When Should You Trust Your Gut Feeling? (And How To Know When Your Instincts Are Wrong)

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How often do you trust your gut feeling?

Your gut feeling comes from all the thoughts and information stored in your subconscious.

And I like to think of the subconscious as a computer hard-drive.

Our subconscious is filled with information that we absorb from all areas of life, like interactions with people and the environment, or knowledge we learn in school or work.

And all the experiences you've had in your life have also been 'downloaded' into your subconscious.

I've heard that the subconscious mind is wayyy more powerful than the conscious mind.

And from my experiences as 30+ year entrepreneur, I strongly believe that the subconscious mind is the driving force that guides us to make decisions in life.

I want you to think about this:

How many times have you followed your gut feeling in life and then had success?

How many times have you gone against your gut feeling in life? And what was the result? I'm guessing whatever your gut feeling was, it was right (and you probably should have listened to it).

The main point:

If all your failures, successes and experiences in life were actually feeding your subconscious mind and making it stronger, then it makes sense to trust your gut more...right?

For me, I always trust my gut as the first "call to action", and then I do more research and due diligence before taking massive action based on my gut feeling.

Over the next couple of weeks, I urge you to think back to what I'm sharing with you today...and pay closer attention to your gut feeling.




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Dean Graziosi is a multi-millionaire entrepreneur & investor. He’s a multiple New York Times best selling author and world renowned success coach. Dean is the father of 2 amazing children and impacts the lives of millions of people around the world by showing them the gateway to their full potential!

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Whenever you feel nervous, it’s usually a GOOD thing because you’re about to level up in life.


Great mesaage. Thank you and hope you have a great day and weekend. God bless you and your family.


I have a GREAT "gut feeling" about you every single time I've listened to or read your insight and motivations!! It's been awesome to be able to share these every week with my friends and family!! Honestly, I've never thought of the accumulation of experiences contributing to that "gut feeling"being trustworthy. Insight separates knowledge from wisdom. Love your perspective that feeds that burning desire within!! Always appreciated!


Thank you Mr. Graziosi. Sometimes us 'older birds' need little reminders. Tomorrow morning I'll get to see what my gut told me to do today.


51 years old and I never go against my gut instinct anymore! In my younger years, made to many mistakes and paid dearly for it. In every aspect of my life, i listen to the gut first, pause and proceed with caution depending on the situation. It doesn't always get first consideration because sometimes the thought process {think things through} is just as important, most of the time it is the gut that proves to be right. I believe that gut instinct falls hand 'n hand with trust, it acts as a protective barrier, a warning light that keeps you assertive and aware. It may not always be correct or be the right judgement call but, it's the one thing that may keep you from falling on your face in every facet of your life! Another great lesson Dean, I can see that you put alot of effort and thought into your podcasts!!


Love your energy as always! Thank you!


Thank you Dean for sharing your heartfelt experiences. You are one hundred percent right when you said that you should follow your gut feeling when it comes to making the right choices in your life. Only you know what you want in life to make you happy. Thank you for your confirmation of that thought. Love it. Love you.


Always, always go with your gut. No matter what. I can name the times Ive NOT gone with my gut & suffered greatly. Whether it be relationships, investments, friends, your instincts are always right.


hi dean i agree with you some times my gut say or my feelings. don t go with those people i though was only my mine and i regret it for example those church that get me on trouble ...now on every stop . i got to becarefull .thank you for your encouragement.GOD BLESS YOU


Thanks Dean for sharing all these amazing tips and habits!! I found you via Kindle book Millionaire success habits!! And since then I've been hooked!
You inspired me to start sharing my own success and share my tips on YouTube as well!


Thanks for the video!...just subscribed a few days ago. Love this segment as it reaffirms my philosophy of trusting my gut. Whenever I go against my gut I lose, when I go with it I win...been that way my whole life and will no longer second guess it! Appreciate the content :-)


Just finished millionaire success habits on audio absolutely awesome!


The universe rearranges itself
To accommodate your picture
Of reality


Just discovered this today. I needed to hear this. "HWDNES!"
