and feel sick everyday. And yes... It is because of the culture created from the top.


My issue is workload. I am a high performer. I provide timely, quality work. I always get the highest raises and bonuses. But then management will overload me with work and I end up quitting every single time. There’s only so much we can do as humans. And overworking your employees will make the good ones run far and fast.


Sitting here watching this video on a Sunday night, so happy I don’t have to go my cube tomorrow morning. I was miserable at my job due to management. I finally decided to let go and although I’m somewhat scared, I know this will be the best decision I’ve ever made. I told myself I would never let any amount of money or great benefits keep me somewhere I’m not happy. Best of luck to anyone going through the same thing!


Discrimination, no ladder to climb, low-pay and work load - make people quit!


I am here to gather courage so that I can quit my job tomorrow.


I just quit my job earlier today. It was a good job, high salary, my results were always on top and I’ve worked my way up and was part of the group of leaders. But yeah, I quit - and it feels GREAT!


I'm sick of culture all together, I just wanna be left alone to do my job without all the management fads


I am a career quitter, I hate jobs that think they can control you simply because you work for them. My life is mine, not anyone else's!


“Great people quit organizational cultures”. That’s good!


I quit because I keep running into... Being the top performer doing 3 people's jobs and then when promotion time comes around being passed up repeatedly. I work hard to move up, but if a company doesn't appreciate an employee with a great work ethic then see ya I'll find another job that appreciates my talents.


I quited because I wintnessd this so called toxic environment. It took my soul, extrapolated all my energy and efforts then left me as a zombie.


I just put in my two weeks notice today. I felt so free leaving.


Never take a job, just because of the money. Lesson learned.


She’s so right. When a work place rewards everyone equally and mediocre performance is acceptable. The people who do well. Leave.


It takes guts, honesty and conviction to follow this healthy advice. It takes real HEART to stand up and deliver this message. And that, my friends is a real Leader speaking to us. Thank you Christie.


I walked away from a really good job due to the culture. It was so difficult but it was the best thing I have ever done for my career.
