To Anyone Who Never Got Closure After A Breakup

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The more you search for closure after a breakup, the more you are opening a door for them to fool you that they love you. I hope this video brings you some peace and allows you the move on!

0:00 - Intro
0:22 - Is This You?
0:55 - Why Does It Hurt?
1:13 - How To Get Closure
1:40 - Why You Don't Want Closure
2:34 - Final Thoughts

About Joey Kidney: Hi, my name is Joey and I have a pretty crazy life. I go through the ups and downs, just like anyone, but I share them with the world. Join me on my journey, let's make this life as amazing as it can be. Live to be happy and be happy to live!

If you're reading this far down, hello, you look nice today :)

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I don’t need closure. Him choosing everyday to keep me out of his life is closure.


The sad news is, we don't get the closure we need, when we want it the most.


I thought she was gonna be with me forever, I thought I knew the real her and I do but there’s a side of her that’s new and I don’t recognize anymore. Outside factors have dug her in a hole and her past is still leaving her hurt without her realizing it sometimes. I will never fully understand her past but I always tried to be there for her but when I was changing for the better and needed her most she left me all alone. I don’t fully understand how someone can flip a switch and change in the matter of days and hours but I know God is redirecting me to a place of self love and value. I have nothing but love for this girl and I hope she heals and grows to be the great woman she is and maybe just maybe we may cross paths again. I love you with all of my heart Mack and I hope someday we can tell ours kids our story and how great God is but for now, I have to let you go….


1.5yrs later and that closure still hurts I miss her 💔


"they didn't love you, otherwise they would be here"


It's been over 2 months it was the first relationship where I felt like I truly loved the other person and felt it back. But she ended it seemingly out of the blue so I never got "real" closure. I will be honest it was horrible for those first few weeks but it's gotten better and will for everyone. But every once and a while I get those random memories or see an old picture I didn't delete or she post something that sets me back. But I will get through it and so will everyone else going through a hard time like this


This is another case of the logic/emotion gap. I logically have closure because I have self love and value myself. I know that somebody out there is better suited to me.
But emotionally...the sting is still there, some days more than others. It's only been three months.
Closure can definitely be differentiated into the logical and the emotional, and some people struggle with one more than the other, one to varying degrees at different times, etc.


This really intrigues me how we went from everything to nothing. No communication. I hope you will achieve all your goals and stay happy.


I suppose I’m just writing this to scream into the void.

My boyfriend of one year left me and it’s hit me hard. He didn’t say it in person, he did it over text. Just a week prior to that text he was talking about marriage and kids and a future. And then he left. He said that he was just too busy with college and no longer has time for the relationship, whereas I know he dropped his hardest classes and spent most of his time in his dorm playing video games. I thought I was going to marry that man, I had given him so much of my time and effort and now I realise that it was never being reciprocated. When we did things together, he was always texting his friends. When we went on a vacation together, he ignored me for hours and played video games even though I was in the same room as him and took time off to go on the trip. When I broke down crying and told him I was struggling with my depression worse than I had in over a year, he told me that he didn’t think he could be there for me. While I was blinded by his sweet words, I didn’t see how shallow he really was though the relationship. I didn’t see that he never was truly there for me even though I was there for him at a drop of a hat.
Now I’m trying to move on. It’s only been a few days. I find myself crying a lot, but I don’t know what for really, because I always feel angry and betrayed by him. I’m trying to find who I was before the relationship, but I’m floundering because of all these built up frustrations and emotions.
I’m not really proud of myself. I went head over heels for the first person to show a hint of interest in me (didn’t help that I had a crush on him while we were in middle and high school together). But I didn’t take the time to see if that person was really there for me.

I’m heeling, I really am. For now, I think if I focus on myself, I’ll learn that I’m the only one who can love me how I need.


I cried so much after hearing this. My bf broke up with me on Christmas Day (sucks ik) and he was saying that he wasn't really ready for a relationship and he said he was really in a dark place and just wants to be left alone, he wasnt talking to his family either. I, as a friend and person, supported him even told him that im still there for him even as a friend. I still love him even now. I miss him so much my chest literally hurts as I can feel the pain squeezing me from within. I miss him. I did love him even if he didn't choose me everyday. I was trying to find closure which he couldnt give me because he was that selfish he didnt want to talk about it.

I was praying every day to God for him to help me understand my pain, and then I stumbled upon this video.

Thank you so much. I needed to hear this. Next time I come back to the thought that i wasnt enough and "its because of me thats why he broke up with me' I'll go back to this video. You are literally godsend to me. T___T <3


Thank you. We can find closure in the way a person mistreated us - this is all the closure we need. We don’t need to speak to them because no amount of speaking will change anything or make a person feel better when it’s clear they didn’t want to be with us.


She felt like she was the one, the time spent felt amazing, but her path was different and ended it with no real closure, leaving me broken, confused and full of self blame. I loved her with all my heart and it felt the same, but I had no idea she unhappy as she never communicated anything, thought we were grooving and moving forward. Now I'm down 25lbs in a month, looking forward to a new career and just bettering myself, but still want her with me. I wish her the happiness I couldn't give her and if our paths cross again, hope we can become stronger. If not, I will become stronger and find my happiness. I love you. Hope you're safe and doing well.


i needed this so much. my ex gf broke up with me a month ago and it was very abrupt and it all happened very quick and i had no say in anything. she was the first significant other to tell me they love me and she’s the first person i’ve fallen in love with. i didn’t get a lot of closure and it’s been making it so hard to move on or to do anything because i’m so overwhelmed with feelings of grief and anxiety and depression and i just feel empty inside. thank you joey.


Thank you Joey ! I’m trying to process a breakup from a year ago. Together for 7 years and cheated on me. I finally felt okay until his new gf moved nextdoor this week, and seeing his car every day is breaking my heart. Since then i realize I’m not over him. But thats okay.. I know i’ll be fine and I deserve a lot better


Closure is often times the thing we give to ourselves, FOR ourselves. ✨


We had a messy and complicated break up 5 months ago. It still hurts today and has left me confused. But I'm realizing that my self doubts and questioning isn't going to bring me the closure I need. I did nothing wrong. I loved someone who could never really be loved. And they chose not to be there for me after. It hurts because I thought they'd never be the person to do this to me but this video has really opened my eyes. All our dark moments were actually dark. My mind has tricked me into replaying them minute by minute to analyze everything for what I could've possibly done wrong.

They told me in the beginning they were going to leave but, if they had truly cared for me, then they wouldn't have gone down that path to begin with


“Disinterest is closure”. That was a lightbulb moment. Thank you


I finally got my closure… she said needed space… and went M.I.A on me.. I sent her a “I miss you” text.. and finally got her attention.. she said she had already told me she didn’t want to talk to me.. which wasn’t the case.. and that she can’t have me sending her text because she’s already with someone else.. so that’s my closure.. it wasn’t me.. she was already distracted with some else.. 1.5yrs of connection and communication.. gonna be a tough time for me. Wish me luck.


I don’t think I’ve watched one of your videos without crying thinking about her. Thank you man.


When someone that you truly love and supposedly loves you, leaves you regardless of the reason, the situation and the conditions, make it about you, focus on you, be there for you, think about you, feel the pain for you ... if there is any time to be your main concern it would be this time, you loved from the heart and it was genuine, ik but you need to slowly understand that the person is gone and it's you in your life for yourself once again and you are worthy and capable so good luck🦋
