Emotional addiction: Why you keep living in the past...

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An in-depth breakdown of why you live in the past and experience the same outcomes.

It's your emotional addictions.

In this video, I talk about it and give solutions (Watch the entire video to pick up on everything).

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// What to watch next? ⬇️

► 7 Spiritual Laws that have been hidden from you...

► Social media is doing this to you...

► 4 ego defense mechanisms you're not seeing...

► Understanding people part 22: Trauma

► How to live in your own world

► Understanding people part 21: Social Games

► How to apply stoicism

► Don't idolize anyone or anything, do this instead

► Shadow Work For Beginners: What It Is & How It's Done 🌑

► Dark triad personality traits explained (what you need to know)
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I'm glad someone is talking about this. People always expect ppl to change but it's actually extremely hard you get so addicted to the cycle of victim hood or chaos you create victim or chaotic scenarios daily in your head that keep you in the same cycle when you can just accept that you're actually happy


This is exactly how it feels as an adult that was traumatized as a child. You depend on anger bc it keeps you safe.


Meditation is the key to emotional control


1. Meditation (guided) and yoga helps with emotional addiction.
2. Observing yourself from the audience (you're watching yourself but from someone else's point of view)
3. Avoid people and stuff that make you feel bad
4. Stop complaining.
5. Chill with your expectations, not so high.
6. Stop consuming things that will increase your dopamine (like junk food or Instagram.
7. Make a deep dive into what is that thing that makes you so unhappy, for example, some sort of trauma.
8. Stop replaying scenarios in your head, it already happened and you can't change it, just deal with it.


People forget to live in the present and to underestimate the future.

They think that their past will determine their whole life and that the best things already happened.

When in reality your past should just be your tool to gain experience and wisdom to live a better life.


You hit the nail on the head dude. We get addicted to negative emotions, to dopamine, and nervous system dysregulation. In the meantime it might be fun, but ultimately it's damaging to our mental and physical health.


A nice quote to add by Lao Tzu,

"A man may conquer a million men in battle, but he who conquers himself is, indeed, the noblest of conquerors."


this is literally a breakthrough in human psychology wtf


I don’t think I’ve EVER stumbled upon a video I’ve needed to more than this before! Like wow… I’m such an OVERTLY emotional person… that sometimes I get consumed by them.


“I don’t want peace. I want problems ALWAYS‼️🗣️”😂


meditation, journaling, and breath work are amazing in releasing emotions and healing emotional trauma :)


Own your emotions and overcome the negative ones!!!


The part where you said that being angry is a form of escaping from sadness, because sadness feels weak is so true. I remember having the exact same thought as a teenager and now I’m working hard on my anger issue


Something that’s helped me is that not everything needs to be answered. That stops me from overthinking


It's 1am. I'm in a farm and the way this video explains most of my entire journey within the past year, has me speechless. Nobody I know has ever talked about this, I know I've never. It's such a burden to have as an adult because it's mostly who you are by that time, and learning/doing new things that could help you get rid of all that trauma can be really hard and painful. But let me tell you this, IT. GETS. BETTER. but you gotta do it everyday. That's where it gets hard. So to anyone who's reading this, keep at it! It's gonna be better. When it does, you won't screw it up. You'll do what you now know, as you.


Also another reason for some people where that level of familiarity is comforting, can be due to codependency…. That in itself can be misleading. There are people who suffer from codependency issues and not even know that’s what it is. But as soon as they learn and realize it they undo that addiction to familiarity almost instantly. They then become more self reliant rather than relying on others.


This is why old people are grumpy. Makes so much sense.


Meditation has been a huge help for me, too. It’s not easy at first but it doesn’t take long to get to a point where thoughts just stop. It’s amazing!


"We want to change the world so we are more comfortable in it, rather than change ourselves to be more comfortable in it"


I went through a 6 month “preventing abusive relationships” course (court mandated). It amazed me. There was a circle of women describing repeated cycles of drama and toxic behavior, instability, major ups and major downs. It’s just as bad a a drug.
Thank you for the deep explanation and resolutions to change. You made this ALL made sense!
You have such a gift!!!! ❤❤❤❤
