When Narcissists Realize That You're Not The Stupid & Weak Person They Previously Thought |NPD| Narc

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When Narcissists Realize That You're Not The Stupid & Weak Person They Previously Thought |NPD| Narc |NPD| Narcissist Exposed

Hey there, folks, and welcome back to our program. Today, we're delving into the intriguing realm of how narcissists perceive you and why they perceive you as less than sharp. It's crucial to grasp this aspect when navigating interactions with narcissistic individuals. These characters come in various flavors, ranging from the overt to the covert, from the grandiose to the malignant. Each type displays unique behaviors, with some even exhibiting overlapping traits. However, the key takeaway is this: narcissists are adept at deception, distortion of truth, and evading meaningful discussions or accountability. Why do they engage in such behavior? Simply put, it's to shirk responsibility. Unable to bear the weight of shame, they resort to manipulation to sidestep blame and secure their desires. In essence, they aim to dupe you because they perceive you as easily swayed.

Right from the outset, a narcissist gauges your level of trust and tolerance. If you happen to possess a trusting nature or a generous heart, they'll exploit these traits to the fullest. They'll test your boundaries relentlessly, constantly pushing the envelope. For instance, if they fail to call you all night and then the next day commence gaslighting, offering excuses, or questioning your actions, it's a ploy to cast you in a negative light for not believing them, despite them being the ones violating your boundaries. When dealing with narcissists, it's imperative to stand your ground, as they'll persist in their attempts to exert control over you.


Narcissist, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Power Strategies, Confrontation Mastery, Defeating NPD, Powerful Individuals, Personality Clash, Narcissist Tactics, Victory Guide, Endgame Strategies, Powerful Closure, Overpowering Narcissism, Narcissistic Mind Games, Strategic Moves, Navigating Narcissism
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Do not confuse the kindness of an empath with weakness .


They get Extremely mad 😤😡 when you stand up for your self and refuse to be controlled.


Yes do not take an empath kindness for weakness. You will wish you hadn't. We don't play.


It's all fun and games until you play it better than them and never be sorry about it


They do think that we are stupid! I walked away 6 years ago and never looked back, not for one second. SO PROUD OF MYSELF ❤❤❤❤


When i realized i was arguing with a narc i immediately stopped and changed my demeanor and just left. NOPE!


Telling them the truth is like pouring water on the wicked witch of the west.


When you finally have a nervous breakdown from there behavior they look at you as the crazy one😢


If you dare expose them and tell them to their face exactly what they are, be prepared for a full on war. They only care about their victims as long as they are feeding off them. They will go to extreme lengths to ruin you and will use anyone in their path including their own children as pawns for the game. There is no winning this game but only to walk away and never look back and protect yourself and never ever invite or allow them back into your life because it will be all for revenge and destruction. It’s horrible that these people exist and no one can break their reality because they are truly lost souls.


Laugh at them they take themselves so seriously that laughing at their attempts to be manipulative makes them crazy!


Silence is the best reply to a fool - Imam Ali


These ppl are definitely not smart… u can see these tactics a mile away… I was shocked anybody was this delusional


Manipulation is their best aspect. Thus, when they realize that there is not any effect they start to panick.


I dated a narc, he was very charming, I saw all of the signs, and ignored them. It ended with him beating me with a metal rod after I got him in choke hold for beating me. He ended up in jail, a broken man. He still tries to contact me even though I have a restraining order. Hopefully, I am the last empath he will ever meet.


simply ignore them whatever they do or say. Whenever I see my narc sister I feel pity for her, I see a sick person. Therefore I just ignore her, pray for her and move on.


They always get the shock of their lives when they realize I will actually hurt them. They were all big and bad then switch tactics to trying to shame me and make me out to be an unhinged phsyco who can't control their temper, as if they weren't the one who fired the first shots.


I like to sit back and observe, letting them come to their conclusion or idea of who I am and what I'm about. Because of my free spirited nature they will think I'm naive, gullible and stupid. Being that it's none of my business what they think of me, I leave them to their judgements, all the while seeing how much they THINK they can get away with with me. Whether or not I flip the table is up to me. Calm cool and collected. Like Kenny Roger's always used to say, 'You gotta know when to hold em, and know when to fold em'. 🤠


They will always deny their actions and try to blame you as if you’re stupid. Been there and I am no one’s fool nor am I stupid. Anyone who’s a narcissist is fooling no one but themselves.


Convoluted language is even easier for them if they
-pretend they didn't hear you
-make you repeat yourself
-make you explain simplicities
-pretend they didn't hear you again
-claim you said something you did not say
-claim to be confused or misunderstanding
-make you repeat yourself again
-and sometimes pretending that they do not speak the language
-attempt to change the subject
All of these things and more are their pitiful attempts at obfuscating their responsibilities on a base human level


People underestimated me and i overestimated them. Thats a recipe for disaster i never saw coming..
