Can a Codependent be a Narcissist? Ross Rosenberg explains.

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In this video, Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC, explains why a codependent cannot be a narcissist.


Ross Rosenberg M.Ed., LCPC, CADC is a psychotherapist, educator, expert witness, and celebrated author. He is also a global thought leader and clinical expert in codependency, trauma, pathological narcissism, narcissistic abuse, and addictions.

Ross's pioneering codependency contributions are responsible for the sweeping theoretical and practical updates and developing a treatment program that permanently resolves it.

Ross has been featured on national TV and radio and is a regular radio and podcast guest. In addition, he has traveled the world, giving his one-of-a-kind keynote presentations and educational workshops.

His global impact is best illustrated by his 23 million viewed/240,000 subscribed YouTube channel and the sale of 150,000 Human Magnet Syndrome books published in 12 languages.

#gaslighting #gaslight #gaslighter #gaslightingabuse #abusiverelationships #codependency #codependent #selflovedeficitdisorder #covertnarcissism #narcissism #narcissist #narcissisticabuse #rossrosenberg #toxicrelationships
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I think covert narcs are like the BIGGEST co-dependendents of all because they NEED supply (you) to survive and they hate us for it. A normal co-dependent needs the partner to feel comfortable, validated, valued...but can live alone and survive.


OMG!!!! I was CONVINCED I was a narcissist. Found out I was co-dependent and had formed the majority of my relationships with narcissistic abusers. Had to relearn how to engage in relationships. Had to learn how to stand up for myself. Had to learn that my needs were important and that I have value. Had to learn to recognize the signs and cut out all the people who don't value me. Now I love myself and am happy. Thank you for doing this. The world needs you. I am finally


This saved my life. Thank you I’ve been thinking this entire time what if I’m the narcissist bc I do some of the things people say narcs do, like silent teeagmemt I have to be silent because I don’t wanna say the wrong things or make it worse or just to conserve energy they are so draining and hateful sometimes they spin every word against you so I have to be quiet and neutral and so I thought I was the narc!!!! Praise God thank you for this video. I’m so confused all the time… and nobody rly understands bc they haven’t been abused this way. I still don’t even feel comfortable calling it abuse bc I hear his voice immediately after calling me “playing the victim” in my head. I hear his hateful words all day long sometimes.


Thank you for this. What a battle! What a road to walk. I cried tears of relief.


Narcissists can absolutely be codependent. They fear being alone so abuse people to form trauma bonds to keep their victims attached.


Good lord! Amazing! Thank you for what you do! I’m truly getting educated on this, and I appreciate that I can feel like a human being, That I’m not left to die, and that I’m not Crazy


Thank you so much. I am almost in tears. After 30 years and knowing in my heart at this point that things will never ever change I still often find myself saying am I just ungrateful, unreasonable etc etc, am I the narcissist, am I just too sensitive or easily offended. Even though I know it’s not true it’s how I try to rationalize my life because I’m so broken down and codependent that I will never be able to break away. No one who knows us sees the reality except our kids. He is incredibly charming, witty and charismatic.


I never heard it put this way. This helped me, thank you! 🙏


I have had concerns that I might be a narcissist. First time ever I am actually glad I’m codependent!!!!?


That’s what a friend told me. All I know is I don’t want to encounter another narcissist because that kind of abuse will drive you up the wall believe me I was almost there


Agreed. You may mirror them for survival but they pull their diabolical, immature, meanspirited crap cuz they’re used to getting away with it.


Listen to Ross man. He’s the best at what he does. Buy his books. Good stuff. I have both books. Thanks Dr. Rosenberg.


Narcissists project their issues onto their victim leading the victim to believe that they’re the ones with the problem. Call it gaslighting, crazy making it’s all messed up.


WOW this is such enlightening information. I relate 100% I’ve been and still was till this video questioning myself and admitting to my partner that maybe its me too maybe I’m a narcissist too. (My mom is a covert narcissist if you ask me) I knew I was codependent and worked on that but still questioned if I was a narcissist myself but this info has really opened my eyes in my healing wow thank you ❤


I don’t trust my partner at all. He’s the narcissist that lost my trust and I don’t value him anymore. He lost big.


You just answered a question I had about my self after being with a narcissist! Thank you for making me feel normal and better again!


Thank you for sharing. I'm glad this came up on my feed today. I'm a codependent with 5 years of recovery. I recently began a new activity that meets a basic need. I've been questioning over and over today if I could be a narcissist. I realize that I am not being selfish, and that I'm actually meeting a need in a healthy, mutually respectful, boundaried way (intentional written boundaries mutually agreed upon before beginning this situation).

Being someone who struggles with codependent tendancies, I am feeling selfish because I am not sacrificing my entire being to serve this person, becoming their fantasy or sacrificing my well being to help them live their best life, or being at their beckon call. I'm actually staying grounded, checking in with myself, prioritizing my responsibilities, and being healthy... but it feels SO strange, and my subconscious old patterns still give me feelings that I am thinking too much about myself!

Determined to break these chains, stay awake, and keep asking for what I need, Voicing my own fantasies, and allowing a more equal experience. I used to think pleasure was only serving someone else's needs. I'm finding that there is an entire other side to the coin... and I deserve every second of that fun! NOT SELFISH. SELF FULL.


Alot of people make me feel this way. Like asking for anything is wrong.


NOT ONCE have I met a narcissist who gives ANY consideration to the fact that they may be one ♥️☀️🙏


This man is awesome, thank you for all you do, opening the eyes of the blind.
