How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

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How To Boost Testosterone Naturally For Men
But before I share the best exercises to boost natural testosterone, I want to first talk about how you know if your testosterone levels are low.
How Do I Know If My Testosterone Levels Are Low?
Well first be honest with yourself.
Do you feel like you’re suffering from these common symptoms of low testosterone?
Common Symptoms Of Low Testosterone:
A reduced libido
Poor performance
Fatigue and low energy
Decrease in muscle mass
Increase in body fat
If the answer is yes, the best way to find out if you have low testosterone levels, is to get a blood test.
You can possibly get this test by visiting your doctor, or you can now get your testosterone levels tested in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Let’s get into the best exercises to boost testosterone naturally for men.
First of all, obesity is one of the major causes of men with low testosterone.
So one of the best ways for most men to naturally boost testosterone, is losing fat.
When it comes to naturally boosting your testosterone levels, exercise is just one piece of the overall healthy lifestyle puzzle.
Following a properly structured workout program, with the right types of exercises, the right type of diet, sufficient sleep and recover, and lowering stress levels is key.
However, Not All Exercise Is Equal
When it comes to exercise, the two types of workouts that are most beneficial in burning fat and naturally boosting testosterone are:
Resistance training with weights
HIIT workouts
Following a weight lifting routine comprised of compound, multi-joint exercises, with shorter rest periods, 3-5 times a week, has been shown to increase testosterone after the workouts.
Best Exercises To Boost Testosterone Naturally For Men
Based on this, to naturally boost testosterone, the best exercises are compound, multi-joint movements that recruit the bigger muscle groups.
These compound exercises will increase your body’s resting metabolic rate (RMR), thus creating the most calorie burn, and eliciting the most beneficial fat burning and muscle building hormonal response in your body.
Examples of compound multi-joint exercises include:
Back Squats
Front Squats
Barbell Deadlift
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
Forward Lunges
Reverse Lunges
Pendulum Lunges
Lateral Lunges
Step Ups
Barbell Step Up
Dumbbell Step Up
Hip Thrusts
Barbell Hip Thrust
Feet Elevated Hip Thrust
Kettlebell Swings
Dumbbell Swings
Bench Press
Shoulder Press
Push Ups
Clean And Press
Barbell Clean And Press
Dumbbell Clean And Press
Barbell Snatch
Dumbbell Snatch
Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Barbell Row
Lat Pulldown
Pull Ups And Chin Ups
Pull Up
Chin Up
These compound, multi-joint exercises should be the primary focus of your workouts to lose fat, build muscle, and naturally boost testosterone.
How To Boost Testosterone Naturally For Men
But before I share the best exercises to boost natural testosterone, I want to first talk about how you know if your testosterone levels are low.
How Do I Know If My Testosterone Levels Are Low?
Well first be honest with yourself.
Do you feel like you’re suffering from these common symptoms of low testosterone?
Common Symptoms Of Low Testosterone:
A reduced libido
Poor performance
Fatigue and low energy
Decrease in muscle mass
Increase in body fat
If the answer is yes, the best way to find out if you have low testosterone levels, is to get a blood test.
You can possibly get this test by visiting your doctor, or you can now get your testosterone levels tested in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Let’s get into the best exercises to boost testosterone naturally for men.
First of all, obesity is one of the major causes of men with low testosterone.
So one of the best ways for most men to naturally boost testosterone, is losing fat.
When it comes to naturally boosting your testosterone levels, exercise is just one piece of the overall healthy lifestyle puzzle.
Following a properly structured workout program, with the right types of exercises, the right type of diet, sufficient sleep and recover, and lowering stress levels is key.
However, Not All Exercise Is Equal
When it comes to exercise, the two types of workouts that are most beneficial in burning fat and naturally boosting testosterone are:
Resistance training with weights
HIIT workouts
Following a weight lifting routine comprised of compound, multi-joint exercises, with shorter rest periods, 3-5 times a week, has been shown to increase testosterone after the workouts.
Best Exercises To Boost Testosterone Naturally For Men
Based on this, to naturally boost testosterone, the best exercises are compound, multi-joint movements that recruit the bigger muscle groups.
These compound exercises will increase your body’s resting metabolic rate (RMR), thus creating the most calorie burn, and eliciting the most beneficial fat burning and muscle building hormonal response in your body.
Examples of compound multi-joint exercises include:
Back Squats
Front Squats
Barbell Deadlift
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
Forward Lunges
Reverse Lunges
Pendulum Lunges
Lateral Lunges
Step Ups
Barbell Step Up
Dumbbell Step Up
Hip Thrusts
Barbell Hip Thrust
Feet Elevated Hip Thrust
Kettlebell Swings
Dumbbell Swings
Bench Press
Shoulder Press
Push Ups
Clean And Press
Barbell Clean And Press
Dumbbell Clean And Press
Barbell Snatch
Dumbbell Snatch
Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Barbell Row
Lat Pulldown
Pull Ups And Chin Ups
Pull Up
Chin Up
These compound, multi-joint exercises should be the primary focus of your workouts to lose fat, build muscle, and naturally boost testosterone.