so you got a fat face huh?

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What with cosmetic procedures such as buccal fat removal, those with face fat have been left feeling insecure in themselves.
Well I'm here to remind you that although your face may not be trending right at this moment, you will! Your time will come! Hold on to that buccal fat my girls, because round, cherubic faces are so beautiful. Gorgeous women such as Gigi Hadid, Jennifer Lawrence, Selena Gomez ALL have full faces, and they are some of the world's most stunning women. With their buccal fat intact and all. Having face fat, or indeed a fat face, is not an insult - on the contrary, you will likely age slower, stay looking youthful and glowing for longer, and you'll never have to enlist the help of a cosmetic injector to give you fuller cheeks!
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Everyone is so obsessed with looking young, yet i feel like these procedures are literally making people look older. Having a rounded face and plump cheeks are neotenous characteristics that make you look youthful. Embrace the cheeks.


I clicked on this video because I thought it was going to show me how to fix my “fat face” instead I got a 10 minute pep talk on why I am beautiful and I am quite literally sitting here crying because it was exactly what I needed to hear. Immediately subscribed. THANK YOU. We’re always so focused on how we’re deficient, it’s so easy to forget we’re all beautiful in our own ways.


I used to think this would be the one procedure I would get. Then my mom told me "honey, the fat of your face is there for when you get old. It's insurance. It will help you look younger. You've been blessed!" So I thought about it... Hell yeah, I've been blessed in a way.


My grandma always used to say I had a "moon pie face" because it was so round and glowy. I miss her ♥️ The love she had for my round face is what made me appreciate and love it later in life


I hated my round face in my 20's. I'm almost 40 now and constantly mistaken for a college student. My roundness has thinned out a bit as it does with age. I'm so glad I never messed with it! You NEED your facial fat as naturally lose it when you age.


Buccal fat removal is quite literally going to age so poorly 😱😱


I'm 46 and I still pass for late 20's/early 30's. LOVE my full face! Thanks, Stephanie!


As someone who has a round face who feels insecure about it, I want to thank you for making this video. You make me feel better about myself.


I get fat shamed constantly because of my chubby cheeks. I’ve been this way my entire life. What needs to change is how hateful people are!


Why is it such a struggle to just acknowledge different types of beauty without trying to force people into a cookie cutter?


I used to hate having a round face when I was a teen because contoured angular cheeks are always the rage, but I've grown to appreciate the youthfulness it gives me. People mistake me for someone younger all the time & my boyfriend always compliments me on my "cute" chubby cheeks. So while it's not the beauty standard, I can embrace the silver lining in a society that treats ageing like a crime.


Just got here from your other video about Fillers and Overfilling, and it's crazy to me how these two completely opposite procedures (fillers and buccal fat removal) can both be so popular when they're literally doing the exact opposite. Like how does one simultaneously achieve a full/plump/youthful image as well as a sleek/defined/mature image. WTF. It's giving "grass is always greener on the other side" vibes.


I have a round face. I wouldn't consider it fat, and I've never once considered buccal fat removal. It makes me look much younger than I am, and I appreciate it. I always get comments about how much younger I look. I feel bad for people who feel insecure about it. I say embrace it ✊️


As an Asian girl who weighs 112 lbs and have round cheeks, I thought it doesn’t make sense why I have fat on my face, but I love how people still ask me what school I go to when I am already 35. It actually makes you look young🥰


100% needed to hear this. I have a round face that I have always been self conscious of. I have always been envious if my friends that have a rectangular or heart shaped face. To this day i hate wearing my hair back because i feel it just emphasises the roundness. I have often toyed with the idea of getting buccal fat removal. Seeing this video with all of these round faced beauties helps me appreciate what I have. Particularly seeing the stunning women that have opted for the surgery. It changes so much about their appearance and I don't feel it is for the better. I would rather keep my fat face than look too gaunt, especially now as I'm getting older. It may have taken me 40 years to see my face fat as a blessing, but better late than never!


As someone with genetically fat cheeks and round face (even when I was at my slimmest) I have always been a little insecure about it. But now at 29 almost 30 I get people saying I do not look close to 30 or that I look younger than my colleagues in their early 20s. I say that definitely is a win.


I used to hate my chubby cheeks... my mom told me that one day I would love them. She was right lol. I've turned 29 thirteen times and I love them! This is such a great video topic to put out for people, you seem to inspire women (I came here on a hair roller search and you randomly were recommended lmaooo). Anyway, this is wonderful!


hey hey hey, this is exactly what i needed! ive been super insecure about my face this year & this just made me super happy! thank you so so so much <3


Thank you ❤Girls really need to hear these words these days when social media constantly forces you to compare yourself with other beautiful women. It is so easy to forget about our own beauty.


as a fellow member of the chubby cheeks, round face girly group: I once did consider removing the buccal fat until I started to research that it would make you look older especially when you DO get older and age naturally. I immediately stopped that train of thought and just started to learn how to do makeup WITH my face shape. 😅
