First Month on Adderall!

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The Adderall vlog is back! My first month on Adderall was very interesting! I had plenty of ups and downs due to lifestyle changes and effects from the medication which are mostly positive! I tried different dosages of the medication and I also speak about how I came across to other people or how my emotions were towards other people in light of it all.

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Two weirdest side effects I noticed on Adderall; could do math in my head, and my handwriting improved.


Ah this is so similar to my experience with Adderall! I just finished my first semester actually taking my ADD seriously and taking meds and building work and life habits. I got my grades back and I legitimately cried. It’s been so long that I felt like I was almost incapable of doing things that seem to be so easy it even mindless for other people. I should have been diagnosed years ago but at least I have this second chance now. Thanks for the vid!


My first two weeks on Adderall and I’ve been more productive than the past two months. Hell, probably more than the past six months. It’s incredible. Literally life-changing. I just wish I was diagnosed 40 years ago.


i’m 20 yrs old and finally took in myself to get diagnosed. I’ve been on the adderall (10 mg twice a day) for about 2 days now and so far I love it. I struggle with focusing issues, whether it be at work or at school or even with my social life, I can not sit still to save my life and if I have to sit still for a long period of time I get super agitated. i’m very fidgety and frantic and feel like i’m talking way too fast and too much. but ever since i started taking it, i feel amazing. I feel calm and collected, when i’m at work and it’s busy, I feel like I have everything under control and i’m not freaking out as much. I talk a lot slower and i’m not making silly mistakes anymore. although my ADHD has affected my school life and I wish I had gotten diagnosed earlier so I didn’t have to struggle so much in school, i believe now that I have the medication to help me, I can go back to school and my life will finally get better :)


This is exactly what I’m going through right now. I still can’t believe I spent so much of my life without being diagnosed. Everything makes perfect sense since I went to the doc. I’m also on Adderall and so far I’ve seen an incredible difference despite all of the horrible things I’ve heard about it. Thank you for the videos and sharing your experience. I hope everything continues to work out for you!


I wanted to go see a doctor for ADD but my dad yelled at me saying ADHD isnt real and i should just stop being lazy.


I'm on day 1 today. I've always struggled with focus and everything that you have described. The last few months I've been struggling at work, social life and with my depression. I was falling behind on work projects, making mistakes and forgetting basically everything. This caused my anxiety and depression to increase tenfold. I started getting panic attacks because my head was just all over the place with thoughts and trying to balance everything. I would just crash and give up and just go to sleep and ignore what I needed to do. After talking to my doctor, I asked my parents if I was ever tested for this when I was younger because it would explain SO MUCH! "YES, but we didn't want you on the medication." I'm 37 now, I can't imagine how differently my life would have been if I had taken ADHD medicine. It makes me sad. Hopefully this helps.


I had to come off adderall when I was pregnant. I’m so glad I’m back on it, bc I actually feel like a functioning parent. I’m able to work full time, spend time with my daughter, and I just applied to Graduate School. I don’t feel like I have to do one or the other and it’s amazing😁


Thanks for posting these videos. I talked to my doctor about what I thought was some sort of anxiety that I've always had. I've always been unable to focus or concentrate very well, especially in.mundane things. I'm so jealous of people's ability to be organized, and just prioritize things and execute those things without being a scatter brain idiot. I'm a carpenter and out of an 8 hour day I probably spend an hour and a half looking for the tool I just had in my hand lol. But anyway! My doctor suggested I might have inattentive ADD. And it was almost a relief! I would love for that to be the reason for my issues and get it treated! To have clarity of the mind would be fantastic


My bro thanks for these vids. I feel this so deep. I just was diagnosed (I'm 37) and had a lot of these experience. Particularly the ones of others not understanding the changes. Keep going man.


I was just diagnosed with ADHD last year. I'm 28 years old and being diagnosed was a huge relief because all my life I've been a screw up (for lack of a better term), and wasn't able to accomplish much. I set up goals, have things I want to do, I used to have amazing grades in school (depending on the class), but as an adult it's been difficult. I'm looking forward to getting medicated especially since I've tried most anything and everything to "fix myself", unfortunately nothing has worked except maybe coffee. the only things I haven't tried is getting medicated properly for ADHD, and illegal drugs. I am not resorting to illegal drugs so my last hope in this is getting medicated professionally. Once I get the right dosage, I will then begin working on my future and career. I'm about to be 30 and everyone sees me as a bum because I've done nothing with my life thus far. This video is definitely an inspiration and motivator for me and I hope to come back to give my full experience as well.


I'm in the process of getting diagnosed. I hope medication will have a possitive effect om me. Switching tasks constantly is really annoying, especially when there is something with a deadline I need to focus on. Also, only half listening at school and missing a lot of stuff is really annoying.


I’m waiting for an appointment with my GP hoping to get an adhd diagnosis.
I’ve went my whole life thinking I was stupid, I could never focus on anything i would concentrate so hard on concentrating! (If that makes sense) I’m a huge multitasker too. I hate doing just one thing even if I have a cigarette I’ll clean the garden at the same time I have no chill. I finished secondary school 2 years before I was supposed to, went to 3 different colleges since and left half way through all of them, no matter how hard I try I can’t learn 😢 it hurts my head and I end up zoning out all the time I can’t sit still, I drink endless amounts of coffee to keep me going..
I can’t wait to feel like a normal person. Thank u so much for ur video it gives me so much hope


Just started 20 mg adderall 4 days ago after being diagnosed with ADD.. Thank you for posting these videos! It's nice to see a truthful and positive point of view on taking this medication. My focus and thoughts have changed immensely for the better and I can actually pay attention to conversations..I'm hoping I can continue on this dosage and not have to increase the mg!


The manner of speech and your demeanor is like night and day from your first day video(in a GREAT way)!! You stay on topic and follow your thought until it's completely described and then transition into the next point or topic of your experience. The medication has also already in one month slimmed you down and you look more rested. I know your journey as I have had to go off my meds for a couple months as an adult and it was not a great experience for me or those around me.


Ooh cliffhanger ending... Glad to see this channel is getting new content! I found you like a month ago and thought you maybe quit YouTube, which made me sad because I really liked your old content


Love your take on the effects of adderall. So easy to find all the ‘DEATH AND DESTRUCTION’ adderall can cause but it’s super hard to find the benefits which there are TONS! My thoughts came together in such an organized way I was finally able to piece together all the information I have within to make a complete thought and pull it out and discuss it confidently. It’s like someone came in and organized and updated my inner file cabinet. Like installing google in my brain 😅. The sleep thing got me at first - but after adjusting to the dose and the figuring out the best times to take the medication it balanced out and I sleep great and feel great during the day! My energy went from being so overwhelmed with all the ‘tabs’ I always had open in my brain so I would zone out to Netflix binging hardly able to get up to just do simple (boring) tasks like laundry and dishes to creating a daily list of tasks and knocking them out before it was even lunchtime. Everything in life comes with the bad the good the ugly etc but for those that struggle - even though I never understood how much I struggled until I started taking adderall and saw how everything just felt like it came together - it’s amazing ….my opinion ❤️❤️


love how you explained it. I struggle terribly. I'm on Adderall xr 20mg. I can definitely relate to what you said about the pick and choose what to focus on. For example, for me I needed to study for a test...before the med I would play on my phone while studying and listening to music. Now I don't want my phone in front of me while I study! I literally get pissed when it goes off lol.


People will only see the changes in you with your accomplishments. So start using that drug to achieve amazing things and and you’ll see people will definitely start noticing.


I am about to get on Adderal in 10 days or so whenever my appointment is so I am excited for life change
