Classical Stretch for Your Bones

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Dr. Brown talks with Miranda Esmonde-White who is best known for her Public Television fitness show, Classical Stretch, and has created a form of exercise that can build bone, build muscle and increase flexibility called Essentrics. They talk about how this form of gentle exercise can stimulate bone growth.

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hi everyone this is Susan here Center
for better bones over the last year I've
had the opportunity to meet and become
friends with an amazing woman
Miranda Esmond white I have the same
honor to become friends with you and the
reason I say she's amazing is because
Miranda is was a ballerina in the
National Ballet of Canada and she went
on to develop a whole new form of
exercise a form of exercise that can
build bone it can build muscle it
increase flexibility it can prevent
Falls in all in a very safe and
comfortable fashion
Miranda's exercise program is called
eccentric exercises and she's developed
a whole system of classical stretch
right in fact you might have seen
Miranda on TV she's been on public TV
for 17 years right into icicle stretch
in classical stretch and these are the
DVDs of many gthis DVD for example it's
30 different series of 20 minute
segments this is what I personally do
and I want Miranda to tell us why all of
you should do it how classical stretch
how stretching the muscles can help
build bone so Randa welcome and yet tell
us what can we do with bones well thanks
so much for asking me and for having me
here first of all one of the things
about where as the bones become prone to
osteoporosis they're losing their matrix
which is like a honeycomb exactly sign
inside the bone right so we want to
rebuild it so anytime you stress
something then it has to fight against
you exactly okay so as we're exercising
we're we're doing this elongation of the
muscles so imagine that you're reaching
into a high cupboard okay okay your
muscles are not compacting their muscles
are actually not wretch time okay and
then you take out a heavy bag right a
suitcase and your muscles have to
contract okay in this long position
right right that's called an eccentric
contraction okay so they're
strengthening as the blood is flowing
and then you're lengthening it you're
relieving the pressure on your joints
okay so this is C so this gives a little
pressure on the bones but no pressure on
the joint so this gives you a lot of
powerful flexibility and it takes out
all the pressure on the joint now as
you're doing this every time you move
your muscles your muscles have this do
this natural movement like this right so
you stretch it out and the muscle
returns right stretch it out of the
muscle returns and this happens like
thousands of times a sec they're like
they're moving your head up and down the
muscles in your head and they're doing
this that action is pumping the blood
through the muscles and we need to pump
the blood which brings nourishment oakum
and pump it into the bones so what we do
then is we're moving in this program
large movements but very slowly so at
your own pace so that we're stressing
the bones we weigh something like if I
were to lift you up
you're gonna weigh something your life
is appear yeah so who's only so many
ways we're using our own body weight so
as we're moving in these large movements
lengthening our muscles lets us move in
a bigger movement I see I think the size
of the movement makes the heavier load
Рекомендации по теме

I sing Miranda's praises. I've been practicing daily for 5 years. I look and feel great.Friends use me as a model for what they want and they are 10-15 years younger than I am. I also run a full on book coaching business. Life is fun when you are flexible!


Thank you for explaining your findings from this kind of complexity. I feel sooo much better while I workout with you on my TV!
Sue Maxwell, Illinois USA


I love these workouts I do them every morning


I have really enjoyed the Classical Stretch exercises, and am looking forward to starting them back up, after having had right and left hip replacements in 2019. I'll also be doing hopping (on two feet and one foot, the latter with the help of something to hold on to), and doing heel drops. Also carefully getting back into yoga, very simple dancing ("Alexa, play funky dance music"), and walking, wearing a weighted vest. Disappointed that, with Covid-19, I can't go to my nearby gym, for specific workouts and weights. Missing dancing freely...


When are you going to do some slow workouts


Surprised and confused to see Miranda's cover picture on her osteoporosis DVD performing a seated forward bend, the very move said to cause cervical fractures in vulnerable osteoporosis persons . . . what is the explanation?


Stretches cannot build muscle. Common Sense
