How I Overcame Anxiety During Pregnancy | Scared Of Labor

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I struggled with anxiety during pregnancy. Here’s how I overcame it!

As a first time mom, I was so excited to give birth but I was also sort of scared about birth and the unknowns I faced. When I was giving birth for the second time, much of my anxiety came from work and uncertainty over caring for two during the postpartum period.

In this video, I’m sharing with you how I prepared for labor and delivery by strengthening my positive mindset and finding anxiety relief.

In this video, I share how I overcame my fears (specifically about tearing during birth). Listening to positive birth stories helps prepare you for your own positive birth story, affirmation meditations/hypnobirthing prepares your mind for childbirth, and more.

If this is your first time pregnancy and scared to have a baby for the first time or if you’ve experienced birth trauma in the past, this video is going to give you ideas on how to navigate those fears and anxieties to prepare for your happier, healthier, and easier birth.



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Рекомендации по теме

I gave birth six days ago to my precious son (I’m a first time mom)!! I did your online birth course during pregnancy and it was so helpful! I had such a positive birth experience at a birth centre with a midwife (not a hospital), vaginal delivery, fully unmedicated! It’s amazing what a woman’s body can do!


20 weeks pregnant with baby girl! 🥳💗 First Time Mama as well! really excited with this entire pregnancy and growing to feel empowered and knowing my body CAN do this! 🙌🏽


You are the best! All your videos helped me so much with my birth/mentality.


Hi Bridget!
I hope this comment finds its way to you. Our son came 8 weeks early, he is healthy and strong the NICU right now. We were not perceiving complications to our birth, and I was surprised to be having a premature birth especially two months before due date. Anyways, we had the best preemie hospital birth which I credit to God. But I also think God lead me to watch your videos. The hospital didn’t break my water, let me give birth not on my back. We also somehow got away with not pushing for 6hours when I was FULLY dilated and had a vaginal birth without interventions. It was the grace of God, but also from watching your videos, I had the guts to communicate what I wanted. I don’t know how many people you get to hear from, but thanks. You helped make my birth experience a positive one :)


Hi Bridget ! Thank you so much for your advices.
I actually have a concern during labor, when only the Head is out, how much time can the baby resist in that situation ?
I remember you said that in your first delivery the doctor hastened and turned the baby's head in order to take her out. I actually don't want this to happen to me... Yet, I would like to know What's the maximum duration the baby's head can be like 'stuck' there.
Please let me know


One of my fav parts watching Bridget’s videos is reading the comments. So amazing to get to read real experiences from other mamas <3


I am due this Friday and a video like this couldn't be more perfect timing. Praying for a smooth delivery at home whenever baby is ready to make his or her grand entrance into the world.


I'm almost 40 weeks and just always feeling like it could happen anytime is overwhelming. I've watched Bridget through 2 pregnancies and her videos always bring me peace of mind and feel confident with the information that she provides. At this point I'm not so much anxious about the actual birth, but the waiting for the labor process to progress. I've been dealing with a lot of prodromal labor so this video has perfect timing during this time of trying to distract through early labor. At this point it may be my body but I'm definitely not steering the ship at this point, my baby is 😅


Your advice on breathing and affirmations proved to be exactly what I needed for my labor and delivery five weeks ago. This was my SIXTH baby, and I was counting on all my experience from my previous natural births to carry me through. At full-term, I was miserably uncomfortable, and I tried twice to induce my labor naturally through a method that had always worked for me, but it didn’t work with this baby. Baffled, I looked for advice and found your channel. I truly believe God led me to exactly what I needed, and through your videos, I realized that even with all my experience, I was subconsciously nervous about giving birth again, and reluctant to experience the pain again (even though all my births had been positive experiences). After several sessions alone in my room with your affirmation mediations and breathing practice, I finally felt in the RIGHT head (and heart) space for birth. It was wonderful to feel so prepared and at peace. The very next night, I went into labor, and it was my best birth experience yet! (By choice, I labored peacefully alone through the night, woke up my husband right before transition, and he caught our baby almost exactly an hour later, right before our midwife arrived! It was amazing!!) I’ve felt so grateful for the resources you’ve provided through your channel, and will wholeheartedly recommend you to friends. Thank you so much!


I’m not pregnant yet but I’m trying to prepare myself mentally for labour, delivery & PP. I’ve always been an anxious and fearful person so I hope I can learn how to be more calm and present and make it through all of it!


Baby #4 is 5 weeks away and been binge watching all your videos to prepare myself for another non medicated natural birth. I had all 3 natural births and no tearing and I wouldn’t choose any other way. I’m hoping for the same this time around.


Do you have anything for postpartum anxiety?? I got through labor n birth perfectly with no fear and no pain - natural 10hr labour, got to sleep through almost all if it. Afterbirth I had a severe PPH that almost took my life. Im 10wks pp and am still tryn to deal with its effects to my mental health. All I can do is go bk to your hypnobirthing videos for a sense of calm even though some is not applicable to me cz Ive had my baby.


I listened to your early labor guided meditations with my second born a few months ago. Just laid in bed with my headphones in. I used the Bradly method. 2 hour birth once I went into active labor.
Thank you Bridget.
I always wanted to tell you that and thank you for it
Plan on using the videos again for all my future births.


I am expecting my third and even though I had a beautiful home birth I am still… scared😅 well I respect the process, I am humble about it because it always completely paralyses me and I doubt I can do that. Even though I’ve done it twice naturally before. Weird


My bedtime anxiety is off the chain! So relatable.


I am on my 4th pregnancy and still nervous 😅

Love your videos ❤️


I miss listening to your positive birth stories podcast! Any chance that will reappear sometime?! 🥰


I had a very traumatic experience with my first baby. After that experience I’ve been terrified of labor. My second delivery went smoothly. Now 6 years later I’m pregnant with my third and I’m having bad anxiety. I wake up at night sweating and scared sometimes. 🙃


I am due with my first baby in 18 days - I have a wonderful doula and am planning for a homebirth. Whilst I haven't done your online course, as my doula has covered a lot of what you go through, your videos have been a wonderful resource to have on in the background at work, and has given me a lot of confidence/ reminded me of all the things I want to think about during labour :)


I've been following your channel since my 1st child and now I'm preparing myself for baby#3. Your videos have been so helpful. Thank you ❤
