🔴 Calvinism vs. Arminianism // Prevenient Grace (Arminian Essentials)

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Calvinists sometimes argue that prevenient grace is not grounded in scripture. In this video, Dr. Matt O'Reilly explains how prevenient grace is clearly seen in two representative texts - 1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 and Acts 2:37-38.

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Dr. Matt O'Reilly is Lead Pastor of Hope Hull United Methodist Church near Montgomery, Alabama, and a fellow of the Center for Pastor Theologians.
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Thank you Pastor Matt with this conicse biblical explanation of how a wretched sinner like me can somehow inexplicably respond to God's gracious offer. It is a miracle!


John 16:7“But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. 8“And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment;


This still rests on the incorrect presumption of Total Inability.


Didn't Wesley refer to Prevenient Grace as "Preventing" Grace? To me, that implies that God is somehow working in my life to prevent me from going too far away from him while simultaneously calling to me. Some of the texts I lean on for this concept are Jeremiah ch. 1 and Ezekiel ch. 33.


Chapter 3 of Thes. doesn’t mean that they had genuine faith and then lost for not having used “prevenient grace”. That is a presupposition. In fact, Timothy came with a positive report that turned into a thanksgiving for Paul and others. Of course, Paul had sent Tymothy because he thought their work had being in vain. That exactly what Calvinist believe. Many people respond to the gospel, and stay and remain as “Christians”, but if they don’t persevere to the end, it means they were not genuinely saved. That is Paul’s concerns. Generally speaking, Paul believed all of them had being chosen, but he knew that it is God’s election that makes a difference. Sorry, but previniendo Gracel is not preset there, just juman inferences


you guys have tried to demonstrate this from scripture since arminius and sometimes you say "conscience" and sometimes you say "enlightenment" from John 1, and some of you use "universal justification" (Wiley/Watson et al i don't even care to remember). now you use verses that say nothing at all about grace but only the effects of grace and even less to say about any kind of universal quality of such grace. just amazing the lengths men go to to deny God his sovereignty in the hearts of men


Your definition of prevenient grace is too terse. Also, if GOD is working in us before conversion (previent grace), then GOD does the work, not our (supposed) free will. Prevenient grace is just way to try to explain Calvinist election by mixing it with the non-Biblical concept of free-will choice (choice deriving from self not from GOD), which does not work. GOD does it all, I can't, because no one is good but GOD alone (Mark 10.18), and a wicked sinner cannot choose GOD. Calvinism is correct, the world, and especially the apostate church, just does not understand GOD's miraculousness. .
