Kiwis and My Blood Sugar

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My A1c - 5.4% in Dec 2023, 5.1% in May 2024

Here is the link to the playlist of all my blood glucose tests

And here are a couple more videos on this topic on our channel

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About the Practical Health channel

The mission of the Practical Health channel is to share scientific knowledge and personal experience related to a healthy lifestyle. So, everyone will live a healthy and productive life!

In this channel, Andrey Titov, PhD shares his personal experience and provides practical steps on health and performance optimization. The key focus is to use a data-driven approach (a lot of actual body tests) in optimizing the 4 key pillars of wellbeing

• Nutrition/ diet - calorie balance, healthy food, controlling appetite
• Exercise/ sport - weekly schedule
• Sleep - getting asleep and waking up fast, having a great night's sleep
• Mental Health - enjoying life and staying
Рекомендации по теме

Sorry, but did you really eat the peel?


Thanks for another great video! Please keep up the good work. Also thanks for not peeling the kiwis like some people do! I have no idea why you wouldn't want to eat their delicious skin and I would imagine the skin has a good bit of fiber so that probably helps blood sugar too


Please try acorn squash and butternut squash 😊


Does kiwis harmful during weight loss ?


Can yoi test them peeled? Alot of people don't eat the skins.


I just found your channel and I loved the work you doing. Can you try a pink dragon fruit to see what it does see a blood sugar? I say pink because it seems to be less sweet than the other two. ❤


Just FYI - kiwi is the national bird of New Zealand, and the fruit is kiwifruit 🥝. So, you ate the kiwifruit, not the bird 😁


Я люблю актинидию - родственник киви, но без колючих ворсинок на кожуре. I love actinidia - a relative of kiwi, but without the spiny hairs on the skin
