8 Min Abs Workout - Level 3 - P4P Music

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Abs workout "8 Min Abs Workout - Level 3" is the third level of most famous abdominal training of the web.

Please watch: "Chest workout - best home routine to kill pec muscle calisthenics and bodyweight"
#absworkout #abdominal #absathome #p4pworkout
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Today is the day I did the workout from start to finish without a single break. What a great feeling!!!


Started when I was 31, now I'm almost 43 and owe my abs to these videos. The fear of losing shape always kept me coming back after each lazy break. Sometimes it took me months to get back but I always did ‏‪12:27‬‏


Well, it wasn’t easy. It took some time, patience, hard work, self discipline, trial and error, but I finally have a six pack. Thank you. I can’t count how many times I quit working out for anywhere from a week to months but I always found a way to get myself back in track. Even if it was working out just one day in a couple weeks or working out every day of the week before getting off track again. There were a few times I grew some small abs and then lost them. But I’ve been keeping myself on track for 2 and a half months in a row now and I finally have a six pack. Don’t give up guys.


I can't believe that i did it !
I remember when I could't complete level 1 


Exercise 1. 0:29
Exercise 2. 2:26
Exercise 3. 4:29
Exercise 4. 6:25
Exercise 5. 8:27
Exercise 6. 10:23


One day I will complete this without stopping


this is my second time i've finally completed this without stopping! not quite 50 reps eachtime but I feel so much stronger and am reaching for those 50 reps. It was a huge step up from level 2 but its possible. to those doing this, dont give up, you'll get there!


Dear P4P Fans,

we are happy to announce our new channel dedicated to the famous 7-minute workout!
7 Minute Workout is a great training to burn fat and be fit in a short time!

7 Minute Workout is the brand new channel of P4P, where you can find your 7 minute training program in your language! (You can choose among 21 different languages!)

Subscribe and let us know what you think!

P4P rocks! :)


Coming back to this due to quarantine after a few years, but this time with my doctorate of physical therapy, so I thought I could explain exactly why this FEELS like a leg workout more than an ab workout. First of all, the abs have no influence over the legs themselves... the abs stabilize, rotate, and flex the spine as they span from the ribs to the waist. So when we all complain of leg pain, its not because your "leg muscles are working harder because of your weak abs" the fact is that this much sustained time under tension on your legs is pretty irregular, so they are definitely getting a workout that they are not used to, hence the pain. The only reason we move the legs is to challenge the stability of our spine, which works our abs. The further our legs travel away from our waist, the more leverage they have, which makes the abs work harder (This is geometry/physics... Torque = force times Lever arm)

So no, feeling the pain in your legs doesn't mean your abs are working less hard necessarily, it just means your legs aren't used to being challenged with this type of sustained contraction, as they are used to contracting intermittently, not for 60 seconds at a time. The hip flexors (Iliopsoas, rectus femorus, and a few adductors) as well as your knee extensors (all of your quads) fight gravity for such a long time, the burn will simply be there until they acclimate to the exercise. This burn is greater for people with heavier and longer legs, as well as those with tight hamstrings.

so now the good part, how do we stop this pain? Well, the easiest way is just by doing this exercise, but expecting your legs to hurt more than your abs for a month or so, until they acclimate well enough to this stress to be able fight gravity for the entire workout. Take breaks if need be, but make sure you're taking less breaks every session. This is not someone telling you you're allowed to work less hard, it is someone telling you to expect your legs to burn, and to not discourage yourself by the legs burning more than the abs for a few sessions. As your legs acclimate to this specific type of exercise, you will feel them less and feel those abs more. Good luck everyone, hope this helps.
(side note, don't let a curve develop in your back in exercises where your back is supposed to be flat on the ground... that is your abs trying to cheat, the true workout comes from your abs properly stabilizing the spine in a neutral position, regardless of what the legs are doing. This will make the workout harder for us, but it will also train the abs to hold your spine in a more natural position, which is more important than doing this exercise easily so you can have bragging rights)


When you’re just about to stop for a second then you hear “start the beat” and you keep going as a single tear rolls down your cheek


These videos have been great for me! I started at level 1 6 months ago and now I'm at level 3 and I have to say it has helped me tremendously. I don't even have to flex anymore to see my abs, these videos have given me so much more definition in my abs, than my regular ab routine, that it's almost hard to believe this is my body when I walk past a mirror.


OMG OMG OMG!!!! yes!!! I finally did it!!! I made the full exercise without rest!!! :D
Finally !!! after 2 years I made it!!! :") I remember 2 years ago I just die at exercise 3, now I made all of this. Never give up :)


When you thought you were ready for level 3 and struggled throughout the whole workout lol 😂


I did level 1 for a few months and then upgraded to level 2, once that got easy I started this and oh boy does it hurt in the best ways!
I was actually shocked that I was seeing results within a week of this, I lost that result in a week of non activity due to a series of funerals but now I have a taste for this and I'm back at it


Wow this is just such a huge leap from level 2! I really love it though cause I'm back to sweating like crazy again!!


OMG, i actually remained still on the floor 10 min after doing this... The best ab workout ever!!!


This is my first level 3 workout. after I was done. it feels like gravity suddenly increased 10 folds


fuck its hard af. its a big switch from level 2 to level 3.. level 3 should be 50% harder than level 2. not over 9000%


been doing this for a month and this really works! i love it so much thank you for the video, i have seen really good results and almost getting the flat abs i always wanted :)


that akward moment when your abs are fine but you dont have the leg muscle to do the workout...
