Anti Choking Device - This anti-choking device can save lives

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"My daughter starting to choke the other day on a grape and I realized that I actually had no idea what to do. The Dechoker arrived in only a few days and everything looks great. The unit comes with very clear and simple instructions for use. It makes me feel so much better now that my family’s first aid kit has this in it. I really hope that I never have to use it, but it gives me such relief to know that it’s there if we ever have another choking scare."
What is the Dechoker?
The Dechoker is an airway clearing device that quickly and safely removes obstructions when someone is choking.
Unlike back slaps and abdominal thrusts, the Dechoker uses suction – smoothly pulling the object upward instead of using blunt force. You use it after attempting back slaps and abdominal thrusts (if possible). It’s like a “safety net” for when all else fails.
The device can be used on anyone 12 months old and up – regardless of illness, disorder or other health-related condition. Clinical studies have proven the Dechoker to be 100% safe to use in a choking emergency.
Who needs the Dechoker most?
Despite its recent release, Dechoker is making waves across the world already. Stories have poured in from retirement homes and restaurants, while thousands of homes have been equipped.
Of course, it wasn’t just the terrifying choking experience my mother had during dinner that made me a believer… there’s also real science-backed research behind it. This is exactly why doctors are now strongly recommending Dechoker – especially for anyone living alone, young children, seniors, the obese, pregnant women and those prone to choking.
Because virtually anyone can use the Dechoker, and it can be used on virtually everyone, there’s really no place that shouldn’t have one readily available – at least, now that it exists!