Vitamin D | Can This Immune Booster Fight COVID-19?

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Vitamin D | Can This CRITICAL Immune Booster Fight COVID-19? is a video that focuses on ways to increase immune function during critical times. Your immune health has never been more important than today as we face viral threats that are devastating many individuals health. Those who have a vitamin d deficiency are more likely to suffer from a depleted immune system which in turn will make you suffer greatly as your body can not protect itself from foreign invaders. Though vitamin D should be tested through a blood test there are vitamin d deficiency symptoms that can easily be looked for to give us some indication as to whether or not this is an issue. One of the things you can do to boost vitamin D daily is use vitamin d food that will slowly give your levels a bump vs not doing anything at all. Another way that you can boost this vitamin is by using supplementation. This of course in the easiest way to take the vitamin D. As far as how to use vitamin d capsule you simply can take it with food. Vitamin D3 is going to be the best one to use as research shows it offers the best results.



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Disclaimer: Dr. Nick Zyrowski D.C, B.S is licensed and has a clinical practice in the state of Michigan. All information shared by Dr. Zyrowski is for general information purposes only and is not to be used to treat, diagnose or self diagnosis at any time. Dr. Zyrowski's use of the term doctor when referring to himself is simply referring to his degree and licensing. There is no doctor patient relationship between you and Dr. Zyrowski. You should seek advice from your health care practitioner before changing anything in the way of your dietary, nutritional or health regiment. You should always seek advice from your qualified health care physician regarding any health condition. NuVision Excel, NuVision Health Center, Dr. Nick Zyrowski and Dr. Zyrowski are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
Рекомендации по теме

Since the virus outbreak I’ve been taking Vitamin D 4000 IU with K2 120 mcg daily. I understand that the Vitamin D is absorbed best with a small amount of fat or oil so I follow with a little extra virgin olive oil. Thanks for your valuable information!


I had a blood test before Christmas and found I was severely deficient. I take daily supplements now, I made a video on my channel about how I've brought my vid D levels up! I appreciate your insight it's always so clear and concise - just how I like it 🙌


Never been tested, have been taking D3 for the last month. Great info thanks


Thank you for your information!! Much appreciated an used!


The last two years I've been consistently at 80. This year in addition to D3 supplementation ate sardines salmon etc. got tested 135. Always take K2 dropped my 10, 000 daily intake to 5.000.


I get my Vit-D level tested every year and I'm extremely deficient every year. My doctor puts me on high doses of Vit-D all year round with 6 weeks "on" then 8 weeks "off" I'm mixed race and live in Oregon (i.e., not much sun Oct-May). Thanks for all the great videos Dr Nick!


I just found out that my son who is eleven years of age is deficient in vitamin d .his test came back at 17 and the doc prescribed 2, 000 unit once a day .


k2 is not needed for d3 absorption, it is the other way around, d3 is required for k2, which is essential for correct calcium absorption and placement


My Vitamin D level was down in the mid-20s a few years ago. I been doing keto and taking vitamin D3 and raised it to the low 60s. It took about a year to raise it to that level. I switched to a D3/K2 supplement and haven't had it tested since the change.


I was tested when I lived in Seattle Washington. I was VERY low! No wonder I was so depressed.


Dr. Z I appreciate this video and all your content. You’re helping many people. I began taking 10, 000 IUs of vitamin D3 daily, right before the Covid-19 outbreak in the US. I live in a hotspot for cases. I’ve definitely been exposed, I have a pre-existing condition. I have not been sick or had any symptoms. I believe my vitamin D intake played a major factor in my wellness during this health crisis. I notice there are much fewer cases in Africa. Africans have more exposure to the sun, therefore they can make vitamin D. However, African Americans have been hit hard by this virus. I don’t know why Health officials aren’t urging everyone, especially dark skinned people to supplement D3 immediately. It can save lives.


Tested...deficient! Been taking D daily since January 💪🏽


Great video, I take 4000 a day and get lots of sun, keep up the good work, Steve in UK.


My vitamin d level, last time I had it checked was at 80 which I was told was ideal. At the time I was taking 6, 000 units. At this point I am taking 10, 000 units daily. I make sure to take it with the meal containing fat. Since I usually don't eat until 1:00 p.m., I often will forget to take my vitamins, which is why I am now taking 10, 000 when I remember! Lol I have multiple sclerosis by the way, and was told that vitamin d was particularly important. I am very pale skinned and live in northern United States and do not get much sun!


I just had my yearly physical. Doctor said everything was good but my vitamin D was “a little low”. He is sending me a supplement. I’d prefer to get it up naturally though.


Amazing info🥰. Which one is better vitamin D or D3🤔?


I have couple of questions about vit d, i will post it one by one, thnk u it will help me alot,


I was tested.... 134 D 25-oxy kind of high.... eat a lot of sardines and also take 2 tablespoons of cod liver oil. Mine has always been high...
always over 90.


Have not been tested, but I supplement anyway because as a Black American it's virtually certain that I would be deficient otherwise (same for my wife and kids). As it happens, all four of us were recently infected with COVID-19. And each of us were asymptomatic except for my oldest child who had only a fever for 36 hours.


Dr. Zyrokowski excellent video. Two questions 1st if food sources provide a low amount of Vitamin D then were the people who lived before the 1900s always sick? 2nd is the reason why black & Latino people have naturally low levels b/c their cells have less receptors to pick up vitamin D or is it because they were naturally used a African diet and the result of slavery+colonization gave them a western diet which depleted their cells? Great video sir
