Covert Narcissists Gaslight & Isolate to Manipulate You #narcissism

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Is Becoming A Trauma Informed Coach YOUR Calling? Next Certification Program Begins: June 2023

I am always looking to add more value to my services -so I am soooo excited to let you know that anyone that joins DURING THE MONTH OF MAY - the Trauma Informed Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach Training that begins in June.....

Will receive 2 months FREE Access to Thrivers School of Transformation (This is a savings of $239.97) but not only does it save you money... it also strengthens YOUR OWN trauma recovery journey.

Doing the inner work FIRST is sooo important and helpful as it allows us to be able to hold a safe space for our clients without being triggered. If we are unable to hold that safe space - we run the risk of harming others.... and that is something we would NEVER want to do!!!!

There are only 20 seats available in the class...... will you be using YOUR post traumatic growth to pay it forward and help others????

If your not ready to help other yet and feel you need to deepen your own healing journey - be sure to check out Thrivers School of Transformation - there are 9 -12 live mtgs each week on zoom for only $79/month. I will leave the link here for you to check it out and see if it's a good fit for you:

If you don't feel ready yet to help others and want to do a deep dive into your own recovery journey and prefer working ONE ON ONE w/ Michele utilizing the modalities she mentions in this video - here's the link for a 3 Month Deep Dive designed to help you experience lasting change:

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It’s really hard to be around people because you don’t feel like yourself💔🙏


Truth. He went after my relationship with my sister first. So glad I got away from him before serious damage was done. What he did was more than enough


That's what my mom did to my dad, grandma and all my unties and an uncle. 30 years later, nothing changed. They live in delusion and I separated. Separation and no contact is liberating.


True & scary too by the time I became aware of all this nonsense the damage was already done.


My ex-narc tried this, but I was already on to him and refused to react or respond with any emotion to anything. I just thought he was being a jerk! This just another one of those weird things he said that stayed in the back of my mind till you gave me the keys to unlock the mystery! THANK YOU!!!


My ex isolated me from my family and home town even to a regret years/decades later most of my family is gone now and should have stayed in my home town.


This is what my wife does. Narcissistic wife. God please help me.


This is my story
First with my mother
Than with mu husband
Very hard to survive
These people are like demons


It is hard to fathom the energy, thoughts and feelings that go into such vile, destructive behavior. How does one decide that this is how they are going to live out their


Been going through this with local authorities in Miami )For past 12 years). Polarization is what I call it. Thanks doc.


In a group of friends i may get compliments of my outfit but this one narc whispers in my ear " yes your clothes are so nice and its nice you dress your age. She has repeated this several times


Thank you so much for this. I relate so much. I hope you are doing okay.

God bless you🩷


They make you dependent on them otherwise they don't want anything to do with you. They are looking for control.


Gosh you're beautiful. Thank you so much for your videos and your messages. Im not saying that im perfect but they love to use my flaws. It's insane.


It's not hidden, just protected. The reason this is protected is because the protector needs that same protection.


They try to tear you apart but i can see right through it


This is true. I have seen at first hand. Can’t believe they actually physically manage to isolate us 😢😢😢 they go under the radar as they tick a lot of boxes for authorities. I.e great at their careers n paying taxes etc.


Yup he gossiped about me in a sly way to my family. My mom is already a Narc & loved the extra Chaos to torment me with.
Then he alienated his narc- koo koo mother & Bitchy sisters. He’s even twined my own son (from a former husband) against me tho my son saw that he was a mental case it still had effects to this day on our relationship


This is what happened with my aunt and I.he totally ruined our relationship


Yup he groomed his narc family about me even in our dating stage. My sister in law told me. If we had a disagreement he’d high tail it to gossip to his family behind my back.
