How to treat Medial knee Pain (MCL Sprain / Medial Meniscus) with Kinesiology Tape

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John also hosts Certified & accredited online courses and these are accessible from your own home. Click the link below for further information and use BMM10 at checkout for a discount!

John is also writing 2 more books for 2013, one is on 'A Practical Guide for Kinesiology Taping Techniques' with a DVD and the other book is called; 'Vital Glutes, connecting the gait cycle to pain and dysfunction'. These will be able to buy at the end of 2013 through Amazon.

John now offers Advanced Training in all aspects of Sports Medicine to already qualified therapists in manual therapy to 'Diploma' Level. You need to have attended all of his Physical Therapy Courses before the diploma is awarded. His venue is based at the idylic venue of Oxford University, home of the first four-minute mile by Roger Bannister.
Рекомендации по теме

Holy cow! This was magical on my knee! I can not believe how well this worked. I am 55 and learning to play hockey. I tend to hockey stop more on my left foot and I believe that what caused this injury. THANK YOU!


I sprained my knee 2 weeks ago (mild bruising in mcl area) and have been struggling to get around the house while I wait for an orthopedic appointment. Just put the tape on and am feeling immediate relief. Now my kneecap isn’t popping while I limp around the house! Thank you!!


Brilliant thanks, have sprained my knee and the pain has instantly improved.


This was very informative (including how to peel off the tapes). Thank you!


I've been dealing with awful knee pain a couple of weeks now, and am awaiting a doctor visit. Not sure if I have sprained something or am just falling apart... I stumbled across this video this morning and tried your technique with the kinesiology tape and must say, I am quite pleasantly surprised! The pain has subsided quite a bit in mere seconds after applying the tape properly with the technique you've shared in this video, with regard to my particular type of knee pain. Thank you very much for sharing with us! Cheers!


Just wanted to say THANK YOU for this video. I am finally able to walk without pain! NOW i can begin to exercise again to strengthen the musculature surrounding the joint. I had tried other taping protocols without significant success. I used the long tape ("a little fiddly") alone for a couple of days and that helped, but the addition of the 2 smaller pieces then completely eliminated the pain i was experiencing with every step. Super happy camper here! :D


Thank you John. The video helped relieve my pain and I can walk much better. I'm on the road to recovery thanks to you. Best wishes!


This wil help so much gonna try it I sprained my ACL
and meniscus
ACL and meniscus healed pretty good but my MCL has been leaving me in crazy amounts of pain for the last almost 3years
Bought this tape to see if it will help


I dislocated my knee 5 weeks ago and now I'm trying this tape to deal with the pain until I've got my MRI and scan results (probably got a torn MCL and meniscus, and maybe other injuries on other ligaments). I didn't know how to stick it! I'll try this, thank you for the tutorial!!!


Immediate relief using this method. Thank you every so much!


Thank you so much beause I went to the doctor today he said surgery but I want to try some k tape I have pain coming and going almost a year. But I don't know how to use k tape I saw your video.i just put k tape on my knee. Thanks again doctor ❤


In the video, you say the taping is for the mcl strain and not medial meniscus but the title of the video says mcl strain or meniscus. Which is it for or it for both? Very confusing.


Knee has been hurting for months in the exact spot you identified with the star. How long should the tape be applied for (day/hours) and how long before it heals? Thanks so much.


My future wife sent me here!
Thank you both!


I dont have trouble walking or going up and down stairs. But when I stand after sitting - I get this pain in the same place you indicated - inner knee. It last for a few steps than subsides. I am going for a x ray but I think I probably need a specialist to look at this. The spot is also painful when I press it with my finger. I dont do sports - but I do walk a lot.


Thanks for the video.
I damaged my meniscus playing squash and there there is also some damage to my MCL. I'm going to give this a shot simply because I have some kinesiology tape on hand but my question is will this help with the meniscus issue or just the MCL? The damage to the meniscus is also medial. I am also seeing a physio and will be looking at this as supplementary to her excellent treatment.


is this the same as medial pain, commonly a cyclists knee pain inner thigh same as your video, and does using the tape and say some gels good enough to fix its self and how long does knee pain llast


Congratulations meanwhile for the video library, incredibly complete and clear !I wanted to ask you if there was a suitable taping to treat inflammation of the gracilis tendon and seminenosus, thank you very much!


Would it not work to just release the myofascial trigger points above and below the knee?


worked beautifully! Thank you for sharing!
