How to Naturally Increase Your Testosterone: Scientifically Validated Options

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Want to learn how to naturally increase your T levels using science? Dr. Reznicek explains how to do this without medications or supplements. References are included below.

First, what is low testosterone? Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and a key anabolic steroid. It helps promote secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass and the growth of body hair. It is also important in mood and energy levels. Men with low testosterone often have low libido, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, sleeping problems, depressed mood, and decreased physical performance. Some men only have one or two of these symptoms.

High Intensity Interval Training - This training uses resistance and weight lifting. In one recent study, the increase was 8% higher T levels after HIT versus 5% increases with low intensity. HIT has been shown to improve T levels in all age groups, another recent paper showed TT levels increased in 17% in sedentary 60-70 yo men after HIIT, they previously showed no benefit with simple cardiovascular exercise.

Lose the Pounds - Fat cells in the body convert testosterone to estrogen, which not only removes the male sex hormone but increases the female predominant hormone. Higher levels of body fat are strongly correlated to lower levels of testosterone. In a recent meta-analysis, diet associated weight loss of 9.8% body weight increased total testosterone levels by 84 ng/dL and surgical weight loss (bariatric surgery) increased total testosterone levels by 251 ng/dL on average. That is a huge gain. And that happens at smaller levels, even weight loss of 5% has been shown to increase T levels.

Get Better Sleep: We are all told to get better sleep but it is hard to do in our modern society. Sleep fragmentation and lack of sleep lead to predictably lower testosterone levels. In older men, morning testosterone levels are partly predicted by total sleep time.

Beware of Herbal Supplements - many companies will try and sell you pills or powders that will boost your testosterone. Many herbal companies will do the same. Oral supplements such as androstenedione, DHEA, and other pro hormones sell increased T levels. Most have no effect on T at all and only increase estrogen levels. Androstenedione has a short and modest impact on testosterone and after a short period of time return to normal but does increase estrogen. Many herbal supplements tout increased levels of testosterone. Some have been shown effective in animals, but no benefit in humans. Tribulus terrestrial, Tinospora cordifolia, and icariin are all commonly used ones that have not been shown to be beneficial.

Stop the opioids - Narcotic medications suppress leutinizing hormone production which decreases your bodies ability to naturally produce testosterone. Narcotic use is rampant, and testosterone deficiency is high amongst those using pain relievers. Up to 86% of men using chronic pain medications had low testosterone. Regardless if it is pills, patches, or injections, narcotic use will decrease your testosterone. Think of it as another great reason to stop taking narcotic medications.
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I’m 48 and have been working on naturally improving my testosterone levels for the last year with solid results. Weight training, no processed food, prioritising sleep and cutting down on alcohol. All these combined have led to better focus at work, improved libido and a virtuous circle of confidence and mental clarity. If you are feeling “lost” or without purpose (particularly if middle aged), I urge you to take action to increase your testosterone.


A book that changed my life in ways that i never could imagine is "Hidden testosterone secrets". Drop whatever you're doing right now and go find that book. Trust me after i implemented things from the book my testosterone levels went beast mode !


DIM/Boron/Zinc/Pine Pollen, deadlifts, front squats, heavy bag work, BJJ, sex, sleep - that's my treatment so far.


Started doing pushups a couple years back when I hit 56, inclined off the kitchen counter. 1800 currently and done every morning. Then started biceps, every other day. Added some mass, got some energy, feels better, shirts are tighter. Joe Rogan said it best, be a monster. Even if your old! 👍


What an amazing video! Thank you for sharing such valuable insights.
My recommendation to all beginners would be to go to Testostux cause of the secret supplements they make there, and that will launch you far ahead of your current state


He says fat is bad for test but doesn’t say what kind. Not all fats are bad. Your body needs fat from natural sources. It’s sugar and carbs that are the killer


Great information. I'm doing 100 pushups and 100 squats a day wish has help me a lot plus eating healthier. Thanks for sharing.


Basically what the dude is saying is lose weight and get off drugs, clean up your diet, exercise before you come complaining to me. That’s what he really means and it is good advice. If you haven’t done those things you are being lazy.


Low T is no fun. Great information here sir!


Some herbs (ginseng and nettles for instance) are awesome and helpful for your overall health.


DHEA is beneficial for men over 45 who have low levels. DHEA helps to improve the efficiency for your body to produce testosterone.


I went from 334 to 960 in around 3 months all natural no TRT. This book should be essential reading for all men. Written by a 50s guy with natural T levels of a 20s guy
Complete guide to testosterone by james Francis


I'm 48 and was hypogonadal. Now I have 586 ng/DL. This book gives insight to things others don't mention. Complete Guide to Testosterone by James Francis.


A lot of audio problems, is this just for me or are others having this issue?


Add moderate to heavy compound leg workouts. Squat variations. Deadlifts. Etc


you basically said nothing can help other than change the title bruh...


I can give a proven way that at least worked for me. Eat + lean protein AND animal fat. Also, if you're eating very few carbs bc you're trying to give up sugar, eat healthy carbs. There's some evidence insulin sensitivity and test are related. I recently lost 25 lbs, not even half my goal, but by cutting out junk and getting active gradually, I'm now building muscle again. Also, even when you have no sex drive, force yourself to get excited and ejaculate. For men, this should produce a feeling off energy, a dulled sensation of pain and heart racing. This will only last a few minutes and is related to "the sex flush".


I cant believe you're recommending low fat and low calorie... wow


High intensity interval training and High intensity training are different types of training. You are using them interchangeably, however, they are not the same.


Thank you ….. this is important for so many About diet… many other professionals suggest quite other way around … low carbs and high fat including mono saturated and saturated fat (aka dairy products and red meat)

But what only few point out metabolic syndrome is one thing one should pay attention … low T is part of metabolic syndrome

Also, exercise should be moderate, not daily basis and not high intensity training, moderate is optimal

In the end of the day it is more about healthy lifestyle, and usually drugs are not must at all. Once your stamina is good your life is good too
