How To Find Closure After A Breakup | 5 Ways To Get Closure From A Relationship

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Do you ever think to yourself, “How to find closure after a relationship?” “How to find closure after a breakup?” “How to get closure from a relationship?”

A question I get asked a lot by women is “How to find closure after a breakup?” and “How to get closure with your ex?”. Finding closure after a relationship breakdown – or worse, disappearance - can be very tough. What if the guy just ghosted without any warning? What if you still don’t know why? How to get closure after a breakup and how to find closure from a relationship when you’ve been left with absolutely no answers or explanation as to why things happened or why the guy is gone?

Giving advice to women on how to find closure after a breakup and how to get closure with your ex is one of the saddest – yet most important – things that I help women with as a dating and relationships coach. If you’ve been left stunned by your breakup – feeling like you have no closure – you’re not alone. Many women come to me asking how to get closure after a break. Finding closure after a relationship or breakup isn’t easy – but it’s so important to take care of yourself and eventually get back on the horse to love again. The question is – how do you do it? How to find closure after a breakup and how to get closure with your ex when they’ve left you cold – no explanations – all your questions unanswered?

Dating advice and relationship advice on closure isn’t just important for you to get closure from your breakup and how to get closure with your ex – it’s important for your soul. Sometimes people leave us on a whim –pulling the rug out from under us, giving us no answers as to what their motives were or why they did what they did. You’re left heartbroken, unable to find closure from your breakup or get closure from your relationship. This video was sad, but I knew I had to make it to show you these powerful ways (plus 2 powerful mindsets) to get closure from your relationship.

In this video from Make Him Yours, I (Mark Rosenfeld, dating and relationships coach) am discussing how to find closure from a breakup and how to get closure from a relationship. I’m giving you 5 powerful strategies to get closure with your ex and get closure after your breakup. This video is extremely important if your goal is to heal, get your questions answered and eventually find love again by finding closure after your relationship.

If you’ve struggled with finding closure after a relationship and not knowing how to find closure after your breakup, this video is absolutely for you. In it, I explain 2 mindsets for finding closure after your relationship and 5 ways to get closure after your breakup, so you can find put your questions aside and get closure from your ex.

This dating and relationships dating advice video is my comprehensive guide to how to find closure after your relationship and how to find closure after a breakup. In it, I discuss 5 ways to get closure after your breakup and get closure with your ex. If you’re struggling to find closure following your relationship, or simply trying to get closure after a guy disappears, this video in the video for you.

Enjoy the video guys! This is Mark Rosenfeld, dating and relationships coach from Make Him Yours!

Mark Rosenfeld is the Australian dating and relationship coach for women and the founder of Make Him Yours, a dating advice and relationship advice service empowering women to find the love they desire.

Please watch: "How To Have WAY More Fun On Dates & Stop Wasting Time On Dating"
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Рекомендации по теме

I wrote a letter to my ex and it definitely made me feel better. I was gonna send it and thought he just doesn't deserve it. He could never tell me how I contributed to his life, why would I spill my guts to him? Someone who cut me off like I met nothing. Re-reading the letter I realize I was giving him way too much credit. I think after a break up we tend to put a magnifying glass on all the good times, the laughs, the affection, the conversations. you think how could this happen we were so perfect. But many times things weren't like that, and in my case we didn't communicate well, there were times with him I felt couldn't be myself and that's a huge problem and stuff I forget about now that we're over. Writing a list of all the "cons" is another big help and reminder that it's best to move on and find someone more suiting.


Mark I really needed this today. It's been 8 months since my break up and I didn't get closure and still love the guy. Trying to close that chapter and move on in life.

Thanks for this.❤️ much love


I showed this to my 18yr. daughter. She needed it. Ty


I really needed this. It's been 10 months since my breakup. I was over the guy in no time because he never really treated me right. Now lately I've realized he left me with a lot of emotional trauma and it's been hard for me to open up to new people. I found out a few weeks ago he had gotten into a new relationship not long after our breakup. This hit me hard since I'm still walking around with the issues he left me with. Now more than ever I all of a sudden needed closure. I threw away everything that made me think of him, deleted his nummer and unfriended him on my socials, I wrote a letter that I will burn and I'm ready to accept it, leave it behind and move on. The weird things is that I thought all this time I already had 'closure', this video helped me a lot because I really needed some advice and it seems I've been handling getting my closure right. I'm excited to see what the future brings.


Sport, sweating like hell and being tired in the evening so that there is not so much time left to think and suffer, that always helped me. Thanks Mark, great video and nice music.


It's rough. I want to move on, and I like another guy now, but he is still in my mind and I can't help but want him back sometimes. :(


Gosh Jermia, that music and your acting together, had tears in my eyes. Think I'll now have a sad feeling associated to that musical piece. I didn't hear a darn thing Mark said, but did notice he looked serious. Have to watch a second time with my eyes closed, to actually hear the message...fantastic job! :) "applause" - Bravo !!!


Thank you Mark, I have been getting over a 31 year marriage, I moved to a new city, got a new job, starting dating and today I started back to school. I also have been watching all of your videos so that I can learn from my mistakes that I made in the past and I won't make them again. I am sure that in time there is a great guy out there for me right now I am working on becoming a High Valued Woman. Thanks Mark you're awesome.


You have to be your own closer. They can’t.


Well done. I loved the way the girl responded, her body language was spot on. This was such a big help thank you:)


Wow...this really hit home for me! This happened to me two months ago and I went through all types of emotions. I was angry, sad, confused, rejected and hurt. I didn't know what happened and he never offered an explanation of why he just walked away. We were following one another on Instagram and when I saw how happy he was without me, it broke my heart. I never asked for closure because I knew deep down he wouldn't give it to me and I have come to find that men don't do closure they just walk away. Now I could be wrong and I pray that I am. I have since gotten rid of pictures, stopped following him on Instagram, and anything else that reminded me of him.
Some of the things that you mentioned I did do so it let me know that I had the right mind set. Each day gets easier. One thing I can say is that I haven't lost me!
Thank you so much Mark for this video and your awesome advice!


Great. So true I definitely agree that closure has to come from you, not from your ex. Best advise about closure ever.


Wow I am so impressed with everything that you had to say it was exactly on point to the point where a girl that's not even have to ask you any further questions you are super amazing thank you


great vid- just wanting to send you a huge thank you. your advice is gold. the chair exercise is great!!!! also did the letter and it helped a lot. you need to cut the cords after a breakup. all the best for you!


I love the part where you say move house or cities. I have set a new boundary, nothing happens at my house because I do not have the luxury to pack up and go. My house is my 'holy' place and I will not allow anything that can upset the balance to happen in my home. This has helped me so many times over and over to be able to move on a lot faster with disappointment.


Really great video Mark 👍🏻
I really needed that kind of advice, I hope I can find closure with these tips


Hi Mark!!! Nice to see you again. Great video.
Goodluck for your next video...


Thanks for your sound and thoughtful advice from the US. I've never watched a relationship advice channel before and find your counsel very thorough and insightful. Modern, never trite and I really enjoy when you dig deeper into the psychosexual dynamics in the different scenarios/circumstances you explore with your audience. Love the tweets from Australian birdies featured in the background too! You are a rare bird Mark! Great work!


GREAT some really good advice!!!! Thank you👍🏾


Great job Mark! What an excellent video. In my opinion tip #5 (take care of ourselves) is, absolutely, the most important of all. Congratulations and thank you! You are so AWESOME :~))))